Revenge of The Secret Billionaire Student

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Revenge of The Secret Billionaire Student

By: Sam-crowned Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 33 views: 128

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Alex, a poor student, was treated like trash by everyone. Betrayed by his girlfriend and bullied by his new girlfriend's boyfriend to the point of near death, Alex reached his breaking point. Just when he was fed up with everything, he discovered a mysterious ring that bestowed him with incredible powers. No longer the worthless outcast, Alex Carter has emerged as the world’s savior!

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33 chapters
Chapter 0001 The Bullies
"Does he really think she’ll stay with a loser like him?"The voice cut through the chatter in the hallway, pulling every student’s attention. Alex Carter, walking slowly by his locker, felt the words sting more than the usual sneers and pokes from his classmates. His gaze was fixed on the classroom door ahead, ignoring the taunts and whispers as best as he could."I heard she’s dating the poor loser," another voice chimed in, laced with disdain. "But it didn’t stop Noah from proposing to her."Alex's heart skipped a beat. The “poor loser” could only mean him. His curiosity got the better of him, and instead of entering the classroom, he turned toward the other hallway, where the noise was growing louder.“Say yes! Say yes! Say yes!” The chant echoed through the corridor as Alex pushed his way through the crowd, trying to catch a glimpse of what was happening. When he reached the front, his worst fear materialized before his eyes.“Yes, I will be your girlfriend, Noah.” Janet’s voice
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Chapter 0002 Almost Murdered 
The case of students from upper-status families bullying those from lower-status families was so prevalent at Auguston Comprehensive College that not a week went by without an incident. Today was no different for Noah and Alex.Noah, with his arrogant smirk, couldn’t believe Alex had the nerve to call him a riffraff. This wasn’t just a word—it was a challenge. He had to make Alex pay or risk losing the respect he commanded from the other students.“Battle! Battle! Battle!” The chants echoed through the hallway, growing louder with each passing second. Noah rolled up his sleeves, ready to pummel Alex into the ground. He knew he was stronger and wealthier, and he had the crowd behind him. Victory seemed inevitable.Alex’s heart pounded like a drum in his chest. He knew this was a suicide mission—taking on someone like Noah, who had money and power, was foolish. But Alex couldn’t back down. He wouldn’t let this spoiled brat strip him of his dignity.“Ahhhhh!” Noah charged toward Alex, fi
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Chapter 0003 The Hospital
Alex’s vision was hazy as he slowly regained consciousness. The world around him was a blur of shapes and colors, but gradually, everything came into focus. He was lying in bed with an IV drip attached to his arm. The sterile smell and white sheets told him all he needed to know—he was in a hospital. Confusion washed over him, and he voiced the question burning in his mind.“How did I get here?” His voice was hoarse and strained from the effort of speaking.He tried to sit up, but a sharp pain shot through his body, forcing him back down. Just then, a soft, calm voice broke the silence.“Trust me, Mr. Carter, you need to rest for a few more hours before we can be sure there won’t be any complications.”Alex turned his head slightly, wincing as he did. His eyes settled on the figure of a woman in a white lab coat. She walked toward him, revealing herself fully—a doctor with striking blue eyes and red hair, holding a syringe filled with some liquid.“How do you feel now, Mr. Carter?” Sh
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Chapter 0004 What The Ring is All About. 
The pain seared through Alex’s body, relentless and all-consuming, but it lasted only a few agonizing minutes. He thrashed around the room, his limbs moving as if controlled by some unseen force, as though something foreign was crawling beneath his skin. Then, as suddenly as it began, it stopped. His body went still and unnervingly calm, like the surface of a pond after a storm. But inside, everything was different.Even before the ring had shot onto his finger, Alex had sensed something peculiar about it. Lying on the floor, it pulsed with an eerie energy, almost as if it were alive. The moment the ring attached itself to him, a shiver ran down his spine, as though it whispered secrets that only his soul could understand. His eyes darkened, his sclera consumed by a pitch-black void, and suddenly, his reality shifted.He was no longer in his run-down apartment. Instead, he found himself in a hospital ward, standing unnoticed in a corner. He watched as a couple, radiant with joy, cradl
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Chapter 0005 The New Energy     
Alex stared at his fingers, captivated by the transformation unfolding before his eyes. His nails, once ragged and chipped, now gleamed with an almost supernatural cleanliness. His skin, which had been dull and worn from years of hardship, now shimmered with a vibrant glow, radiating health and vitality. It was as though he were witnessing a miracle—his body rejuvenating right before his eyes."What is happening to me?" he whispered, a mixture of awe and fear tingling in his voice.A strange, almost electric sensation pulsed inside his head, a warmth spreading through his skull. In an instant, it was as if a veil had been lifted—memories that had once been hazy and distant now came rushing back with vivid clarity, as though they had occurred only yesterday. He could recall every detail of his past with newfound sharpness, each memory playing out like a scene in a movie.Simultaneously, he felt his bones growing stronger, the frailty that had plagued him for so long vanishing as if it
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Chapter 0006 Summit National Bank 
The confidence surging through Alex was something entirely new—a heady, intoxicating feeling that filled him with a sense of purpose and certainty. With his father’s memories now intertwined with his own, he knew exactly where to go to claim his birthright.“Summit National Bank,” Alex muttered to himself as he shrugged on his jacket. He could hardly believe that he was about to step into a world that had been beyond his reach until now.For centuries, Summit National Bank had been the exclusive domain of the country’s elite—a fortress of wealth and power. This wasn’t just a bank; it was a symbol, a gatekeeper for those whose influence stretched far beyond mere money. To even have an account there meant more than being rich; it meant belonging to a different world. But now, Alex knew—an account had been created for him at this very bank.Stepping out of the taxi, Alex paused to take in the grand facade of the bank. Its towering pillars and ornate architecture were imposing, almost int
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Chapter 0007 What is Sebastian Southlake Corporation?
Thirty years ago, the Sebastian Southlake Corporation reigned supreme over Southlake City, a titan of industry that every business aspired to partner with. Its influence was unmatched, and securing a partnership with the corporation was a guaranteed path to prosperity. Even today, the legacy of the Sebastian Southlake Corporation holds firm, though the company has been without a president for more than two decades.The reason for this long-standing absence was a tragedy that shook the entire city. Sebastian Carter, the president of the corporation, perished in a horrific fire that consumed his home, taking with it his family. The fire left the corporation leaderless, and since then, only a vice president has managed its affairs. But before his untimely death, Sebastian Carter had left behind a will—a will that foretold the day his only son and rightful heir, Alex Carter, would come to claim his inheritance and assume control of the corporation. The day had finally arrived, and the mer
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Chapter 0008 Sebastian Southlake Corporation
The vault was a treasure trove beyond imagination. Stacks of dollars were meticulously arranged in bundles, but what truly caught Alex’s breath were the countless gemstones—gold, diamonds, jade—all shimmering under the dim light. The sheer wealth inside was staggering, easily worth over a hundred billion dollars.Despite possessing his father's memories, Alex had no idea what the vault contained until this very moment. His eyes widened in disbelief as he took in the sight before him.“All this is mine? This is my inheritance.” Alex murmured, still in shock, struggling to comprehend the magnitude of what he was seeing.Mr. Sterling, the bank manager, was equally stunned. In all his years of managing the bank, he had never encountered anything like this. He knew Sebastian Carter had been an exceptionally wealthy man, but the fortune left behind was far beyond anything he could have imagined. The legacy left to Alex was truly astounding.As Alex tried to process what was happening, he cl
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Chapter 0009 The Secretary Was Shocked
Jake Lawson, the project manager at Sebastian Southlake Corporation, stepped out of the elevator and immediately took in the scene before him. A young man, dressed in shabby clothes, was struggling against two security guards. The situation looked precarious, and Jake's heart raced as he assessed the potential threat. The young man’s appearance suggested he might be a street thug or a common thief, posing a risk to the corporation’s property.“What’s going on here?” Jake's voice cut through the lobby with authority as he turned his piercing gaze towards the secretary.The secretary quickly pointed a finger at Alex. “This man asked to see Madam Ava, sir.”Jake’s eyes narrowed as he looked at the young man. “And why does he want to see Madam Ava?”“I don’t know, sir,” the secretary replied, her tone dismissive. “But he doesn’t seem important. He’s probably here to steal something.”Jake nodded in agreement. Recently, Madam Ava had reported an attempted break-in by some rough-looking ind
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Chapter 0010 Madam Ava Became More Than Shock
In her opulent office, Ava Williams extended a courteous welcome to Alex Carter. Following the late Sebastian Carter's will, which mandated that family members be treated with the utmost respect, Ava offered Alex every comfort imaginable. Despite her warm hospitality, Alex declined everything with a polite smile, his focus unwavering. His visit was not about indulgence; it was about reclaiming his rightful place.As he settled onto the plush sofa, Alex announced, “I am Alex Carter, the son of Sebastian Carter. I’ve come to claim my rightful position as president of this corporation.”Ava’s eyes widened in disbelief. Though she recognized the family resemblance, the news that Alex was Sebastian’s son was shocking. The official reports had declared that all of Sebastian’s immediate family perished in the fire. The existence of Alex, and his claim to the presidency, seemed contradictory and confusing.Fortunately, Sebastian had anticipated such a scenario and had set up a rigorous securi
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