Revenge of The Secret Billionaire Student
Revenge of The Secret Billionaire Student
Author: Sam-crowned
Chapter 0001 The Bullies

"Does he really think she’ll stay with a loser like him?"

The voice cut through the chatter in the hallway, pulling every student’s attention. Alex Carter, walking slowly by his locker, felt the words sting more than the usual sneers and pokes from his classmates. His gaze was fixed on the classroom door ahead, ignoring the taunts and whispers as best as he could.

"I heard she’s dating the poor loser," another voice chimed in, laced with disdain. "But it didn’t stop Noah from proposing to her."

Alex's heart skipped a beat. The “poor loser” could only mean him. His curiosity got the better of him, and instead of entering the classroom, he turned toward the other hallway, where the noise was growing louder.

“Say yes! Say yes! Say yes!” The chant echoed through the corridor as Alex pushed his way through the crowd, trying to catch a glimpse of what was happening. When he reached the front, his worst fear materialized before his eyes.

“Yes, I will be your girlfriend, Noah.” Janet’s voice was clear and resolute. Alex’s breath caught in his throat.

"Janet?" His voice was a mere whisper, yet it reached her ears. She turned to look at him, her eyes cold and indifferent, as if he were a stranger. For just a split second, her gaze faltered, but it was quickly replaced by an icy resolve. The crowd erupted in laughter, their mockery slicing through him like a knife.

“Did he really think he could keep a girl like Janet?” Someone snickered nearby.

“Maybe he should go back to the slums and find someone more his level,” another voice added with a cruel chuckle.

Noah, sensing the perfect moment to strike, stepped forward with a smirk. “Oh, look who’s here—the loser himself. Did you pick up the laundry like I asked this morning?” His words dripped with mockery.

Janet’s gaze swept over Alex, her expression one of pure disgust. Yet, there was something fleeting in her eyes—a hesitation that disappeared as quickly as it came.

Alex felt the weight of humiliation, but he refused to let it crush him. He locked eyes with Janet, his voice steady as he spoke. “But you know this riffraff is a playboy, right? Is this really who you want?”

Noah’s smirk vanished, replaced by a flare of anger. He couldn’t believe this poor, pathetic student had the audacity to challenge him. “What did you just say?” Noah’s voice was low and dangerous. Hence, instantly, he gave a subtle nod to two guys in the crowd.

Before Alex could react, he was grabbed roughly by the arms, held in place by the two goons. Then Noah stepped closer, his fury barely contained. “Say it again,” he demanded, his voice trembling with rage.

Alex didn’t flinch. He knew he was outnumbered, and he might lose this fight, but he wasn’t going to back down. Not now. Not ever.

“Riffraff,” Alex repeated, his voice firm and unyielding.

Just as Alex repeated his words, Noah's fist clenched, and for a brief moment, something dark flickered in his eyes—uncertainty, maybe even fear—but it was quickly masked by his usual arrogance.

He took a step back, as if recalculating his next move. Then suddenly, without warning, Noah drove his knee hard into Alex's stomach.

The crowd gasped as Alex doubled over in pain, but before he could catch his breath, Noah leaned in close and whispered, "You're going to regret that."

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