Chapter 0002 Almost Murdered 

The case of students from upper-status families bullying those from lower-status families was so prevalent at Auguston Comprehensive College that not a week went by without an incident. Today was no different for Noah and Alex.

Noah, with his arrogant smirk, couldn’t believe Alex had the nerve to call him a riffraff. This wasn’t just a word—it was a challenge. He had to make Alex pay or risk losing the respect he commanded from the other students.

“Battle! Battle! Battle!” The chants echoed through the hallway, growing louder with each passing second. Noah rolled up his sleeves, ready to pummel Alex into the ground. He knew he was stronger and wealthier, and he had the crowd behind him. Victory seemed inevitable.

Alex’s heart pounded like a drum in his chest. He knew this was a suicide mission—taking on someone like Noah, who had money and power, was foolish. But Alex couldn’t back down. He wouldn’t let this spoiled brat strip him of his dignity.

“Ahhhhh!” Noah charged toward Alex, fist clenched, ready to strike again. But just as he was about to land the blow, a booming voice cut through the chaos.

“And what do you think you are doing?”

The crowd fell silent. Mr. Harrison, the faculty officer, stood at the end of the hallway, his eyes burning with fury. He knew Noah’s reputation well—reports of his bullying and assaults always reached him, but the dean’s hands were tied by the wealth Noah’s parents brought to the school. However, Mr. Harrison had vowed to protect the weaker students in his own way.

“Both of you, to your classes now!” Mr. Harrison’s voice was like a thunderclap, sending students scattering in all directions.

As the crowd dispersed, Alex caught sight of Janet whispering to Noah. Her words were clear and venomous.

“Don’t worry, we’ll double-cross him at closing hour. You can do whatever you want, then.”

Noah’s smirk returned as he leaned in close to Alex, his voice dripping with menace. “Better watch your back, loser.” He shoulder-checked Alex as he walked away, arms around Janet, their laughter echoing down the empty hallway.


The school day dragged on, but the tension in the air was palpable. When the closing bell rang, Alex’s heart sank. Janet’s words from earlier echoed in his mind. He knew they’d be waiting for him.

But what could he do? Staying on school grounds was dangerous, but leaving was equally risky. Yet he had responsibilities—he worked as a delivery boy to make ends meet, and there were parcels to deliver. He had no choice but to step out.

As expected, they were waiting. Janet and Noah stood side by side, their sneers as sharp as knives. Noah’s followers quickly surrounded Alex, blocking any chance of escape.

“Did you really think you could get away with calling me a riffraff?” Noah’s voice was low and menacing.

The crowd quickly gathered, eager for a show. They cheered, egging Noah on. “Deal with him! Deal with him!”

Janet’s smile grew wider as the noise escalated. She reveled in the attention and in the power she wielded over Alex’s fate. Leaning toward Noah, she whispered, “Make sure to break his arm and leg. A good lesson for him to remember.”

Alex’s blood ran cold. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Was this the same girl he had loved with all his heart? The one he had sacrificed so much for?

Janet, seeing his shock, only smirked wider. She reached into her bag and handed Noah a knife. “Do it,” she commanded.

Noah’s eyes gleamed with cruelty as he took the knife. “You heard her,” he sneered. “Let’s see if you still have that loud mouth after this.”

Alex was hurled to the ground by Noah’s followers. Before he could react, Noah was on top of him, punching his face repeatedly until blood began to pour from Alex’s nose. The crowd cheered louder, their bloodlust insatiable.

Then, with a sadistic grin, Noah grabbed Alex’s arm and twisted it violently until a sickening snap echoed through the hallway. “The joint is broken now!” Noah declared triumphantly.

Alex gasped in pain, barely able to stand. But he knew he had to get away. He stumbled to his feet, ready to flee, but Noah blocked his path, brandishing the knife.

“You running, huh? I thought you had a loud mouth before. Show me what you’ve got, weakling.”

Alex’s mind raced. He knew he had no chance against the knife. As he took a step back, Noah, his adrenaline pumping, misjudged the movement and, in his haste, stabbed Alex in the stomach.

The cheers turned into screams as the reality of what had just happened hit the crowd. They scattered like cockroaches under a light, leaving Alex alone in a pool of his own blood.

Noah, pale and trembling, dropped the knife. “What have I done?” he whispered in horror. Grabbing Janet’s hand, he fled with his followers, leaving Alex to bleed out on the cold pavement, his vision fading to black.

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