The Ultimate Mogul Strikes Back!

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The Ultimate Mogul Strikes Back!

By: South Ashan Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 22 views: 77

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After catching his wife in bed with his boss on the night of their one year wedding anniversary, Jeremiah Garrick also gets news that his sick mother just passed away. Jeremiah is living the worse moment of his life and he contemplates ending it all. However, a number left behind by his mother as her last gift to him changes his life when he calls it. Jeremiah finds out that he is not alone. He is the heir of a family that rules the entire world and with the power bestowed upon him, he makes those who dared to look down on him face the consequences of their actions.

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22 chapters
"Where the hell is my rent, Jeremiah?!" Inside the poorly furnished living room of a one-bedroom apartment, the elderly landlord and his son glared at a young man who had tape, ribbons, and pieces of popped balloons all over his body. "But, Mister Owens, my rent hasn't expired yet and you know that. I still have a week until I have to renew, so why are you hassling me for it like this?" Jeremiah Garrick said with a confused look on his face.The landlord frowned."Did you forget that I gave you a one-week extension when you didn't have the money on time last month? That extension means that you owe me a week and I'm deducting it from the one you have left which means your rent expires today!" Jeremiah's eyes widened."That's not fair! You can't just decide to do something like that without first informing me about it. Even if my wife and I go around town and start begging everyone we see, it'll be impossible to make the rent within the amount of time you're giving me" Jeremiah comp
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Jeremiah couldn't believe what he was seeing. It was like he was stuck in a nightmare and no matter how hard he tried, he wasn't able to wake up. On closer inspection, he realized that the man who was making love to his wife was none other than his former boss and owner of the Ludwig resort, Mr. Paul Ludwig. "What was that—?" Mary asked as she told Paul to hold on a moment and then checked what caused the noise she heard. To her surprise, she saw Jeremiah staring at her infidelity with grief in his eyes, and her mood immediately soured. "What are you doing here, Jeremiah?!" Mary asked angrily as she quickly got out from under Paul and covered herself with the bedsheet. "Mary, how could you do this to me?" Jeremiah sniffled. "Weren't we supposed to be celebrating our anniversary at home, so why are you here, in bed with Mister Paul?" Tears fell down Jeremiah's eyes. “Who the hell are you and how did you get in here?” Paul frowned at Jeremiah. “It’s my useless husband, that’s w
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Jeremiah spent a whole ten minutes lying on the ground, not being able to believe that in less than a couple of minutes he had lost the only person that made him happy. "What do I do now? All the years I put into our relationship, trying my best to make her happy was all for nothing. If only I wasn’t a nobody who couldn’t afford to give her what she wanted—" Jeremiah said but was interrupted when his phone started ringing. "Who the hell is it this time?" Jeremiah grumbled and decided to ignore the call. After a few seconds, the call ended but then the phone started ringing again. Jeremiah got angry that the caller couldn’t take the hint to not call back. He sat up and took out his phone from his pocket so he could terminate the call. He was about to hit the terminate button but looked at the caller ID and his eyes widened. He quickly changed tunes and, instead, swiped to answer the call then he put the phone on his ear. "Good evening, nurse Victoria! I hope everything is alri
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Jeremiah, who tried to cope with what he just heard, chuckled. “I’m sorry, doctor, but I don’t think I heard you properly. You said my mother is what—?“ Jeremiah said, trying his best to trick himself into not believing what Doctor Gabriel told him. Unfortunately, the sad expressions he saw on the doctor's and Nurse Victoria’s faces made it hard. "Doctor Gabriel, please stop joking,” Jeremiah said and then looked at Nurse Victoria beside him. "My mom is fine so tell Doctor Gabriel to stop lying to me. Please" Jeremiah pleaded but all he got from the nurse was the look of pity. "I'm sorry Mister Jeremiah, but as I said, her body was just too weak for the severity of the heart attack. Please accept my condolences" Doctor Gabriel lowered his head to Jeremiah. Jeremiah's eyes widened when the realization of his mother’s death finally sank in. Confused and lost about what to do, he looked at the Doctor and didn’t know what to say back. “I know this doesn’t ease your pain but
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Mary threw the jewelry box on the floor and held the necklace between her middle and index fingers."I said are you fucking stupid? This cheap thing is what you thought a classy woman like me would like? Tell me, Jeremiah, how am I supposed to walk around with this nonsense around my neck?" She asked aggressively and Jeremiah grimaced."But you were singing how much you wanted it not too long ago, which is why I got it. What changed?” Jeremiah asked.“I did! My level has been upgraded, thanks to Paul, and even holding this thing makes my skin crawl. This is what I think of your stupid anniversary gift," she said then walked over to where the trash can was and threw the necklace inside.She smacked her tongue then returned to the couch to get her cardboard box of personal belongings and started heading for the door. "Mary, how can you be this cruel? Can we just sit down and talk about all of this? If not for me then do it for the years we spent together" Jeremiah pleaded but his words
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“I must be dreaming” Jeremiah couldn’t believe what he was seeing and he started slapping his cheek multiple times. “Wake up! Wake up! No way any of this is real” he said as he continued to slap himself, but instead of waking up like he expected, all he got was a hot and stinging cheek. He changed tactics. “Maybe, it’s a mistake from my bank” Wanting to confirm, Jeremiah called the manager of the bank he uses and after a couple of seconds, the phone was answered. [“Hello?”] Jeremiah said hurriedly “Good evening, Mister Victor. This is Jeremiah Garrick, one of the customers of Polaris Bank and I got your number when I opened my account” [“Okay and why are you calling at this time of the night? Don’t you know I was about to go to bed?”] Jeremiah could hear the irritation in Victor’s voice but he understood where it was coming from. After all, even he would be annoyed if someone called him at that time of the night, so not feeling insulted by it, he pushed on. “I sincerely ap
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A victorious smile crept onto his face.He hadn’t felt so alive in his entire life. After reveling in his victory for a few seconds, Jeremiah called his father.“Dad, I just fired Victor so please find a new and respectful manager that’ll take his place. Also, ban him from ever finding work in any of the businesses owned by our family”[“No problem, son. Kingston will be on that with immediate effect”]“Thank you” Jeremiah smirked.[“You’re welcome, son. Now, back to why I called you earlier. Because of the large amount of money you received in your bank account, the money would most definitely be frozen. The account would need to be upgraded before you can access the money and you would also need a better debit card with a bigger spending limit. With that said, can you go to the bank first thing tomorrow morning to get that done? Victor’s replacement would have already been instated and awaiting your arrival”]Jeremiah, who thought he could just use the money that was resting in his
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“Jeremiah,” Mary said with a condescending tone. Jeremiah paused and slowly turned to face them, only to see the belittling looks they had for him. It was like they were looking at a piece of dog shit on the ground. “What are you doing here? I’m surprised a peasant like you has an account with this bank.” Paul said. Jeremiah frowned at him. “What business is that to you?” Jeremiah asked. Paul scoffed. “What a mouth you have. I’m surprised it hasn’t been permanently shut after last night” Paul chuckled. “Jeremiah, what are you doing here?” Mary asked and Jeremiah looked at her. “I’m the one who should be asking you that question. The last time I checked, you don’t bank with Polaris Bank so what could possibly bring you here?” Jeremiah asked. Mary tightened her hold of Paul’s arm, her breasts pressing against his well-defined biceps as she said “Paul brought me because he wants to open an account for me. From today, he’ll be giving me a weekly allowance of ten thousand dollars
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“Harassing him? It’s the exact opposite! I’m the one being harassed here! Can’t you see me on the ground with my clothes ruined? What more evidence do you need?!” He exclaimed but none of them cared for what he said. “Yes, he is. You know how all these beggars behave when you refuse to give them money.” Paul said with a mischievous smirk. “Beggar?” Jeremiah frowned. How dare they call him a beggar? He might have been poor for many years, but he had never begged anyone for money. Not even once in his entire life. They should apologize for insulting him in such a way, but sadly, they continued to ignore him. “We’re terribly sorry for allowing a nuisance like this to inconvenience you, sir. We’ll deal with him expeditiously” the first security guard said. Paul grinned. “Thank you. I’m glad I can always count on hard-working men like yourselves to do a good job protecting the peace of the real customers” “Your kind words are greatly appreciated, sir,” the second securi
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They looked at Jeremiah and gulped as sweat covered their entire face and neck while their bodies trembled in fear. They remembered all the insulting remarks they had made to him and also going as far as laying their hands on him and trying to beat him up. What a massive disaster this was. “What do you want me to do with these two, sir?” Anthony asked Jeremiah. The hearts of the two security guards started pounding in their chests as they realized that their fate was in Jeremiah’s hands. Same Jeremiah who they had just immensely wronged. Suddenly, they both went on their knees and groveled at Jeremiah’s feet. “Hey, look at what’s going on there!” “Why are those security guards bowing to that one guy like that?” “Who do you think he is? Maybe someone very important?” The bystanders stopped what they were doing and watched what was happening where Jeremiah was. “I am terribly sorry for laying my hands on you, sir. I didn’t know who you were and had been convinced
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