A victorious smile crept onto his face.

He hadn’t felt so alive in his entire life.

After reveling in his victory for a few seconds, Jeremiah called his father.

“Dad, I just fired Victor so please find a new and respectful manager that’ll take his place. Also, ban him from ever finding work in any of the businesses owned by our family”

[“No problem, son. Kingston will be on that with immediate effect”]

“Thank you” Jeremiah smirked.

[“You’re welcome, son. Now, back to why I called you earlier. Because of the large amount of money you received in your bank account, the money would most definitely be frozen. The account would need to be upgraded before you can access the money and you would also need a better debit card with a bigger spending limit. With that said, can you go to the bank first thing tomorrow morning to get that done? Victor’s replacement would have already been instated and awaiting your arrival”]

Jeremiah, who thought he could just use the money that was resting in his account, grimaced.

He had already started thinking about paying his rent the next morning but it seems he had a very important task to take care of before then.

“Okay, Dad. I’ll do that first thing the banks open.”

[“Okay, son. Moving forward, anything you want will be handled by Kingston, so whenever you call this number he will be the one who answers.”]

“Kingston? Your butler?” Jeremiah grimaced.

[“Yes. He’s the one who answered the phone when you first called so the two have you are already acquainted. Since that’s all I have to tell you, I guess this is goodbye for now”]

“Goodbye, Dad. Until we see each other in person”, Jeremiah smiled, and the call ended.

Jeremiah couldn’t believe he had a dad and a loving and insanely rich one at that.

Life had really changed for the better.

Jeremiah looked at the room which was in shambles after the rampage he had just had, then he grinned from ear to ear because he was no longer the poor rat that had to live there because he had no other choices.

He was now a multimillionaire.

He stood up from the couch and cleaned the place up before going to the bedroom to sleep.

Because Mary had left him, the bed felt quite lonely, but the fact that he was no longer the person she left— the poor rat with no future— compensated for that.

He slept knowing that tomorrow was going to be a brighter day.

The next morning came along and Jeremiah got ready to go to the bank.

He had a little breakfast, which was the food he and Mary were supposed to eat on their one-year anniversary celebration, and then he freshened up in the bathroom and changed into his outing clothes.

Jeremiah headed to the door and his phone chimed in his pocket from a message he had just received.

He took it out and checked what it was.

To his surprise, it was an unknown number.

Jeremiah grimaced and opened the message.

It was a message from the new manager at Polaris Bank, Anthony Keller, and he was telling Jeremiah that he would be awaiting his arrival.

Anthony also asked Jeremiah what he was wearing so it’d be easy to differentiate him from the other customers.

Jeremiah messaged him back, first congratulating him on his new position and then describing what he wore— a blue shirt with silver pants and his favorite black loafers.

With that done, Jeremiah stepped out of the house, got into a taxi, and headed to the bank.

Once there, he headed for the entrance, but suddenly, he heard the sound of a powerful car engine along with the deafening blaring of its horn coming from the right.

Jeremiah looked in that direction, and, to his surprise, he saw a silver-colored Lamborghini Sian zooming towards him.

The car didn’t look like it was going to stop or try to avoid him, so Jeremiah quickly jumped out of the way and fell on the ground, barely avoiding becoming roadkill.

“Who the hell drives like that?!” Furious, Jeremiah complained and smacked his tongue.

He turned his head to look at the car parking in one of the many parking spaces and, if that wasn’t annoying enough, Jeremiah began to hear murmurs coming from bystanders who saw what had happened.

“Did you see that? That guy almost got run over by that car over there.”

“Yeah. I guess the driver didn’t see him walking there. I mean, if I drove a car like that, even I wouldn’t see a poor-looking person like that guy.”

“That’s life for you. The rich do whatever they want and the poor just have to bear the punches… Haha,”

Jeremiah started to feel embarrassed by the comments he was hearing.

“What nonsense. Being rich doesn’t give anyone the right to behave any way they want”, Jeremiah said.

“I’m going to give that crazy driver an earful—“ Jeremiah said, but to his shock, the person who he saw coming out of the silver Lamborghini Sian was Paul Ludwig and Mary.

Jeremiah’s eyes widened.

Paul wore a white Armani suit with a buttoned-down red inner shirt that showcased how manly his physique was. As for Mary, she wore a yellow Jacquemus dress that accentuated her curves.

The sight of how beautiful Mary was made Jeremiah remember their years back in college.

Though he had very little back then, the pride of having a dame like Mary around his arm when they went through the campus was the best feeling ever, but sadly, those days were over.

That privilege had gone to Paul.

“Wow, what I beauty.”

“I know, right? I’d give ten years of my life to be with a vixen like that.”

“Some guys are just too lucky. Handsome, rich, and having a goddess like that as your woman? How can I trade places with that guy?”

The bystanders gossiped, and their words made Jeremiah’s blood boil.

Jeremiah stood up, turned his back to Mary and Paul, and started dusting off his clothes.

He expected to be ignored by the two people who had stolen everyone’s attention. However, he was surprised when he heard Paul and Mary walking towards him.

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