“Jeremiah,” Mary said with a condescending tone.

Jeremiah paused and slowly turned to face them, only to see the belittling looks they had for him. It was like they were looking at a piece of dog shit on the ground.

“What are you doing here? I’m surprised a peasant like you has an account with this bank.” Paul said.

Jeremiah frowned at him.

“What business is that to you?” Jeremiah asked.

Paul scoffed.

“What a mouth you have. I’m surprised it hasn’t been permanently shut after last night” Paul chuckled.

“Jeremiah, what are you doing here?” Mary asked and Jeremiah looked at her.

“I’m the one who should be asking you that question. The last time I checked, you don’t bank with Polaris Bank so what could possibly bring you here?” Jeremiah asked.

Mary tightened her hold of Paul’s arm, her breasts pressing against his well-defined biceps as she said “Paul brought me because he wants to open an account for me. From today, he’ll be giving me a weekly allowance of ten thousand dollars. Something that you could never do”

She smiled.

Jeremiah chuckled.

“Ten thousand dollars a week? That’s it?” He asked and Mary frowned.

“Like you’ve ever seen that type of money in a month before. If I remember correctly, don’t you make like thirty-five thousand dollars in an entire year, so how dare you speak like you’ve ever known what actual money is?” Mary retorted.

She was beginning to let her emotions take control and not wanting to embarrass Paul, she took a breath and calmed down.

“I can tell you only said that because of jealousy so I’ll let it slide,” Mary said.

Jealousy? What could Jeremiah, who was now a multimillionaire and someone from a very rich family be jealous of?

Jeremiah rolled his eyes.

“Whatever. I came to upgrade my account and get a debit card with a higher spending limit so I can’t be bothered with the two of you right now” Jeremiah said and was about to walk away when Paul suddenly grabbed his arm.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Jeremiah asked as he felt Paul tightening his grip and squeezing his arm.

“That’s what I should be asking you. Upgrade your bank account and debit card. Who do you think would believe such a lie? Where would a mongrel like you get the amount of money that justifies an account upgrade?” Paul mocked.

Paul pulled Jeremiah forcefully and Jeremiah staggered sideways.

All he wanted was to be left alone but these two were starting to become a pain in the ass.

“Don’t tarnish this fine bank with your stench so go back to the sewer you came from” Paul said and then lessened his grip on Jeremiah’s arm.

Jeremiah’s nose twitched and from the fierce gaze in his eyes, it was clear that he wasn’t going to back down.

“I’m not your employee anymore so your days of telling me what to do are over” Jeremiah sneered at Paul and then freed his arm from Paul’s grip.

He was about to give some distance between himself and Paul so he wouldn’t be able to obstruct him as he headed to the bank, but something Mary said caused him to halt.

“Jeremiah, I can’t believe you’re that disgusting” she said and Jeremiah jolted.

“What?” Jeremiah responded.

“Your mother just died and instead of planning for her funeral, you’re here trying to increase how much of her life insurance you can squander. Truly, I’m ashamed that I ever called myself your wife” Mary looked at Jeremiah with revolt in her eyes.

“Life insurance? What life insurance are you talking about?” Jeremiah grimaced.

“Don’t play dumb with me. Your mum died yesterday and you’re suddenly acting like you have money to spend. Do you think I’m an idiot who wouldn’t be able to put two and two together?” Mary frowned at him.

The thought that she thought, let alone said, that he could do something like that made his stomach churn.

Wanting to save as little dignity as he had left, Jeremiah didn’t say anything back to her. He wasn’t going to waste his strength to try and convince her of how wrong she was so he was just going to leave.

Jeremiah walked away but he was wrong to think that things were going to be that easy.

“I said you’re not allowed to go anywhere near that bank!” Paul blocked his path and pushed him so hard that he staggered backward and fell to the ground.

The button of his left sleeve pulled out.

“Look at the cheap nonsense you’re wearing and you think you could just go in there and act like you belong? What a joke. Stay down there where a worm like you—“ Paul said but was interrupted by two of the bank security guards who noticed what was happening there.

“What’s going on here?” One of the security guards asked.

Jeremiah looked at the two men in uniform and sighed in relief.

“Finally, someone who can do something. This asshole has been—“ Jeremiah said but was cut off.

“Mister Ludwig, so it was you. Sorry for not noticing that you were around” the same security guard, who had just asked what was going on, said excitedly.

“Good to you as well, ma’am.” The same security guard greeted Mary and then looked at Paul “What a beautiful lady you have, sir”

Paul smirked. “Yes, she is. How are the both of you doing?”

“We’re doing fine, sir. It’s always a pleasure when you visit the bank—“ the second security guard said, but Jeremiah, who was shocked by what he was seeing, cut them off.

“What’s going on here? Didn’t you see what happened and how he pushed me down? Why are you ignoring it and not doing your jobs?” Jeremiah asked and everyone looked at him.

Suddenly, he saw the two security guards sneering at him with disgust.

“Mister Ludwig, is this guy harassing you?” The second security guard asked.

Jeremiah’s eyes widened.

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