“Harassing him? It’s the exact opposite! I’m the one being harassed here! Can’t you see me on the ground with my clothes ruined? What more evidence do you need?!” He exclaimed but none of them cared for what he said.
“Yes, he is. You know how all these beggars behave when you refuse to give them money.” Paul said with a mischievous smirk. “Beggar?” Jeremiah frowned. How dare they call him a beggar? He might have been poor for many years, but he had never begged anyone for money. Not even once in his entire life. They should apologize for insulting him in such a way, but sadly, they continued to ignore him. “We’re terribly sorry for allowing a nuisance like this to inconvenience you, sir. We’ll deal with him expeditiously” the first security guard said. Paul grinned. “Thank you. I’m glad I can always count on hard-working men like yourselves to do a good job protecting the peace of the real customers” “Your kind words are greatly appreciated, sir,” the second security guard said. “Here… For your lunch” Paul took out two hundred dollars from his pocket and stretched it to the two security guards. Their eyes widened with excitement. “Thank you very much, sir! You’re always so kind” The first security guard said as he took the money for himself and his partner while bowing his head to Paul. “Please enjoy your visit, sir” the second security guard gestured at the bank’s entrance. “Come, babe. Let’s leave these two to take out the trash” Paul said to Mary and both of them started heading to the bank. Now, the two men in uniform could give their full attention to Jeremiah. “You should be ashamed of yourself. Instead of going to work like a man should, you are here harassing hard-working people. Vermin like you make me sick” the first security reprimanded. “Come on, beggar. Stand up!” the second security guard said as he walked over to Jeremiah, grabbed his right arm, and raised him. “Beggar? I’m no damn beggar! As a matter of fact, my family owns this entire bank so you should treat me with respect!” Jeremiah fired back and both security guards looked at him from head to toe. They started laughing. “You? The owner of this bank? Don’t kid yourself, punk” the second security guard mocked. “The lies and games are over, so get out of where before we use force and make you leave” the first security guard warned. Instead, the two received a glare from Jeremiah. “I’m seriously sick of you people trying to use what little power they have to maltreat those they think are powerless,” he said. “What the hell are you talking about?” The first security guard grimaced. “The two of you have less than ten seconds to get out of my way and let me go do my business in there or you’ll regret it” Jeremiah warned Both security guards chuckled. “And what can a weakling like you do?” The first security guard questioned. “Do it! I’d like to see what you think you can do” the second security guard insisted. That was it. They had tested Jeremiah for far too long and he wasn’t going to be merciful. “I warned you but I guess you’ll just have to find out the hard way,” Jeremiah said then took out his still messed up phone from his pocket and called the new manager of the Polaris Bank, Anthony Keller. After a second, the call was answered. Anthony, who had been awaiting Jeremiah’s arrival all morning made sure his phone was on him at all times and he would be mad to allow a fraction of a second to pass before hitting the answer button the moment he saw Jeremiah’s name on the caller ID. [“Mister Jeremiah, good morning! I’m guessing you’re on your way to the bank”] Anthony said energetically. “I’m actually in front of the bank right now” Jeremiah replied. [“Oh you are? That’s great! Please come right in and I’ll come find you”] “I’d like to do that but two imbeciles are stopping me from going in,” Jeremiah said. [“What?! Don’t worry, Sir. I’ll be right there to teach those fools a lesson. How dare they obstruct the owner of the entire bank”] “I’ll be waiting so you better hurry up,” Jeremiah said and then ended the call. Both security guards looked at each other with confused stares then they looked at Jeremiah. “Who did you just call?” The first security guard asked. In response, Jeremiah scoffed and replied “Don’t worry, you’ll find out soon enough” His words angered both security guards and the second security guard punched his fist into his palm in a threatening manner. “You know what? I’ve had it with you. Your arrogance has forced my hands and I’ll enjoy making you regret not leaving when we told you to” the second security guard said then grabbed Jeremiah’s collar and was about to punch him. Just then, the bank’s mechanical doors opened and a blonde-haired man in a blue Tom Ford suit and black leather shoes dashed towards their location. “Don’t you dare touch that man!” Anthony yelled, causing the second security guard to halt his attack and look at him. Anthony was panting and sweating profusely as he ran towards them. Once there, he grabbed the second security guard’s fist and pushed it away from Jeremiah’s face then he grabbed the hand holding Jeremiah’s collar and forced it to let go. Once he had helped Jeremiah get free, Anthony, who was still panicked, started fixing Jeremiah’s clothes, starting with the now rumpled collar. Next, he reached into his pocket and took out his Louis Philippe handkerchief which was worth one hundred and fifty dollars, and started dusting the dirt off Jeremiah’s cheap clothes. “Are you okay, sir? Hope I wasn’t too late” Anthony asked Jeremiah hurriedly. Jeremiah was about to give his answer but was interrupted by the first security guard. The two security guards had been looking at Anthony in confusion because by how sharp and expensively he dressed, it was clear he was someone rich and important, but here he was acting like Jeremiah was a god or something. It didn’t make sense to them because in their eyes Jeremiah was a beggar. A complete nobody. “Excuse me but who are you and why are you helping this guy?” The first security guard asked Anthony. His voice irritated Anthony to the core and it was evident in the face he made when he swiftly turned to him and the second security guard. “Who am I? My name is Anthony Keller and I’m the new manager of the bank you work for. In other words, I’m your boss!” Anthony said boldly and both security guards widened their eyes in shock. Because Anthony was just starting the job that day, a lot of the employees hadn’t gotten the chance to know him yet and these two were among the oblivious. Well, until now anyway. All they had heard from the other staff was that there was a new manager and his name was Anthony, but they hadn’t gotten the opportunity to put a face to the name until that moment. “Nice to meet you, sir! Pardon us for not knowing that you were our boss sooner—“ The second security guard saluted. “Shut your rubbish mouth up!” Anthony yelled and body security guards jolted. They were confused about why their new manager was angry at them. What did they do wrong to deserve his fury? They wondered. After all, they were just taking out the trash from the premises so shouldn’t they be rewarded instead? Glaring at them, Anthony asked, “Do you know who this man you fools tried to hurt is?” Both security guards furrowed their eyebrows and looked at Jeremiah then they looked at Anthony and shook their heads. “This man is the owner of this entire bank! In other words, my employer and yours and you monkeys just disrespected him in the worst way possible!” Anthony said and both security guards’ eyes widenedRelated Chapters
The Ultimate Mogul Strikes Back! CHAPTER 10
They looked at Jeremiah and gulped as sweat covered their entire face and neck while their bodies trembled in fear. They remembered all the insulting remarks they had made to him and also going as far as laying their hands on him and trying to beat him up. What a massive disaster this was. “What do you want me to do with these two, sir?” Anthony asked Jeremiah. The hearts of the two security guards started pounding in their chests as they realized that their fate was in Jeremiah’s hands. Same Jeremiah who they had just immensely wronged. Suddenly, they both went on their knees and groveled at Jeremiah’s feet. “Hey, look at what’s going on there!” “Why are those security guards bowing to that one guy like that?” “Who do you think he is? Maybe someone very important?” The bystanders stopped what they were doing and watched what was happening where Jeremiah was. “I am terribly sorry for laying my hands on you, sir. I didn’t know who you were and had been convinced
The Ultimate Mogul Strikes Back! CHAPTER 11
Jeremiah followed Anthony into his office and being used to what he, as a guest, was supposed to do, he started walking to the guest chair by the desk. “Not that way sir,” Anthony said and Jeremiah halted, groaned then turned to him. He wondered what Anthony meant by that and more importantly, he wondered why the manager was standing in front of another door inside the office but then he saw the truth. “For special guests like yourself, we’ll be using this room,” Anthony said then he twisted the gold-plated knob of the door, revealing what could only be called a lounge for two and at most five people. The place was beautiful and welcoming to anyone who saw it. Surprised that there was such a luxurious room inside the already luxurious manager’s office, Jeremiah walked up to Anthony and both of them walked into the room. Anthony closed the door and Jeremiah took in the premium feeling the room gave. “This is the VIP lounge where our most important customers can sit down a
The Ultimate Mogul Strikes Back! CHAPTER 12
“Yeah. I need a card with a higher limit as well. The one I have will not suffice and it’s also close to its expiration date” Jeremiah said and Anthony nodded. “I’ll get on that right away, sir. Just give me a moment” Anthony said then he stood up from the couch and went to the landline on the wall.He called one of the bank staff to come to the VIP lounge and ended the call before returning to sit with Jeremiah. A couple of minutes later, a female banker with blonde hair tied in a ponytail and pink-framed glasses walked into the VIP lounge with one of the company’s laptops in her hand. She walked up to Anthony and greeted him. “Mister Jeremiah, this is Mercy and she’ll be the one to make the upgrades to your bank account and credit card,” Anthony said. “Good morning, sir” Mercy greeted Jeremiah and the multimillionaire greeted her back. “Can you please provide your banking information like your name and account number so I can make the upgrades you want?” Mercy asked as she ope
The Ultimate Mogul Strikes Back! CHAPTER 13
“Frozen as how?!” Paul yelled.“I understand your frustration, sir, but I suggest you calm down because you are making a noise and disturbing the other customers,” said the banker who Paul yelled at.Paul looked at the other customers and saw the embarrassed and annoyed expressions they had towards him.“What the hell is wrong with that guy? Can’t he address his issues more calmly?”“Does he think he’s in his living room or something?”“And here I was thinking that he was a cool guy, but he’s just a hothead with a loud mouth and what is this about his account being frozen?”The other customers started gossiping about Paul, which infuriated him more and made Mary feel embarrassed standing next to him.Paul turned away from all of them and focused on the banker who he had decided to pour all of his anger on.“Who gives two shits about these other idiots?! I’m a fucking multimillionaire, which means that I’m the most important person in this goddamn bank, so you better treat me like it!”
The Ultimate Mogul Strikes Back! CHAPTER 14
“Jeremiah?” Mary said as both she and Paul looked at him. “Look who it is. The disgusting husband had come to save his whore of a wife. Tell me fool, how on earth did you manage to get in here?” Paul laughed, while Jeremiah looked pissed. Though Mary was a disgusting human being for what she did to him, he still couldn’t stand there and watch Paul do what he was doing to her. He had to step in and put a stop to it. “I think you’ve done enough for today, so let go of her,” Jeremiah said, and Paul frowned. “And who’s going to make me? You?” Paul scoffed “What a joke. Did you forget what happened last night? You’re no match for me.”Jeremiah shrugged.“That might be true, but nobody said anything about me being the one who stops you because there are people paid to do just that,” Jeremiah said, and Anthony arrived with multiple tall and muscular security guards.“I think you’ve overstated your welcome, sir, and it’s time to leave,” Anthony said to Paul. Paul looked at all the secur
The Ultimate Mogul Strikes Back! CHAPTER 15
Jeremiah got out of the taxi, paid the fare and as he watched the driver drive away, he thought 'Maybe I should buy my own car. I mean, I have the money now. All I need is a good enough place to stay with a garage and—' He turned around to face his apartment building and, to his surprise, he saw his front door wide open. This time he was certain that he locked the door before he left, so that could only mean that someone opened it when he wasn’t around. Jeremiah hurried over and checked the lock to see if it was broken, but it was perfectly fine, which meant that whoever opened it had the keys and there was only one person he could think of. The landlord. Jeremiah went into the living room to see if the landlord was still in there, but to his surprise, everything was gone. The couch, table, curtains, television, and even everything in the dining area had disappeared. Jeremiah's eyes widened, then he remembered something and rushed to his bedroom. "No, no, no, no!" With his han
The Ultimate Mogul Strikes Back! CHAPTER 16
Henry pushed Jeremiah away, then he rushed to the floor and tried to help his father. "Dad, are you alright?""No, my waist hurts! I think that bastard has turned me into a cripple" the landlord said and Henry’s eyes widened.He glared at Jeremiah.“You crippled my father you asshole!” Henry yelled and Jeremiah grimaced in annoyance."No, I didn't. How could I have crippled him when his legs are still moving—?" Jeremiah replied, but the landlord cut him off."Shut your trap boy! I said you've turned me into a cripple, and you're going to pay for it!" The landlord yelled.Just then, one of Jeremiah's neighbors rushes to the scene."What's going on here?" The neighbor asked. The landlord saw the neighbor and he smirked mischievously."Oh Denison, my favorite tenant. It's a good thing you're here." The landlord said, and Denison rushed inside. "Landlord, what's going on? Why are you on the floor like this?" Denison asked.The landlord pointed at Jeremiah and said "This bastard beat me
The Ultimate Mogul Strikes Back! CHAPTER 17
The military lady refused to answer any of the questions Jeremiah’s neighbors asked her. Meanwhile, Jeremiah, who was also curious to know the identity of the lady who had just saved his life, asked the same question. “Who are you?” Jeremiah said, but also got no replies. However, unlike his neighbors, her response didn’t look like she was ignoring his question. It was more like she couldn’t answer him at the current moment and would do so when things had settled. Jeremiah groaned and then looked at Henry who was on the floor unconscious, then he looked at the military lady again and was lost for words. Henry was not only more muscular than the average man, but he was also six feet two inches tall. On the other hand, the lady who defeated him in an instant was about five feet ten inches tall. The power to kick someone like him and send him flying for many feet blew Jeremiah’s mind, and he wondered just how much power the woman’s slightly above-average height frame could hold.
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Jeremiah looked at everyone around him, seeing their judgmental faces which matched everything they had been saying about him and he glared at Elizabeth who was the cause of it all. Elizabeth was extremely proud of herself and being able to turn everyone against him. For no justifiable reason, Jeremiah always managed to make her sick to her stomach so getting others to feel the same way she did about him was an achievement in her terrible and mundane life.“What’s going on here?” Jeremiah and everyone heard from behind him and they all turned to look at the person who just spoke.“It’s great that you’re here, madam Deborah,” Elizabeth said, staring past Jeremiah and looking at the woman behind him.“Is that so? Someone should explain what the hell going on here then. Why is the store in such a state?” Deborah said. “This bastard over here came to steal from us and I was just about to call the security to come throw him out like the trash he is,” Elizabeth said, making Deborah shift
Jeremiah groaned in annoyance as Elizabeth was the last person he wanted to see on his trip to a store to get clothes for his late mother’s funeral.‘That’s why the name of this shore sounded so familiar. Mary had told me that Elizabeth worked here some years ago’ Jeremiah thought as he kept staring at the angry saleswoman. “Did you suddenly lose the ability to speak or are you trying to ignore my question?” Elizabeth frowned. Jeremiah exhaled exasperatedly. “If you want to know the answer to that question then maybe you should ask your cousin and not me. I don’t have time for your problems today” Jeremiah said then turned around and was going to walk away. Elizabeth jolted, shocked by Jeremiah’s audacity to think that he could walk away from her without answering her question.The Jeremiah she was used to was a sniveling coward who did everything he could to make his wife happy which included putting up with her and all her family members' bullshit, even at the detriment of his p
The name of the clothing store was Sunray’s Delight and the focus was entirely on women’s clothing which was exactly what he wanted. Jeremiah parked in the front of the store and looked at the sign.He groaned, wondering why the name of the store seemed so familiar— like someone he knew had told him about it before that day. The issue was that he was having a hard time remembering who it was because it either had been a while since he was told about the store or he wasn’t paying much attention when they did.“Whatever” Jeremiah shrugged and got off the motorcycle.If he didn’t remember who told him about the store then it meant that the person and the store weren’t that important.He headed to the store’s entrance, but just as he walked three feet away from his motorcycle, some guy stopped him and asked if he could take a picture with his motorcycle.Jeremiah, who was apprehensive of strangers because of what happened with Eric and Charles looked a little skeptical about interacting
That was the first time since hearing about his mother’s passing that Jeremiah was seeing her.He was too distraught and heartbroken by the news of her death that he hadn’t even gone to see her body the day the unfortunate incident took place— also known as the worst day of his life.Knowing that he was finally going to see the corpse after weeks of shoving it into the back of his mind, Jeremiah had been gathering the confidence and strong mindset for that very moment.However, the sight of his mother, who he loved more than anything in the world, lying cold and lifeless on the morgue’s storage slide table caused tears to run down his eyes.He couldn’t believe that she was actually gone. Nurse Victoria, seeing the droplets of tears that landed on the sliding table the corpse was on, looked at Jeremiah with pity. She placed her hand on his shoulder and with a reassuring voice, said “Don’t worry, Jeremiah. She’s found peace and will be happy with the growth you’ve made since she last
Jeremiah’s next stop on his very important outing was carrying out the first part of a task he had put on hold for close to a month now. It was time to bury his mother after paying thousands of dollars to keep her corpse in the morgue, so his next destination was the hospital. A couple of weeks ago, just after he had started training with Obadiah on how to use magic, Reginald and he had a conversation about retrieving his mother’s corpse from Bakers View and having her buried on the estate.Reginald told him that it was time to have her buried instead of keeping her in a fridge for an extended period of time.After thinking about it, Jeremiah refused the idea, saying it was best to bury her in Bakers View as that was where she spent the latter part of her life before dying. Also, although she and his fake father’s marriage was all a farce meant to keep them hidden from Dark Emblem, it was better she was buried next to him than halfway across the world. Reginald reluctantly agreed,
Charles had known about the fact that a magical item explodes when destroyed because the merchant who he had bought it from told him— more accurately, advised him so he doesn’t foolishly kill himself by messing with the relic. Thinking that Jeremiah didn’t have the knowledge he did, Charles warned Jeremiah about the dangers of destroying the relic when he saw Jeremiah tighten his grip around it.He had witnessed how strong Jeremiah was and had a feeling that although it wasn’t humanly possible, Jeremiah might try and able to destroy the relic by crushing it in his hand— an idea implanted in his mind when he saw Jeremiah tighten his grip on the item. Even if Jeremiah couldn’t crush the relic with his hand, what’s to say he wouldn’t throw it on the ground and try to crush it with his foot? After all, the words Jeremiah said before and right after taking the relic from Charles sounded like that was his intention.It was clear Jeremiah wanted to do something to the relic to stop it from
Jeremiah deactivated the anchoring spell and after checking that all the goons had been taken care of, he looked at Charles whose weird noises drew his attention. His attention was then drawn to what Charles focused on which was some strange looking item in his hand and he grimaced with intrigue. ‘That looks like something that’s made of magic’ Jeremiah thought then he used his senses, which was able to tell the difference between magical items and normal items— just like he did at the welcome ceremony— and he groaned.‘It is a magical item’ Jeremiah thought.Wondering what Charles was trying to do with the item because of the way he was handling it, Jeremiah walked towards where Charles and Eric were standing.“Umm, boss” Eric tapped Charles, who had been so focused on trying to get the item in his hand to work he had stopped paying attention to Jeremiah. “Huh?” Charles said, snapping out of his deep focus and was shocked when he saw Jeremiah walking towards him.Immediately, fea
With his heightened sense of perception, Jeremiah saw all the attackers coming at him in slow motion and exhaled as he got ready to deal with them. He didn’t even bother using magic to handle the situation, thinking of it as overkill for regular humans like them, so he stuck to his fists. He also limited how powerful his attacks were because one strike from him at full power was nothing short of a death sentence to every human in existence. As a matter of fact, a strike from half his strength was enough to kill and that gap was expected to increase the more time passed because with every second that went by the closer he got to regaining his full power from the ring around his finger. Jeremiah treated the twenty goons like how an adult would treat toddlers, using as little strength as possible to subdue them and using their own attack momentum against them. One after the other, he dropped them to the ground, breaking her arms and legs in the process so they couldn’t get up to atta
“My name is Charles Ludwig and your time to pay for what you did to my father and younger brother has come” Charles threatened.Jeremiah was silent for a moment as he pondered his next words then he groaned when he got them. “So your father and brother told you what happened back in Crimson Fall. Did they also tell you just how dumb what you’re trying to do is? You do know who I am, right?” He asked.Charles chuckled cockily and then replied:“If you’re asking me if I know that you’re that man’s son then the answer is yes. I know exactly who you are and you can thank my father for that. My younger brother, Paul was just as shocked as I was when we both found out and he didn’t want to believe it at first but then he thought about it and realized how the pieces fit together”Jeremiah smirked when a thought came to his mind.“That guy, huh? Why don’t you just say the name—?” Jeremiah asked but then froze and widened his eyes as he looked at the goons around Charles “So that’s why. You d