Richard Rawlings (The Invicible Hero)

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Richard Rawlings (The Invicible Hero)

By: Golden Pen Updated just nowFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 11 views: 35

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When a feared sailor, known for his ruthless pursuit of pirates, is betrayed by his lover and marked for death, he must confront a sinister conspiracy that threatens to destroy everything he holds dear. But as he fights for survival, a darker, more ominous force lurks in the shadows, waiting to strike.

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Richard Rawlings (The Invicible Hero) Novels Online Free PDF Download

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  • Golden Pen


    Stay tuned and be ready for an adventure.......

    2024-09-14 05:38:27
Latest Chapter
11 chapters
Chapter 1:- I'm Going To Kill The Useless Richard
Seated in his leather chair, the one-eyed sea wolf gazed callously at the flickering images on the television as it blared with the latest breaking news."Fellow citizens,it is with a heavy heart that I bring you news of a tragic incident on the high seas. A cruise ship carrying prominent individuals, including the daughter of our esteemed president, was recently attacked and seized by a group of ruthless pirates. The situation remains unclear but we can only pray for the safety and swift return of those involved."The words struck him like a cannonball of revelation, sparking a wicked grin across his cruel features. His twisted mind whirred with schemes and plans, for he knew this was an opportunity too tempting to resist."Ahoy, what a mighty fine day it be, a true treasure in and of itself, my ticket to a paradise of plunder and booty, aye!"As the pirate captain mused over his plans, a sudden knock at the door disrupted his thoughts. With a scowl and a crusty voice he yelled,"E
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I Want My Useless Husband Dead
The pirate captain's mind raced with conflicting thoughts as he tried to make sense of Scarlett's sudden arrival and Richard's mysterious reputation. He struggled with the challenge of reconciling reality and humor, wondering if Richard's ghost title was more than just figurative.."if Richard's wife is here,it means this is a plan between Richard and his wife, this bloody bastard is ten steps ahead of me." He wondered."But how can Richard be so mysterious? is he really a ghost?." A sense of frustration and wariness crept in as his mind became clouded with doubt as he pondered over the situation.Finally,he uttered. " So the useless Richard is a puppy after all, sending his wife to do his dirty business. He's truly a coward."The pirate captain's tough disposition was immediately evident in his unwavering stance and piercing gaze. His rugged features and weathered skin bore testament to countless storms and battles,each one etching it mark on his hardened countenance.The air around
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Chapter 3:- I Love My Wife
MISSISSIPPI RIVER,South Beach Biloxi Hotel.Richard Rawlings sank deeper into the cool waters of the hotel's swimming pool, feeling the tension in his muscles easing, his eyes closed as he soaked up the sun's warm rays. suddenly, he heard a splash and opened his eyes to see a stunning woman in a bikini entering the pool. Her curves and beauty left him breathless.As she swam closer, he recognized her as Kate Spencer, the daughter of his mentor Admiral Rachel Spencer. He had once been deeply in love with her daughter,dated for a while until Scarlett came between them.Richard felt a surge of attraction, his pulse racing as Kate drew closer. Her tantalizing figure and charming smile tested his self control.Kate seemed oblivious to the effect she had on him, swimming closer with a bright smile."Hi Richard, enjoying the pool?" Richard's heart skipped a beat when he heard her voice,a voice that had once filled him with desire. "Kate... I didn't know you were around," he said trying
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Chapter 4:- War Is Coming
Richard turned his attention to his mentor sitting before him with a glass of wine in her hand.Rachel Spencer was clearly seasoned with age, her powerful eyes and bright smile revealed strength and experience. Her striking beauty, like that of her daughter Kate, concealed the authority in her voice."Richard, I'm sure you're aware of the tragic kidnapped case of the president's daughter." Rachel said as she looked solemn."Given your position and skills,I would like to know if you have any thoughts on who might be responsible for this heinous act."Richard's eyebrows furrowed as he critically weighed his options before speaking.."It's a tricky one Admiral, but the president's daughter wasn't the only dignitary on that cruise ship, other high ranking daughters of great politicians were also on that ship."His voice cautious but firm. "The presence of multiple high profile targets on that ship suggests a more intricate plan than a mere ransom.""Tell me why you think this was all plan
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Chapter 5:- Die Or Cry
Richard turned his head at the sound of a faint creak, his eyes widening in horror as he registered the glaring axe hurling towards him.His body reacted faster than his mind as he darted sideways, narrowly avoiding the axe's deadly impact. The weapon sunk into the mattress with a thud, its blade biting deep into the bed's fabric.A low growl erupted from the assassin's mouth, his eyes flashing with fury."Bloody bastard, I was trying to be nice by giving you a swift death, now I have to kill you slowly."Richard's fingers found the pistol tucked into his waistband in an instant. With lightening speed,h fired a handful of shots at the assassin with precision.But to Richard's horror, the assassin remained steady, seemingly unfazed by the gun nor its bullets as he suffered no damage.A sinister smile stretched across the assassin's face, his eyes flashing with a creepy glow."Sorry to disappoint you Richard, bullets can't harm me, I can't be killed."The assassin's confident words sen
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Chapter 6:- The Sting Of Betrayal
Richard slammed his laptop shut, his hands trembling with rage and grief as he walked towards the door."What do you want?" he barked, his voice rough and raw with pain.Scarlett walked in with a mix of disappointment and frustration on her face."Richard, are you alright?" But the real question on her mind was "Richard, aren't you supposed to be dead?"Richard opened his mouth to respond but he stops abruptly when a thought crossed his mind."What if there's a bigger picture? What if this is far beyond cheating?""Don't leave me in the dark Richard, why are you quiet? Tell me, what's going on?" Scarlett asked, feigning concern.Richard stammers, "no-no- nothing, I'm all good, just exhausted I guess, I didn't mean to rattle you." He clenched his fists in anger as he tried to masks his rage."I'm not buying this Richard, you don't look good and i can see stitches on your arms, what happened?" Scarlett asked while at the same time wondering how Richard was able to escape the assassin."
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Chapter 7:- Skullers
"My Lord, since the pact between you and the aliens was forged, you have refused to use their power openly." One of the 12 elders of Skullers group spoke, addressing their leader with a hint of fear and curiousity.Elder 2 spoke, "My lord, may i inquire what date you intend for the president's daughter now in the aliens custody?"The deep voice from the throne boomed, the leader of the Skullers group sneering, "The president's daughter is mere collateral, a pawn in my grand design. Perhaps, I shall offer her to the aliens as a sacrifice or a breeding vessel to produce new warriors for my empire."Elder 1, feeling ignored, pressed on, "My Lord, I implore you, let us emerge from the shadows and unleash a global assault, catching our enemies off guard. The time for subtlety is over."The Skullers leader's fury was kindled, his voice thundering, "You dare question my authority? I am Baldur the Scourge, no one dares question my rule."Elder 1 was about to speak, but before he could utter
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Chapter 8:- The Voyage
"Attention all passengers, the ship departs in 10 minutes. Find your cabin, keep your luggage, and get comfortable for the voyage." The female cruise director announced with a warm smile as she glanced at her watch.Richard slumped into the leather chair in the control room while he stared at the vast blue ocean right in front of him, replaying the words his father had spoken to him earlier."I was a notorious pirate Richard, but your mother..." he paused, "Your mother was a powerful mermaid. I met her on one of my voyages, it was love at first sight."Richard's thoughts swirled like the ocean currents. "If my mother was a mermaid, that makes me... a half Mer." He whispered the wordsHis eyes widened, " I'm a fucking mermaid??""Merman is the right word sir, mermaid is feminine and yes, you really look like a merman, you're very handsome." The lady said with a sheepish smile, having overheard Richard's words.Richard's face flushed, his eyes snapping back to reality. " Uh, thank you,
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Chapter 9:- The Battle Of Sea Lords
The sound of several speed boats vibrated through the ocean as the occupants fired gunshots at Richard's ship. The boats kept swapping course as they eagerly pursued the ship A wicked grin sat on their faces as they chorused "Ahoy! Ahoy! Ahoy!" "Catch the bastard, we want Richard Rawlings head on a plate!" "Ahoy! Ahoy! Ahoy!" "Catch the bloody bastard, we want his skull on display!" Their united chorus was interupted when a sniper's bullet hit one of the pirates head A sinister smile appeared on Richard's face as he cocked his rifle, laying on his stomach on the ship's deck. "You want my head?" he taunted. "Come get it, dickheads." One of the pirate quickly scanned with his binoculars to see who took the shot. "Hahahahaha" he laughed, revealing his disfigured teeth. "I see him." He pointed. "The bloody bastard thinks he's in charge." Another pirate snatched the binoculars, "Give me." He checked "It is him." He laughed, "Sea wolf is going to love thi
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Chapter 10:- An Eye For An Eye
"Now that we have Richard Rawlings as our prisoner, I suggest we cook him and eat him." One of the pirate suggested as they feast in a round table, celebrating their victory."Hahahahaha." The other crew mates chorus in laughter"He called us dickheads, didn't he? I say we feed his dick to the dogs." They laughed hard again as they drank wine on a round table."Before we kill him, I say we strip him naked and take selfies with him, post it on all pirate group chats." Laughter poured in hard as they sat watching Richard still unconscious,tied up to a pole.News of Richard's capture circulated like wildfire among the pirates in different regions and they soon started pouring in to see the famous Richard Rawlings..While the pirates laughed and made mockery of Richard, a man walked in and a cloud of silence fell on the crowds.They all stood up as the one eyed pirate walked towards them"Sea Wolf is here," They murmured among themselves."Wake him up." Sea Wolf commanded.One of the pir
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