I Want My Useless Husband Dead

The pirate captain's mind raced with conflicting thoughts as he tried to make sense of Scarlett's sudden arrival and Richard's mysterious reputation. He struggled with the challenge of reconciling reality and humor, wondering if Richard's ghost title was more than just figurative..

"if Richard's wife is here,it means this is a plan between Richard and his wife, this bloody bastard is ten steps ahead of me." He wondered.

"But how can Richard be so mysterious? is he really a ghost?." A sense of frustration and wariness crept in as his mind became clouded with doubt as he pondered over the situation.

Finally,he uttered. " So the useless Richard is a puppy after all, sending his wife to do his dirty business. He's truly a coward."

The pirate captain's tough disposition was immediately evident in his unwavering stance and piercing gaze.

His rugged features and weathered skin bore testament to countless storms and battles,each one etching it mark on his hardened countenance.

The air around him was thick with the scent of ocean spray and the lingering memory of explosive encounters,a reminder of the battles he had fought and won.

"Captain, it seems i am misunderstood, Richard didn't send me here, my presence here is entirely of my own volition."

As Scarlett spoke,a glint of amusement danced in her eyes, similar to a tiger stalking its prey.

Despite the tension in the air,she seemed to take pleasure in the captain's confusion, savoring the uncertainty of their exchange with a subtle yet unmistakable thrill.

Her demeanor exuded a sense of cool confidence,as if she was undisturbed by the challenge of convincing the skeptical captain to listen to her. Her measured response, combined with the glimmer of excitement in her gaze, suggested a calculated strategy.

"Really? so you came here without Richard's consent, do you intend to convince me to spare his life? Afraid of becoming a widow?"

"I am not here to talk about sparing Richard's life..." "on the contrary, I came to seek your service. I'm well aware of your skills and strength are unmatched in these treacherous waters.

The pirate captain's intrigue spiked as he tried to make meaning of what he just heard in his mind

"who really is Scarlett?" he pondered,

"first of all, she's bold enough to walk into my domain, dismisses all my assumptions, claims to be the wife of a bastard i want to kill, and now seeks my services. what would the wife of a naval captain need the services of a pirate for?"

"Alright, if you're who you claim to be, it kinda sounds ironic that you would need my services but let's cut to the chase, what do you want?"

"To begin with, I would like to offer you a fortune of 100 million dollars to gather more fire power and arsenals on your raid against my useless husband's ship."

The pirate captain's eyes widened with shock and excitement, struggling to process the absurdity of the offer.

He couldn't believe what his ears just heard

"I didn't hear you clearly ma'am, you're offering me 100 million dollars to raid your husband's ship?"

"Yes Captain, you heard me clearly."

"Let's say I believe this crap, what makes you think I fucking need your help to raid Richard's ship?? The estimated valuables on Richard's ship is worth billions of dollars, why should I accept your offer?? I'm no fool,I know there's always a catch."

" I'm well aware of your formidable reputation as the Sea Wolf, you're a king on the oceans and a prince on land, you've successfully raided over 200 ships and scaled past terrific storms, but lest you forget, may I remind you that the reason one of your eyes is bad is because of Richard's Father, who undoubtedly has taught Richard secret passage ways on the ocean"

"Richard's Father sneaked into your ship, recovered precious stones you stole and left his signature on your ship by plucking out one of your eyes. Do you really think you stand a chance against his son on your own? Do you even know how to track him on the ocean?"

"I admit, that bastard is damn hard to track on the ocean, perhaps you know his bloody secret passage across the high seas. But make no mistakes, even with your grand offer and knowledge of his routes, I'll not be fooled into believing you've got no interests at heart.

Until I know what's in it for you, i'm keeping my guards up."

" I understand I have given you no grounds to trust me. I am the daughter of a very prominent figure, we belong to a secret group called the 'SKULLERS'. We have deep connections that spreads across various sectors that allows us to manipulate anything in our favor."

" I'm directly in charge of providing financial aids to pirate mercenaries to carry out secret missions. We have enjoyed massive maneuvers on the ocean, amassing riches through our deals with pirates."

"Few years ago, Richard Rawlings came on the scene and gave out information about the secret routes of pirates to the government. The government waged war against pirates on the seas. Their unrelenting pursuit of pirates meant great loss for Skullers, killing him was difficult,so we devised a strategy to get him. I cunningly played the damsel in distress and that eventually led to our marriage."

The captain's eyes widened in shock as he absorbed Scarlett's revelation.

He had heard about the powerful skullers group and their involvement in piracy.

Despite his surprise,his mind raced, calculating the potential advantages skullers could offer him. The promise of a powerful ally was enticing,his greed battling his caution.

He weighed his options carefully until his mind was made up.

"I must say, Scarlett, your cunning ways is as sharp as a hunter's blade. I'm quite impressed. Yet, I can't help but wonder if I'm simply playing into your hands like a hapless mouse caught in a snare."

"Well,the lure of skullers might is a tempting treasure,one that even a cautious captain like myself would be a fool to refuse."

"So, Mrs Skull, what's the plan? how do you want me to kill your husband?

With a witty grin of victory, Scarlett replied.

"Captain, I want my husband dead as much as you do, so this is the plan...." "There's a region in the North Atlantic ocean called the 'Sargasso sea', this is where you must wait for the ship. I will send you the coordinates."

"Lastly, I have every reason to believe Richard Rawlings might be dead before you get to attack his ship."

Unable to contain the joy bubbling up in his heart, the pirate captain smiled. " Sargasso sea you say? The ghost rider won't know what's about to hit him."

His joyful laughter faded quickly as he pondered on Scarlett's last statement.

"What do you mean by might be dead?"

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