Chapter 4:- War Is Coming

Richard turned his attention to his mentor sitting before him with a glass of wine in her hand.

Rachel Spencer was clearly seasoned with age, her powerful eyes and bright smile revealed strength and experience. Her striking beauty, like that of her daughter Kate, concealed the authority in her voice.

"Richard, I'm sure you're aware of the tragic kidnapped case of the president's daughter." Rachel said as she looked solemn.

"Given your position and skills,I would like to know if you have any thoughts on who might be responsible for this heinous act."

Richard's eyebrows furrowed as he critically weighed his options before speaking..

"It's a tricky one Admiral, but the president's daughter wasn't the only dignitary on that cruise ship, other high ranking daughters of great politicians were also on that ship."

His voice cautious but firm. "The presence of multiple high profile targets on that ship suggests a more intricate plan than a mere ransom."

"Tell me why you think this was all planned." Rachel said with her gaze fixed on Richard, anticipating what he is about to say.

"Admiral, consider this: a total of 132 people were on that ship, 20 crew members, 100 security personnels and 12 daughters of great politicians.

Dead bodies of 120 people were littered on the ship, only 12 were taken as captives, the timing of the attack was too precise.

Richard paused, allowing his words to sink before proceeding.

"Someone very influential and powerful and powerful from the political sector orchestrated this set up and attack, while the mercenaries involved has to be pirates."

Rachel nodded, her expression grave as she considered Richard's assessment.

" Oh Richard, I wish you were right but the situation is more complex than that. Pirates have no involvements in the abduction of these ladies, no pirate will be stupid enough to draw that kind of attention to himself."

Richard's face betrayed a flicker of surprise as he absorbed Rachel's words. "Then ... who?" he asked, his mind racing through possibilities.

"who would have the resources and influence to carry out such a plan without detection?"

Rachel leaned forward, looked around to make sure nobody's eavesdropping on their conversations.

"ALIENS!!! ALIENS are behind it." A cloud of sadness descended upon her face. " I fear an apocalypse is upon us."

Richard chuckled in disbelief, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "You've got to be kidding me Admiral," he shook his head "Aliens?" he gave her a playful grin, but his expression grew serious again as he continued.

"I mean, I respect you ma'am, but that's not possible."

"Oh Richard, you've always been a doubting Thomas, but believe me, the truth will be out in no time. Infact, you'll soon discover the truth about yourself." She smiled knowingly, her expression brimmed with understanding.

Richard's eyes searched hers, his voice tinged with curiousity and intrigue.

"What truth about myself are you talking about Admiral?"

"Richard, I must __" Rachel was cut off by a soft melodious raining sound from her desk

"Excuse me a moment." She said, pressing a button on the device. "Yes, Rose?" she inquired.

The other voice on the other end of the line replied,

"I'm sorry to interrupt ma'am, but the Minister of Defense is here to see you."

"Oh! thank you."

She turned to Richard. "I'm sorry Richard, it appears our discussion will have to be put on hold. The Minister of Defense has a pressing matter that requires my immediate attention.

I trust you can find your way out, we will speak again soon, and perhaps,I might tell you everything you need to know."

She gave him a nod of dismissal and Richard took his leave, his mind swirling with questions and doubts.


Richard flopped down onto his hotel bed, the soft mattress welcoming him after a long day of inquires and revelations. Despite the luxurious surroundings, his mind was in turmoil, images of Kate, the abducted women and his conversations with his mentor swirled in his head, making it difficult to relax.

The phone's ringing shattered the silence, jolting Richard out of his trance. He checked the caller ID and sighed, it was his wife - Scarlett, he answered the phone


"Hi Rich,how are you doing?"

"I'm fine love, just resting."

"I'm sorry to bother you Rich," Scarlett said with a sober voice, "but there's something I want to talk to you about.

"You're my wife Scarlett, you can talk to me about anything. How about you come to my hotel room so we can talk and have some steamy sex."

"Oh, smooth Rich," Scarlett said with a laugh. "I'll be there soon enough."

Richard hanged up with a smile on his mouth as he began to visualize different ways he would shift her womb. His pulse quickened and he could feel the heat rising in his body as he thought about how he would make her scream his name.

Richard was lost in his fantasies, oblivious to the world around him. Somewhere in the room, hidden in the shadows, death was waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

A pair of eyes followed his every move, the assassin knew Richard mind was distracted and vulnerable.

The assassin creeped quietly to Richard's bed and with a swiftness born of years of training, the assassin swung an axe with deadly precision, its blade whistling through the air towards Richard's unsuspecting skull.

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