Chapter 6:- The Sting Of Betrayal

Richard slammed his laptop shut, his hands trembling with rage and grief as he walked towards the door.

"What do you want?" he barked, his voice rough and raw with pain.

Scarlett walked in with a mix of disappointment and frustration on her face.

"Richard, are you alright?" But the real question on her mind was "Richard, aren't you supposed to be dead?"

Richard opened his mouth to respond but he stops abruptly when a thought crossed his mind.

"What if there's a bigger picture? What if this is far beyond cheating?"

"Don't leave me in the dark Richard, why are you quiet? Tell me, what's going on?" Scarlett asked, feigning concern.

Richard stammers, "no-no- nothing, I'm all good, just exhausted I guess, I didn't mean to rattle you." He clenched his fists in anger as he tried to masks his rage.

"I'm not buying this Richard, you don't look good and i can see stitches on your arms, what happened?" Scarlett asked while at the same time wondering how Richard was able to escape the assassin.

"Scarlett, tell me, what do you know about skullers?" His eyes locked on hers.

Scarlett was shocked to her marrows, but she quickly regained composure.

"Skullers? What connection does that have to do with our current topic?"

"Answer the question Scarlett" Richard's eyes blazed with impatience. "what do you know about skullers?"

"Why would you think i know something about skullers Rich?"

"You're a political consultant, perhaps one of your political client might have mentioned something about skullers, i need to know."

Scarlett's expression remained neutral, her voice firm.

"I'm afraid I know nothing about the skullers. I've never heard of them and I'm not aware of any information that could be relevant to your.... inquiry." Her gaze steady and unyielding, giving nothing away.

Scarlett's eyes narrowed, "There's something going on here that you're not telling me, over the phone, you sounded so lovely, talking about having a steamy sex. You should be happy to see your wife, but clearly, you're not."

Richard laughed, "Steamy sex? really? That's very thoughtful Scarlett." He said, sounding sarcastic.

"Enough of this Richard, you cannot treat your wife this way, perhaps you want me to leave? is that what you want?"

Richard's expression turned cold,

" With immediate effect please."

"Fine, if that's what you want," she took a step closer, her eyes flashing with anger. "But note this, you can't fool me, something is eating you up, you're avoiding the real issue, I know you too well."

"The only issue we have right now, is that you need to leave."

Scarlett chuckled, "You know what Richard, I'm filing for divorce."

Richard sneered, " If that's what you want, it's fine, i don't care, just leave."

Scarlett was stunned by Richard's expression, she wanted the thrill of seeing Richard in pain.

"Is that all you have to say Richard?" she asked



"The door." Richard pointed his finger at the door as he spoke.

Scarlett walked towards the exit, she paused at the door, "See you in court Richard, and good luck on your travels." She walked away.

Tears welled up in Richard's eyes.

"Was she ever inlove with me?"

He broke down in tears.

"How could she do this to me? why couldn't i see this coming?"

Richard's mind raced, replaying Scarlett's words. His grief swiftly transformed into anger.

"Why was she shocked when i mentioned Skullers?" He thought aloud,

"Is she connected to...?" He paused, his eyes widening in disbelief. "No way, it's not possible."

But the seed of suspicion has been planted, and Richard's thoughts began to spiral down a dangerous path.

Richard had a sleepless night and as soon as dawn broke, he embarked on a three hours drive to ADX Florence, a facility notorious for housing the world's most dangerous criminals.

"How can i help you?" A female prison guard requested.

Richard hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal.

"I'm here to see a prisoner, I was told i need to check in with you first."

The female guard raised an eyebrow.

"Which prisoner?"

He took a deep breath.

"Douglas Sparrow."

The guard's expression turned stern.

"Sparrow? You mean the Douglas Sparrow? Who are you?"

"I'm Richard Rawlings."

"Can I see your ID please?" She asked, wondering why any sane person would want to see Douglas.

Richard showed her his ID and she immediately led him to the visitation area where prisoners are brought to meet their visitors.

Douglas Sparrow was led in by prison guards, his hands and legs shackled with heavy chains. Upon sighting Richard, he smiled as he took his seat.

"The prodigal son returns." Douglas said, his voice filled with a mix of sarcasm and gravity, his serious look piercing through the thick glass separating them.

A soft exasperated exhale escaped Richard's mouth.

"I don't have time for father-son conversations dad, so i'm going to cut to the chase. I need your help."

"You're just like your mother Richard." Douglas sighed, pretending to be hurt by Richard's cold demeanor, but his eyes reveals a glint of amusement.

"Tell me everything you know about Skullers," Richard urged, his eyes locked intensely on Douglas. " I fear they're up to something big and i need to stop them."

"Ooh, poor Richard, always trying to be the hero." Douglas sneered, his eyes gleaming with a knowing intensity.

"Well, for starters, Skullers are the reason behind your mother's death." He paused, watching Richard closely for his reaction.

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