Chapter 7:- Skullers

"My Lord, since the pact between you and the aliens was forged, you have refused to use their power openly." One of the 12 elders of Skullers group spoke, addressing their leader with a hint of fear and curiousity.

Elder 2 spoke, "My lord, may i inquire what date you intend for the president's daughter now in the aliens custody?"

The deep voice from the throne boomed, the leader of the Skullers group sneering,

"The president's daughter is mere collateral, a pawn in my grand design. Perhaps, I shall offer her to the aliens as a sacrifice or a breeding vessel to produce new warriors for my empire."

Elder 1, feeling ignored, pressed on,

"My Lord, I implore you, let us emerge from the shadows and unleash a global assault, catching our enemies off guard. The time for subtlety is over."

The Skullers leader's fury was kindled, his voice thundering, "You dare question my authority? I am Baldur the Scourge, no one dares question my rule."

Elder 1 was about to speak, but before he could utter a word, a blinding lightning bolt shot from Baldur's outstretched hand struck him with incredible force, suspending his body in mid air as he shakes uncontrollable, his cries of agony echoed through the chamber.

Baldur stood, his imposing frame towering at 8 feet tall, he strode towards Elder 1 with an unnerving calmness. His voice filled with malevolence as he growled.

"I granted you the gift of immortality, but don't think it makes you invulnerable to my wrath. Utter one more word of defiance and i'll tear your heart from your chest, ending your eternal life in an instant."

Elder 1 was instantly released from the lightning's grasp, his body crumpling to the ground with a faint groan. He lay there, helpless and unconscious.

Baldur's palms slammed onto the council's table, his eyes blazing with malevolence as he decreed

" I want a global invasion on all continents. Annihilate every political leader, leave none standing. Unleash the alien armies, let them ravage the world with fury. let the screams of flesh and blood echo across the globe, and the apocalypse unfold in all its horror."

The elders erupted into a chilling chorus of cheers, their voices echoing through the chamber in a thrilling crescendo of triumph.

"Victory! Victory! Victory!" they chanted in unison, their eyes aglow with fervor.

Baldur's gaze fixed on a warrior, his voice low and menacing. "Summon the chief assassin to me now."

The guard hesitated, but before he could move, Elder 7 burst forth from his seat, prostrating himself before Baldur.

"My Lord, I bring grave news." He whispered, his voice trembling. "The Chief assassin has fallen. Death has claimed him."

Baldur's eyes narrowed in disbelief. "Impossible, my warriors are invincible, they're beyond the reach of mortal weapons. Tell me how he died?"

Elder seven's voice trembled as he spoke,

" I fear to utter these words my Lord, but he was killed by a mortal hand, wielding a mortal weapon."

A cloud of bewilderment shrouded the elders, their faces etched with shock. They exchanged stunned glances.

Baldur's expression remained skeptical.

"Do you have a witness to support this outlandish claim? someone who can attest to the chief assassin's demise at the hand of a mere mortal? Produce them or risk losing your tongue."

Elder seven's shoulders slumped in relief as he revealed, "I do have a witness lord Baldur, my daughter can attest to it."

"Bring her to me." Baldur commanded as he settled into his throne like chair.

"I would hear from her own lips before i execute my judgement."

The grand doors opened and Scarlett Rawlings stepped in, her graceful figure commanding attention. Her beauty was mesmerizing, a potent force that even Baldur couldn't help but acknowledge.

He stared at her with an unspoken intensity.

"I have been on Earth for a thousand years, but i have never beheld a beauty such as yours."

Scarlett's voice was subtle, her words carefully chosen. "You flatter me lord Baldur. I am but a humble mortal, unworthy of such praise. Yet, i am at your service."

Baldur's hand gestures lazily, "Go on, my little princess."

"I entreated the services of the chief assassin to rid me of an irritating pest that has outlived its usefulness. But, in a surprising turn of fate, the pest proved to be more resilient than expected."

"And who might this pest be?" Baldur requested.

"My husband, Richard Rawlings."

"Send two shadow hunters to bring me Richard Rawlings head. If he manages to escape death this time, then I shall deal with him myself. But bear this in mind, little princess, it's going to cost you."

"I'll do anything you want Lord Baldur."

"Once your pest is dead, you will be mine, I'll make you queen of my empire."

Scarlett opened her mouth to respond when a loud bang hit the grand door open. One of the alien elders strode in, his long legs devouring the distance. He sneered, looking at Baldur with disdain. The guards dared not stop him as he walked majestically towards Baldur.

At an imposing height of 12feet, the alien was a sight to behold. It's piercing yellow eyes like a crocodile's gaze sent shivers into Scarlett's spine. He had a werewolf like structure covered in thick hairy skin and a long tail.

He circled around Scarlett stark naked, with genitals resembling a human. His one big eye on his forehead remained fixed on Baldur. The other eye, at the back of his head turned to observe Scarlett, his gaze roving over her like a predator sizing up its prey as Scarlett's heart raced with terror.

"Your women on Earth are very beautiful Baldur." He said, his thick voice dripping with sinister motive. With a mischievous smile, revealing his ugly teeth, he continued.

"I want her Baldur, give her to me."

"This one belongs to me alone pervert." Baldur spat, his voice venomous. "Feel free to mate with as many women as you want from any country of your choice. Dare to touch her and i will kill you."

The alien elder was unmoved by Baldur's threat, his expression unchanging.

"Perhaps i should mate with her right in front of you and your council," He said, his voice devoid of emotion, "to show you how mating is done on our planet." He gleamed with intensity, as if daring Baldur to try and stop him."

"Shall we fight over a woman at the time of war?" Baldur said, "We should focus on the mission first and then we can come back to this matter. Our priority should be to secure this planet, not indulge in personal desires." He spoke calmly, trying to appeal to the alien's logic, and avoid a conflict that could jeopardize his plans.

The alien was still bent on his list as he sneered.

"I challenge you Baldur, for this one. Let's fight to the death for her, the strongest will claim the prize." He cracked his long fingers, the sound echoing through the room.

"Alright, I'll give her to you,but only after the war has ended." Baldur lied.

"And what about the daughter of the president? I want her too, she will make a fine addition."

"The president's daughter is yours, mate with her as you see fit."

The alien's face beamed with excitement, itching to meet the president's daughter.

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