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By: Jasmine Senpai Updated just nowFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 23 views: 43

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Kai Rylan has been married to Sarah Pierce of the Pierce family for two years enduring the snide remarks and inhumane treatment from her family. While he lives a regular life in the capital, he is riddled by nightmares of war and bloodshed. He is also unable to remember his life from before he met Sarah. His world is turned upside down when he and his wife are thrown out of her family house and when working as a delivery man, he meets a man who calls him “Lord Rylan.” He is the general of The Vorgath, the most powerful army in Valtoria. His memories return gradually and he soon realizes that everyone around him is the enemy.

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23 chapters
Chapter 1
“Charge forward!” Kai screamed as he stretched his arm outwards. An army of a million men rushed past him as he sat on his horse. It was the third battle that month alone and they would probably see at least one more, Kai thought to himself.“My Lord, you don’t have to be on the battlefield. Myself and my men are enough to deal with these small fry.” Zalek Brackenbury, Kai’s colonel, urged his General.“If this is the third battle in less than two weeks, I’m needed on the battlefield. How are the healers doing? What is the casualty?” Kai asked, ignoring his subordinates' request.“About a hundred, not nearly as bad as the enemy camp. All the bodies we can see belong to them.” Zalek gleamed. “A hundred of my men fell at the hands of barbarians and you tell me to lay back while more die?” Kai asked Zalek in a cool tone. The fact that he was calm sent shivers down his spine. Immediately, Zalek fell to his knees, “I’m sorry, General. I don’t know what came over me. The life of even one so
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Chapter 2
Kymani Everard was one of Kai’s high ranking officers. She belonged to the Everard house, a house that had supported the Rylan’s for centuries with their healing powers and their magic that allowed them to foresee what was to come. Kymani was the current head of her family and unlike the previous heads, she much preferred to take a backseat and she spent all her free time running what the other officers called a charity clinic.One of the many skills Kymani possessed was hypnosis and on this day, she was tending to the many injured men. She cursed under her breath before yelling, “would you please keep still?! I don’t have time for this.” The man winced again and Kyman groaned, “How do you take so many lives and yet you’re scared of a little pain?”“Men are such babies.” Was the last thing she muttered before hearing a horse neigh in distress, “Bringing your horse all the way will not make me heal all these people faster, Zalek.” She said before lifting up her head.“Kymani!” His voic
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Chapter 3
“What did you say?” Kymani asked Astrophel. She crouched down on her knees as her arms grew tired from holding him up. “You’re able to delete memories. Wipe the General’s memories before he wakes up.” Astrophel repeated.“Why the hell would I do that? That can be classified as treason!” Kymani yelled at Kai’s godfather.“It isn’t treason if he can’t remember any of it.” Astrophel paused, “think about it. You’re in danger too for knocking him unconscious.”“I did not nothing wrong. He was going to kill us all and you asked me to.” Kymani defended.“You’re right, I did. Now finish your good work and wipe his memory. Only heaven knows what will become of us should he wake up and remember the horror that awaits.”“Do this for Nexarath, Kymani Everard. You have a duty to your people. Should the General become conscious with his memory intact, we will be back where we started and with even more people dead.” Kymani hesitated. Astrophel had a point.“Do you think he will be happy with you? Y
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Chapter 4
Kai had a nightmare that night, same as all the nights before and for as long as he could remember. He was screaming on top of his voice, “put your lives on the line!”, “show no mercy!”, “bring me their heads!”, “stake his head for his subordinates to see.” And other cruel and gruesome commands he could hardly imagine himself voicing out.“What sort of life did I lead before now?” He asked himself as he startled back to reality, shocking his wife, Sarah, as well.“The nightmares again?” She asked as she sat up, rubbing her eyes.“Yes. I’m sorry.” Kai apologized, sitting up as well. “It’s okay. Should I get you some water? Advil?” She asked as she rubbed his shoulders. “No, thanks. I’ll just get ready for work.” He replied as he pulled himself out of bed, heading for the bathroom.In the bathroom, he splashed ice cold water on his face and he stared at his reflection in the mirror. He had sunken eyes from his sleep constantly being cut short by ridiculous, otherworldly nightmares. He h
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Chapter 5
“What? Did I tell any lies?” Stephanie turned to Kai, “what use are you to us? You don’t work, you don’t contribute to the bills, you get free food. The least you could do is drive me around. Right, dad?” She turned to Orion.Orion ignored the ruckus, eating silently. “Calm down, my love. Remember what the doctor said about your blood pressure.” Her father said.“Sarah, baby. Your mother said she would pay. What is the issue?”“Leave that dumb child. Rather than marry a man that would take her on trips away from the capital, she brings home a man with no recollection of who he is. For all we know he could be a spy!” Stephanie touched the sensitive area. She and her husband were always suspicious of Kai and did not buy his story that he lost his memories.“I’ll be glad to drive you, Stephanie. Let me grab my jacket quickly.” Kai said, breaking the awkward silence, as he got up and headed to his room. “You know what, never mind! Gerald will take me.” Stephanie said as Kai emerged out of
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Chapter 6
“What?” Kai turned to look at Sarah who was still sobbing uncontrollably. “I’m so sorry, Kai. My granddad found the test results on our bed. I wanted to surprise you at dinner later tonight.” Sarah apologized.“Is that why you’re all ganging up on her? A married woman getting pregnant? Is that a crime?!” Kai demanded, getting up on his feet and aiding Sarah as well.“I will not take questions from you despicable being!” Orion started.“I gave you a roof over your head, despite being a nobody with no name. I endured the jabs from my business partners and associates, taunting me for giving up my only grandchild and future heir to a man with no past.”“And how do you two ingrates repay me? You poison my line with pauper blood!” Orion turned to Sarah, “Sarah Pierce, you will sign these divorce papers this instant and I will consider letting you raise your bastard child in my home. Else, I want you two out of my sight.”“Dad!” Stephanie yelled, he was being too harsh in her opinion.“Shut
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Chapter 7
“What? Absolutely not!” Sarah said as she threw the keys hard on the ground.“That is my offer, Sarah Pierce. I only care about my future grandchild and I still very much want you to divorce Kai.”“That’s fine with me.” Kai pitched in, finally getting up from where he was sitting. Tears welled up in Sarah’s eyes, “what?” She asked, her voice barely a whisper.“Glad to know that one of us has reasoning here. Do you need me to drive you or do you have a way to get there?” Stephanie asked Sarah and Kai responded, “I’ll take her.”“I won’t step foot in the apartment. I promise.” He added.“Your words mean shit but I will take it.” She then turned to Sarah, “I will pick you up tomorrow morning by ten for a doctor’s appointment.” Was the last thing she said before turning to enter her car and zooming off.Sarah stood, watching the car retreat until Kai’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts, “I spent nearly all the money I earned these past few months to book a restaurant for our anniversa
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Chapter 8
Kai had just dropped Sarah off at her apartment that morning, “you know you can come in right?” Sarah asked, “It’s not like there are spies watching.” She added, urging him to step into the apartment.Ever since she started living alone, Kai had adamantly refused to remotely step foot in the house. “I gave my word.” He always said and Sarah chuckled, “to who? My mom? Oh, come on, Kai. What is the matter with you?” She asked, placing a hand on his cheek.“Nothing.” He brushed her off, breaking her heart a little bit. Sarah noticed that he had been off for a while now. “Is it work?” She asked.“No.” Kai said, turning around to leave, “get some rest, Sarah.”“Is it the migraines?” Ignored. “The nightmares?” Ignored.As she watched her husband walk further away from her, she yelled, “Is it me?!”That would usually get him to turn around and reassure her but this time, he didn’t. He just yelled in response, “No!” Before taking a turn out of her line of vision.Sarah stifled a cry. He usual
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Chapter 9
The strange man called out to him, his cigarette falling from his hand. “It is you!” The heavily tattooed man fell to his knees, bowing his head. Kai rushed to him, “get up! Have you lost your mind?” He asked as he held him by his shoulders and pulled him up.Kai looked around frantically, hoping no one saw what just happened from their floor to ceiling windows, “I’m sorry, my Lord. I don’t know what came over me.”“I am not your Lord nor do I know who you are. Please remove yourself from my presence. The courier office does not open till ten and my manager will talk my ears off.” Kai said as he went pack to pick up the packages he abruptly dropped.The strange man was Maverick Slade, Kai’s captain and one of his closest aides. He held the position that was the lowest of the General’s officers but that was simply because he was low-born. His family had served the Rylans for centuries before they became the ruling house. The two men grew up together but Kai had no idea who the heavily
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Chapter 10
Kai looked out from the corner of his eye. It was Rosetta, Sarah’s self-proclaimed rival. Before she got to the table, Kai quickly threw Maverick a look, cautioning him and telling him to remain calm without words. “Wow! Look who the tide washed in! I didn’t think I’d get to see you in the capital anymore.” She started, dropping her designer bag on their table. “Good day to you too, Rosetta.” Kai said in a flat tone. He knew better than to indulge her. She got off by him simply engaging with her. To say she was obsessed was putting it mildly. Rosetta scoffed before continuing her failed attempt at taunting, “word on the street is that Sarah’s family finally got fed up with you two. Not only were you two freeloading but yo
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