Author: Jasmine Senpai
Chapter 1

“Charge forward!” Kai screamed as he stretched his arm outwards. An army of a million men rushed past him as he sat on his horse. It was the third battle that month alone and they would probably see at least one more, Kai thought to himself.

“My Lord, you don’t have to be on the battlefield. Myself and my men are enough to deal with these small fry.” Zalek Brackenbury, Kai’s colonel, urged his General.

“If this is the third battle in less than two weeks, I’m needed on the battlefield. How are the healers doing? What is the casualty?” Kai asked, ignoring his subordinates' request.

“About a hundred, not nearly as bad as the enemy camp. All the bodies we can see belong to them.” Zalek gleamed. “A hundred of my men fell at the hands of barbarians and you tell me to lay back while more die?” Kai asked Zalek in a cool tone. The fact that he was calm sent shivers down his spine. Immediately, Zalek fell to his knees, “I’m sorry, General. I don’t know what came over me. The life of even one soldier is important.”

Kai kissed his teeth, “get out of my sight.” “As you wish.” And Zalek was gone.

Kai Rylan was the first son and heir to the Rylan house, the house that was tasked with the duty of protecting Valtoria’s border, Nexarath. They had done so gallantly for the past centuries. The border had always been under attack from enemies trying to convert the rich country and their most formidable opponents yet were an army from their rival country, Nefaria, called The Thrakos. 

Ten years ago, Nexarath was at the brink of ruin when Kai Rylan showed up to the battlefield with a million armed men possessing strength like no one had ever seen. Their commanding general, Kai Rylan, yielded a strange magic called Zhilak and he put an end to the back and forth with Nefaria in one small battle. Nefaria had not attacked Nexarath since then and all they had as opponents were nowhere near as powerful. However, Kai had reason to suspect the constant battle. Yes, the country had always been unstable and at war but they had never been attacked so often since his father gave him command while he handled the internal affairs of the border.

This day, Kai decided to head to battle himself and he stood farther, watching his blood thirsty men devour their opponents. He thought to himself that despite the death of a few of his men, the thought of his army, the Vorgath, ought to send shivers down anyone’s spine. They were ruthless and had no respect for people.

“Why do they charge in blindly?” Kai asked out loud. It all looked suspicious to him, as though they were fighting his men knowing fully well they would all die.

Kai hardly ever had to sully himself in battle. The last time he fought was against Thane Jackson, Nefaria’s ruler. He missed battle dearly but fighting anyone was essentially unfair. Even his battle with Thane left Thane one arm short and Kai had yet to physically move a muscle. He hated to admit it but he was bored.

Bored of the overwhelming Zhilak he possessed. No one would spar with him. No one dared anger him. It was a boring life.

“Sir!” One of his soldiers rushed to his side, panting as he fell at the foot of Kai’s horse. “Y..your house! Your father! We cannot reach anyone!” 

“Speak clearly!” Kai commanded, unable to make out what the man was saying.

“Fire, my Lord! There’s a fire engulfing your house and your parents are trapped inside! Elyria too!” The man said as fast as he could and Kai’s head shot backwards. He was so engulfed in his thoughts he failed to realize that the entire sky was covered in black smoke. His men did not fight with canons and neither did their opponents.

Kai rushed with his horse and as he approached his house, he was stopped by his godfather, Astrophel, which startled his horse as well, “easy, boy!” Astrophel cautioned the horse.

“Astrophel! What is this?” He asked, trying to calm his agitated horse as well. “What started the fire? Where is Elyria?” Kai bombarded Astrophel with questions as he jumped down from his horse, walking towards his house that was so clearly gone. Astrophel stopped him, placing one hand on his shoulder. 

“I am so sorry, my Lord. The fire started out of the blue.” He started, “We might be able to retrieve the bodies as soon as we can control it but water can’t seem to quench it.” Astrophel comforted Kai.

“What?” Kai asked his godfather who noticed the change in the air surrounding Kai.

“Now, now, no need to get your emotions riled up, Kai. We will investigate, find the root cause of the fire. You’re alive, your family name will live. Do not let yourself give into the grief.” Astrophel tried to calm him down. They had never seen Kai upset besides the day he was born.

The sound of a baby Kai crying ripped open the ground beneath them and led to the death of his midwife who was hit by a kicking Kai. The force of his baby feet to her cheek left a hole in her head. Everyone was cautioned to not upset him and steer clear. Everyone around him tiptoed, walking on eggshells. His word was law and deviation from the law meant imminent death, whether he willed it or not.

A dark cloud enveloped everywhere and all the fighting came to a halt. One look and Zalek knew, “Hai!” He yelled to his horse, running to find his Lord while the Vorgath and their opponents stopped to look at the sky.

At the moment Zalek moved, arms emerged from the shadows, ripping out the hearts of everyone who stood.

“Shit.” Zalek cursed as the arm approached him. He knocked it off with his smaller sword before unsheathing his long sword. He slashed the arm and hurried towards what looked like the source of the shadow. It was coming from the Rylan house.

As he approached it, he saw that the house was gone up in smoke and Kai’s eyes were white. Astrophel was on the ground, coughing up blood. 

“Kymani! Get Kymani now!”

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