Rise of Franz

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Rise of Franz

By: Dylan Updated just nowSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 27 views: 36

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A careless engineering student meets an unfortunate end when struck by lightning while playing a game. Upon awakening, he discovers that he has been transformed into the “waste” heir of a wealthy family. What’s more, this isn’t Earth but another world. In this world, people practice martial arts and magic, and various professions are available. In this “survival of the fittest” world, how will he manage to survive? Don’t worry, because he has… a Shinobi System.

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27 chapters
Chapter 1: New Beginning
Winter in D city, with a few scattered raindrops gently falling on the shoulders of passersby, suddenly makes one feel lonely amidst the bustling streets. Modernization has brought economic progress, but it has also made people gradually become indifferent and cold. Some individuals lock themselves away in the virtual world, hoping to find something more beautiful and to feel more balanced with others in the virtual community. In a dormitory at D University, a young man is hunched over his laptop, muttering to himself:“Take that! Rasengan!”Duane is a third-year engineering student at D University. He is not handsome, his family is not wealthy, and he is not exceptional in his studies. His assets consist only of a few hundred dollars in his ATM card, a legendary Nokia 1202, and an old, used laptop. He entered the university gates full of aspirations and dreams. But after three years, he suddenly realizes a harsh truth: he is powerless. Or rather, he’s just unable to achieve what he d
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Chapter 2: Awakening and Discovery
Leaving the system space, Duane saw a shinobi bag appear next to him. He quickly grabbed it and examined the items inside.Kunai: A type of dagger made from high-quality steel, favored by most shinobi. Damage: 30-40. Durability: 100/100.Shuriken: A type of thin steel throwing weapon used for long-range attacks by shinobi. Damage: 10-25. Durability: 100/100.Basic Shinobi Armor: A set of armor given to every shinobi by the Kage upon reaching the rank of gennin (junior ninja). Defense: 10-20. Durability: 100/100.Basic Healing Potion: Restores 2 HP per second continuously for 1 minute.Basic Chakra Recovery Potion: Restores 4 chakra per second continuously for 1 minute.Basic Stamina Recovery Potion: Restores 2 stamina points per second continuously for 1 minute.Shadow Clone Jutsu: A skill from the forbidden techniques of shinobi that can create up to 5 clones identical to the original. Clones can fight like the original. Side Effect: After the jutsu is dispelled, the original will su
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Chapter 3: Facing the Challenge
“Master, the young master has gone down to the slaughterhouse and decided to stay there for a week.”While Franz was enjoying his "monster hunting" method, a shadowy figure was speaking with Duss, the head of the Bonaparte family and Franz’s father, in his office. The Bonaparte family was an ancient clan in the Ala Empire. Currently, in the capital city of Muchen, apart from the royal Nikolaus family, there were four major families in order: Carlos, Bonaparte, Philip, and Amaliza. While the top two families, Carlos and Bonaparte, had significant military influence, the Philip family leaned towards politics, and the Amaliza family had a strong advantage in trade.The Ala Empire had seven legions totaling more than 700,000 soldiers. The royal family controlled the Forbidden Army and the Mage Legion in the capital. The Carlos family held the Heavenly Wolf and Iron Blood Legions in the south of the Ala Empire, while the Bonaparte family commanded the Roaring Tiger and Fierce Eagle Legions
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Chapter 4: Level Up
SlashFranz suddenly rolled to the side as a dark shadow flew past him and disappeared. The speed was incredibly fast. He felt a sharp pain on his face as three streaks of red blood in the shape of claws appeared on his cheek. It was too fast; from what he knew, only a level 4 magical beast would have such speed. A level 4 magical beast was equivalent to a Great Fighter. But this was only the outer area of the Magical Beast Forest. Was his fate so unlucky?Franz remained vigilant, scanning his surroundings. He could clearly sense that the magical beast was still lurking around, waiting for him to make a mistake and attack. He still didn’t know what type of magical beast it was. How was he supposed to fight it? With his current strength, it was obvious that he couldn’t afford to clash head-on with a level 4 magical beast. But Franz knew that if he turned and fled, he would die even faster. As someone who had crossed over to this world, he was unwilling to die here.After more than half
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Chapter 5: Advanced
Franz, suspicious, retracted his Sharingan, his red, eerie eyes returning to their normal black. After all, using the Sharingan consumed a significant amount of chakra.“Ding, would the host like to accept the class transition quest?”“Confirm.”Currently, he was a Genin with the unfortunate title of “Pig Slayer.” According to the system’s rules, Franz had to complete the class transition quest to advance to Chunin and continue leveling up.Class Transition Quest: Achieve a top 3 ranking in the clan’s test. Rewards will vary depending on performance. Failure will result in expulsion from the clan and the system will be closed for a year.Sigh. Why does the system always threaten with closure? It seems this test is more complicated than just defeating Desmond; he needs to prepare thoroughly. Now that Franz was level 20, equivalent to a late-stage Battle Master, he was confident he could deal with Desmond quickly with the system’s skills. However, Franz knew that the younger generation
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Chapter 6: Magic and Power
The dragon’s breath exploded violently, sending the examiner crashing down from the platform. However, the examiner’s protective shield remained intact, and he was unharmed, demonstrating that a Grand Mage was not so easily defeated. The entire arena fell silent. Although the attack couldn’t harm the examiner, the magical display was incredibly impressive, especially the final explosion, which startled everyone.The examiner, stunned, announced the result:"Leona, 17 years old, Intermediate Senior Mage.""Boom!"This result caused a stir among the crowd. Being an Intermediate Senior Mage at 17 meant that in the future, Leona would at least achieve the rank of Mage Saint, with a chance to reach the level of Mage God. She was indeed a once-in-a-thousand-years talent for the family."Indeed, a magical genius. It seems that in just a few decades, our family will have another Mage Saint."Elder patted his chest and said. Duss also looked proud. After all, she was his daughter. The Grand El
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Chapter 7: From Trash to Genius
"Franz"Vừa bước vào sân, một bóng người mềm mại đã lao tới ôm chặt lấy anh. Franz hít vào mùi hương tỏa ra từ cơ thể cô, cảm thấy một luồng hưng phấn dâng trào. Trời ơi, đây là lần đầu tiên tôi được ôm sau hơn 20 năm. Chẳng lẽ sức quyến rũ của tôi thực sự áp đảo đến mức một cô gái muốn ôm và hôn tôi ngay lập tức sao?"Thằng nhóc, mấy ngày nay mày đi đâu thế? Mày có biết tao lo lắng thế nào không?"Cô g&
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Chapter 8: The Family Vault and the Path to Victory
Franz finally made it to the top 32.In this round, the Bonaparte family youths would face off in direct elimination matches. After a day of fighting, the final eight strongest contestants were Franz, Leona, Geoffrey, Desmond, and four others. The competition was set to continue the next day.That night, Leona forced him to honestly recount everything that had happened over the past three years. Relying on his old memories, Franz exaggerated certain parts, especially how he had been bullied, which made Leona furious. She was so angry that she wanted to immediately find those who had tormented Franz and teach them a lesson.“Young master, the family head has summoned you to the study,” Emon suddenly announced as he entered the room. Speaking of Emon, when he saw Franz return, he had clung to his legs, crying his eyes out and swearing never to let go. This made several of the young ladies look at the two of them with strange expressions. Franz felt exa
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Chapter 9: The Art of Discomfort: Franz's Opening Battle
 The highest-grade magic core here was a Level 6 magic core. Franz guessed that the second and third floors would have even higher-grade magic cores.With this in mind, Franz quickly exchanged the Level 6 magic core for currency through the system.“Ding, confirm the exchange of Level 6 magic core for 25,000 silver.”“Confirm”The next morning, all the clan’s disciples gathered once again at the clan’s training ground to watch the top 8 compete. Today, Leona would face Cesc—a blue-haired young man who was a swordsman by profession and had the cultivation level of a late-stage Battle Master. Franz wasn’t worried about Leona; mages were generally rated much higher than swordsmen, and Leona’s cultivation level far exceeded that of her opponent. Geoffey’s opponent was a young earth mage with a cultivation level of a mid-stage High Mage. The outcome of this match was also predictable due
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Chapter 10: Strength and Strategy
"Good!"On the platform, Duss was so excited that he stood up. The Great Elder’s face darkened as he snorted coldly. “That guy used external tools in the match, which should be considered cheating.” The Second Elder cleared his throat and said, “Franz’s explosive paper can be considered a type of weapon, and there’s no rule against using weapons in battle. Moreover, Desmond had enchanted weapons but still didn’t know how to suppress his opponent. Therefore, Franz’s victory is well-deserved.” “The Second Elder is right. In my opinion, Desmond is just brute strength with no strategy, and his progress has been slow over the past few years. I think we should reconsider the family’s investment in him,” Duss added. The Great Elder’s face turned pale. If the family cut off Desmond’s training resources, his future would be practically over. “First match, Franz wins.”“Ding, main quest completed: defeat Desmond. Reward: 10,000 EXP, 1,000 silver, 10 intermediate healing potions, 10 inte
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