The Lost Consortium Heir

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The Lost Consortium Heir

By: Omoyemwen Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 18 views: 81

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Mike went through the trouble of working day and night for 6 months to surprise his wife, Stella, only for her to bail out on the day he planned the surprise. After spending every penny he had to impress her, he discovered that she prioritized another man over him. Caught up in a fight with the man Stella cheated with, Stella hit his head with a vase causing him to sustain a bad injury. He bled and was dizzy. Waking up in the hospital, he discovered that he needed blood and he had a rare blood type. Unfortunately, there was only 1 percent of people with his blood type in the country. News reached the Duncan's villa that St Michael's hospital needed a blood donor. Mr. Duncan instantly felt alive in believing that the patient might be his grandson. After confirming the great news, Mike is led into a world of power, wealth, and fame. What happens when Stella finds out about her husband's new fortune? And everyone who bullied and mocked him ended up in his mercy. Scroll through the pages of this book to learn about Mike's story.

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18 chapters
Surprise gone wrong
“Why is she not here yet?” Mike muttered as he paced back and forth on the luxurious rooftop of a hotel. He walked towards the edge and gazed down at the city, wondering why Stella, his wife, hadn’t arrived at the address he sent her earlier.For 6 months, Mike has been working day and night, saving to pay for this VIP rooftop for a night. He planned on surprising his wife. Mike grinned as he walked back to the table for two that were set in the middle of the rooftop with a big TV screen in front of it. He checked his wristwatch for the time and was surprised to see that it was already 15 minutes past 8.“Why is she late? Did something happen?” He thought as he dialed her phone number. He sat on one of the chairs, waiting for her to answer, but she didn’t.Mike’s heart suddenly began to beat rapidly. He couldn’t comprehend why she was late and still couldn’t answer her call. “Is everything all right?” He thought and dialed her number again but still got no answer. “I... I hope she’s
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Three years of Pretend
Mike gazed at the tall, well-built man in front of him. He couldn't comprehend what a man was doing in the hotel room his wife called him to."Baby, who is that? Please tell me our food is here. I'm famished." Stella's voice fell into Mike's ear, causing him to furrow his brows"Baby?" He thought and tried to peep into the room but he couldn't"Williams..." Stella called the man's name when she didn't get a response."Oh honey, come over here," Williams said, causing Mike to swallow hard. He gazed at the door, waiting to see the woman's face."Baby, who...." Stella was stunned the moment her eyes fell on her husband. Mike couldn't bring himself to utter a word. He was still in shock."What are you doing here?" Stella asked abruptly, with a frown on her face. Mike shook his head as he took his phone out of his pocket. He quickly scrolled to her text and showed her, asking, "What are you doing here, Stella?" "How is that any of your business?" she sneered. Williams smirked and pulled
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Founder of Duncan conglomerates
“Take your stupid ring and get lost,” Stella sneered. The ring was the only thing Mike had when the orphanage found him and took him from the streets.Williams slowly closed the door as he whispered to Stella, “Poor thing, he looks like a dejected dog,” Mike sighed. Realizing that there was no reason to stay, he bent down to pick up the ring,“Argh,” He growled and squatted, finding it hard to stand. He took his hand up to his head to touch where he felt the impact of the bottle. “Ow!” He winced in pain, biting his lips so hard they almost bled as he clutched his fist and struggled to stand upright.Mike stumbled and walked into the lift. Recalling Stella and William’s insults, he sniffed and tried wiping off the tears that welled up in his eyes.Bringing his hand down, his eyes fell on a mixture of blood and tears; the bloodstains were all over his forehead.“You’re so poor, and I can’t spend my life with someone like you. I never loved you,” Stella’s words echoed in his ear as he g
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A taste of wealth
"Found me? What do you mean?" Mike asked, confused.In a shaky voice, the old man responded, "Mike, I've been looking for you for years...""How do you know my name?" He instantly interrupted Matthew. "Wow, you have a striking resemblance with your father. I wish he was here to see you," He said, causing Mike to furrow his brows, “How do you know my father?” Mike inquired in shock causing the old man to sigh before responding,“I'm your grandfather” "What? That's impossible." He paused, "But... But, I don't have any family members," Mike added, trying to process this new information.As far as Mike knew, he grew up in an orphanage, and there were no records of any family or relatives. "For so long now, I've been looking for you..." Matthew paused and gestured for one of the men in suit to give him a file"This is a brief file about you, Mike. I had a detective run some background check on you after we got news from St. Gabriel’s hospital about a patient with a rare blood type, and
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Welcome to the Duncan Villa
“What? It’s now mine?” Mike asked again to confirm; he couldn’t believe his ears. “Yes, son. Not only this, there's a lot more,” Matthew responded, causing Mike’s eyes to widen in amazement. This was a car he wouldn’t dream of entering and now, he owns it.“Woah!” He said with a smile on his face, he couldn’t hide his joy, and the old man was pleased to see the smile on Mike’s face“You should better start getting used to a luxurious lifestyle because you’ll soon be the heir of the Duncan family,” Matthew informed.“This car is just a very small part of your inheritance” He added causing Mike to instantly turn to face Matthew“What? You’re calling this small?” He asked surprised.“There’s more wealth that awaits you, child. This is just very small,” He nonchalantly replied. Mike chuckled softly, he couldn’t help but think that he was dreaming, “I hope this dream never ends.” He thought. The idea of this being reality was hard for him to digest. Still trying to take it all in, Paul
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A new start
After a series of advanced security checks at the gate of the villa. The driver finally drove into the exquisite compound.Mike opened his lips to speak but ended up grinning as he gawked at the outbuilding of the villa through the car’s window.The car stopped right in front of a mansion where two rows of people were standing in a uniform.They bowed deeply as they acknowledged their master’s presence. Mathew took a few steps forward and addressed his house staff. “For many years now, you all know that I have been in search of my grandson, but that search has ended today.” He said and gestured for Mike to come forward. Mike took a few steps forward before the old man continued. “We must merry, I have found my grandson! Mike Duncan, the heir to the Duncan family.” He introduced. The house staff instantly bowed deeply as they welcomed him “Welcome home, young master.” They said in unison.Mike didn’t know how to react, so he just kept calm. The old man led him through the opulent fo
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Ill-mannered receptionist
Mike exited the mansion with Paul. They got into the Lincoln limousine and drove out of the villa to Double Tech company. Feeling anxious and determined, Mike got out of the car and walked straight into the big building with Paul beside him. In the lobby, they stopped at the receptionist "What are you doing here, Mike? Mr. Timothy has ordered not to see you here again!" She said with a frown on her face.Mike opened his lips to speak, but she instantly brushed him off. "Hey! I know hungry people like you can beg or do anything to get their jobs back but come to think of it Mike, don't you think that it's your calling to be a beggar, after all, that's what you were before you started working here," She said, feeling superior to Mike because he was now fired."How dare you? Do you know who's standing before you?" Paul asked, causing the receptionist to burst out laughing."Of course I do. This is Mike scumbag, a nobody!" She said with a sly smile on her face."Young lady, you better
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Compensate me
Elijah was disheartened by the news. “Once Mike resumes his job as CEO, you’ll work with him as his assistant,” Paul said, causing Elijah to sigh. “Okay,” He responded, not wanting his years of service here to go to waste.“When is your next board meeting?” Paul asked“In a few minutes, sir,” Elijah responded.“Okay, we’ll be going with you!” Paul said, causing Elijah to nod his head.In a few minutes, his secretary knocked on his door and walked in, informing him, “Sir, you have a meeting with the board members, right now” They left the office and moved to the meeting room. Everyone instantly stood up in acknowledgment of the CEO’s presence. Suddenly, Timothy, who also stood up with the others, exclaimed, “What the hell are you doing here? In the board meeting room? You must be joking!” Timothy said, causing Mike to smirk.“Is that one of the men that treated you unfairly?” Elijah asked, pointing at Timothy.“Yes,” Mike responded sternly.“Okay,” Elijah said before clearing his th
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1 million dollars for compensation
"You're more foolish than I thought. I wonder what lie you'll tell the police when they get here," Stella said after Williams dropped the call with the cops."You know, it's all your fault! No one would have involved the police if you had let us go without insisting that we compensate you," Williams said, trying to irritate Mike."Look how he's dressed in a torn shirt, riding in a mind-blowing Lincoln. You're dressed like a beggar that you are," Stella spat"What was it you said they call him again... Oh yes! Mike scumbag. You should be living in a shit hole," Williams added, expressing his disdain for him.Mike bit his lips, trying to hold his anger, but he couldn't. As he was about to react, the siren of the police car caught their attention. "It's time for you to face your judgment, Mike," Stella said "Let's see who faces judgment," Mike responded."Thank Goodness you're here, officer; that's the criminal over there; deal with him," Williams said, pointing to Mike in the car."He
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A plan
“How pathetic! You think you could fool us?” Stella spat. “Do not mind him, he’s a loser,” Williams said. “You need to come with me to the station,” the police officer said, taking out a handcuff. Mike quickly left a voice mail for Paul before going with the officers. He was immediately taken to the interrogation room. “Criminal! Start talking!” The officer said in a rage, slamming his hand on the desk in front of Mike. “I don’t know what they’re talking about; that car belongs to me,” Mike said, trying to defend himself. “Stop lying to us; the insurance adjuster revealed that your name wasn’t registered as the owner,” the police officer said. “That’s because my grandfather gave the car to me as a gift,” Mike said, insisting that he didn’t steal the car. “Who’s your grandfather?” The police officer asked, arching his brows. Mike opened his mouth to speak but instantly paused, thinking that this might be a shame to his grandfather. Calling his name over such an unimportant mat
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