Compensate me

Elijah was disheartened by the news. “Once Mike resumes his job as CEO, you’ll work with him as his assistant,” Paul said, causing Elijah to sigh. 

“Okay,” He responded, not wanting his years of service here to go to waste.

“When is your next board meeting?” Paul asked

“In a few minutes, sir,” Elijah responded.

“Okay, we’ll be going with you!” Paul said, causing Elijah to nod his head.

In a few minutes, his secretary knocked on his door and walked in, informing him, “Sir, you have a meeting with the board members, right now” 

They left the office and moved to the meeting room. Everyone instantly stood up in acknowledgment of the CEO’s presence. Suddenly, Timothy, who also stood up with the others, exclaimed, 

“What the hell are you doing here? In the board meeting room? You must be joking!” Timothy said, causing Mike to smirk.

“Is that one of the men that treated you unfairly?” Elijah asked, pointing at Timothy.

“Yes,” Mike responded sternly.

“Okay,” Elijah said before clearing his throat. 

“Mr. Timothy Ray, you’re fired! Gather your things and leave immediately.” Elijah said, causing Timothy to furrow his brows. He opened his mouth to speak, but Elijah brushed him off and informed everyone in the room, “We now have a new CEO, Mike Duncan, grandson of Matthew Duncan, the founder of Duncan conglomerate.” 

Timothy arched his brows. “This is probably a joke. Mike is a nobody” he scoffed

“Mr. Timothy, leave before I call the security on you,” Elijah warned. Timothy gritted his teeth and left the meeting room, causing Mike to grin. He was satisfied with the look he saw on Timothy’s face.

Mike left the building with Paul when suddenly, his phone rang

“Hello?” He answered the call, seeing that it was his friend, James.

“Yo man, where the hell are you? Still at work?” James asked.

“No, man, something amazing happened,” Mike said, sounding excited as he talked to James.

“Whatever man! There’s a party at Rizzo pub at the moment, come meet me up,” James said, informing Mike of the party before ending the call.

“I’ll take a taxi home, young master; here are the car keys,” Paul said, handing the car keys of the Lincoln limousine to Mike. Mike took the keys and waved to Paul before jumping into the car. 

As he got close to the pub, he turned to pack the car when suddenly, his car collided with another car while packing and the back was damaged.

Mike wasn’t at fault, so the other party quickly got out of his car to apologize.

“Hello, I’m sorry for hitting your car; it was a mistake,” He said while hitting Mike’s car window for him to roll down the window glass.

Mike kept his phone on his thigh after ending the call with the insurance company before rolling his window down.

As Mike turned to look at the person who hit his car, he was stunned to see it was Williams.

“Honey, what’s going on?” Stella said as she stepped down from Williams’s car to see if the car owner was threatening to press charges. The Lincoln limousine was very expensive and she could only imagine how much it’ll cost to fix the damage they caused at the back.

“Oh, good gracious!” She exclaimed the moment she saw Mike, sitting inside the car as the driver.

“Mike?” She called his name just so she could confirm that she wasn't seeing things.

“Stella!” Mike said in a husky voice.

“You stole this car. We need to call the police, Williams; there’s no way on this planet this thing here can even afford a motorcycle, talk less of a Lincoln” she said, turning to William. Mike chuckled softly at her reaction.

“This is one of my cars, Stella. If you call the police, you’ll only be making a fool out of yourself,” Mike said, causing Stella to scoff,

“Oh... please, did you look at the mirror before spitting this nonsense? You look dishevelled... They’re holes in your shirt” 

“Come to think of it, is this how to park a car? You’re even less impressive than a parking attendant,” she added

“Honey, let’s leave. He wouldn’t even be able to press charges because I’m sure he stole this car,” Williams said, pulling Stella’s hand,

“Hey! The both of you, where do you think you’re going?” Mike asked sternly. He couldn’t stand being humiliated again.

“What is it?” Williams asked with a frown on his face. 

“You damaged the back of my car, Williams. Do you know how much that will cost me? I demand compensation,” Mike said, causing Stella and Williams to burst into laughter.

“You have to be nuts to think that we’d pay a car thief compensation for damaging the back of the car,” Stella sneered.

“I’m not going to call the cops now because we were once married; better leave before I change my mind,” she added, causing Mike to narrow his eyes.

“I’m being generous by repeating myself; you'd have to compensate me for the cost!” He insisted

“Are you deaf? Or it’s because you think that I can’t call the police on you right now for driving a car that doesn’t belong to you, a car you stole!” Williams paused and took his phone out of his pocket.

“You must have gone nuts, I’m calling the police right now,” Williams added and dialed “911”

"Hello, I'm here to report a stolen car. The thief's also a bad driver; while trying to park, he hit my car, and now the car he stole is damaged," Williams explained, smiling slyly.

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