1 million dollars for compensation

"You're more foolish than I thought. I wonder what lie you'll tell the police when they get here," Stella said after Williams dropped the call with the cops.

"You know, it's all your fault! No one would have involved the police if you had let us go without insisting that we compensate you," Williams said, trying to irritate Mike.

"Look how he's dressed in a torn shirt, riding in a mind-blowing Lincoln. You're dressed like a beggar that you are," Stella spat

"What was it you said they call him again... Oh yes! Mike scumbag. You should be living in a shit hole," Williams added, expressing his disdain for him.

Mike bit his lips, trying to hold his anger, but he couldn't. As he was about to react, the siren of the police car caught their attention.

"It's time for you to face your judgment, Mike," Stella said

"Let's see who faces judgment," Mike responded.

"Thank Goodness you're here, officer; that's the criminal over there; deal with him," Williams said, pointing to Mike in the car.

"He's a loser and a thief. He stole the car and couldn't even drive properly while trying to park. Our car collided, and there was a scratch on his car. It was his fault our car collided; he's an inexperienced driver," Williams said, blaming the whole incident on Mike.

"Now, he's demanding a compensation. A compensation for a car he stole!" He added.

The policeman gazed at Mike and said, "You're suspected of stealing a car and causing damage to the car! You have to come with me to the police station."

Mike narrowed his eyes and said in a rage, "This is lame! An accusation of stealing a car?" Mike paused and pointed at Williams.

"Don't tell me you believe his story to cover the whole thing with his cheap lie and dumb accusations. He must compensate me for badging my car, Williams," Mike said sternly, uttering every single word with boldness

"Stop lying, Mike; if the car is yours, then prove it, or else, I'll make sure you spend years in jail," Williams said, causing Mike to chuckle softly.

"So what if I can prove that I own it?" Mike asked, smirking.

"If you're able to prove that you own this car, I'll lick the car clean," He said.

As Williams spoke, a Bentley packed next to the scene. They all turned their gaze to the car. Suddenly, a man in a tuxedo opened the door and stepped down from the car with a briefcase.

Ignoring everyone else, he walked towards Mike and said, "Good day, sir; my name is Martin. I'm an insurance adjuster, and the insurance company sent me to you."

"Okay. Good," Mike said and finally stepped down from the car. He walked towards the back of the car where it was damaged before saying,

"Here's it," Mike pointed, causing Martin to nod his head. Martin walked around both cars, inspecting the scene before informing,

"Sir, both cars collided, and unfortunately, the back of your car was damaged. You were clearly on your lane, so the other party has to pay for damages." He paused and then started operating his iPad with a digital pen.

"And because your car is the limited edition Lincoln, the other party is liable for one million dollars for the repair, sir," Martin informed, causing Williams's jaw to drop.

"What? I'm not going to pay that money to this car thief" Williams said.

"Why don't you prove that you own this car? Huh? Prove it to us!" Williams added

"You're a thief, Mike, I've known you all these years, and I didn't think you'd go as far as stealing a car and intentionally colliding with William's car to get 1 million dollars from him," Stella said in disgust, trying to act like they're the victim

"Mr. Martin, why don't you prove that your client is indeed the owner of the car," Williams said, trying to remain calm.

"Pardon, our top client information is confidential," Martin responded.

"No, it's fine, Martin; why don't I give you my name to check the records?" Mike offered.

"Okay, sir, if that's your wish," Martin said with utmost respect.

"Mike Duncan," Mike said and turned to Williams, who was looking anxious; he smiled and then turned to Stella; she placed her hand on her waist, waiting for the man to read what was on the insurance company records.

Martin entered the name on his iPad and frowned. "What does it say?" Williams asked, eager to know what had made the insurance adjuster, frown.

"Mike Duncan?" Martin asked again, confirming if he heard right.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Mike asked, trying to remain calm

"That's not the name the car is registered on," Martin informed, causing Stella to grin.

"You see! You thief! If you think you can fool everyone, then think again, Mike. I was right all along. You only wanted the money, you dirty scumbag." Stella seized the opportunity to insult Mike.

Williams couldn't stop laughing, just to mock Mike. "Don't mind him, honey, he's a scumbag after all," Williams added before turning to the policeman,

"Please take him away, he ought to rot in jail”

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