Ill-mannered receptionist

Mike exited the mansion with Paul. They got into the Lincoln limousine and drove out of the villa to Double Tech company. 

Feeling anxious and determined, Mike got out of the car and walked straight into the big building with Paul beside him. 

In the lobby, they stopped at the receptionist 

"What are you doing here, Mike? Mr. Timothy has ordered not to see you here again!" She said with a frown on her face.

Mike opened his lips to speak, but she instantly brushed him off. "Hey! I know hungry people like you can beg or do anything to get their jobs back but come to think of it Mike, don't you think that it's your calling to be a beggar, after all, that's what you were before you started working here," She said, feeling superior to Mike because he was now fired.

"How dare you? Do you know who's standing before you?" Paul asked, causing the receptionist to burst out laughing.

"Of course I do. This is Mike scumbag, a nobody!" She said with a sly smile on her face.

"Young lady, you better watch your mouth before you lose your job," Paul warned, but the receptionist was not moved by Paul's words

"And who's going to make me lose my job? You? I don't even know you. Or is it this church rat here? Oh please," she said and narrowed her eyes.

She turned to Paul and smiled faintly, seeing that he was wearing good clothes made of expensive fabric. "I hope this man here didn't deceive you into thinking that he's someone important?" She asked Paul 

"Ella, we'd love to go in," Mike said, ignoring the rest of her words, but she suddenly glared at him before hissing. 

"Better leave this place, Mike, or I'll call the security to throw the both of you out," she threatened. She gazed at Mike from head to toe and felt disgusted. He was wearing clothes made of cheap fabric and his shirts had holes in them. 

Paul remained calm and took his phone out of his back pocket before dialing a number. "Hello, this is Paul Brown, and I am Mr. Matthew Duncan's right-hand man and butler." He introduced himself to the person at the other end of the phone.

"I'm being held by the receptionist on the first floor," He added before ending the call.

In a minute, Elijah, the CEO of the company, rushed out of the lift.

He walked towards Paul and bowed to apologize. "I'm sorry, sir, do not mind her; she's ill-mannered," Elijah said, causing Ella to swallow hard. 

She was already frightened after seeing Elijah bow to apologize to him. She took out her phone and quickly checked his name online and was instantly shocked the moment she realized that he was the right-hand man of the founder of Duncan conglomerate, a corporation that Double Tech was under. 

"What is an ill-mannered lady doing as a receptionist in this company? I'm highly disappointed at your management skills." He paused and turned to Ella, who was already sweating, hoping that she wouldn't lose her job. 

"I want her fired this minute, and the security should escort her out of the company's premises," Paul said sternly.

Elijah turned to Ella. Frowning at her, he said, "Your poor manners have cost you your job! You're fired. Get out of this building ASAP." 

Ella instantly went on her knees, begging for her job back. 

"I'm sorry, sir. Please, sir. It cost me a lot before finding this job; please, sir," she begged Elijah, but he paid her no heed.

"Better leave now or the security will drag you out." He said. She Instantly turned to Paul and began to beg.

"You not only wronged me but also my young master," Paul calmly responded. Tears welled up in Ella's eyes as she turned to Mike, who was amused. He recalled that Ella was one of his main bullies in this company,

"I don't want to lose my job," she sobbed.

"You already lost it!" Mike said and took his hand up to his chin as if trying to recall something.

"I know hungry people like you can beg or do anything to get their jobs back but come to think of it Ella, don't you think that it's your calling to be a beggar, after all, that's what you were before you started working here," Mike said before the security came and dragged Ella away.

Elijah bowed once again and said, "I'm sorry sir, is there anything else I can do to make amends?" 

"Yes!" Paul responded sternly. 

"Please come with me to my office," He said and led them into the lift, feeling uncomfortable.

In Elijah's office, Mike and Paul took a sit facing him.

"Sir, please, what else can I do to make amends?" Elijah asked again, causing Paul to clear his throat before responding.

"Mike, an ex-employee here, has been treated unfairly and badly, and the people who treated him poorly have to be fired immediately." He paused and then turned to Mike before asking,

"What do you think, sir?"

"Yes, it's fine. I only hope that the CEO will remain in the company." Mike said, causing Elijah to heave a long sigh of relief, thinking that he had been forgiven.

"Okay...." Paul paused and turned to Elijah, "One more thing, Elijah. From today, the company is now under Mike's command and my visit to this company was only to convey Mr. Matthew's proposal to appoint Mike as the new CEO

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