A new start

After a series of advanced security checks at the gate of the villa. The driver finally drove into the exquisite compound.

Mike opened his lips to speak but ended up grinning as he gawked at the outbuilding of the villa through the car’s window.

The car stopped right in front of a mansion where two rows of people were standing in a uniform.

They bowed deeply as they acknowledged their master’s presence. Mathew took a few steps forward and addressed his house staff. 

“For many years now, you all know that I have been in search of my grandson, but that search has ended today.” He said and gestured for Mike to come forward. 

Mike took a few steps forward before the old man continued. “We must merry, I have found my grandson! Mike Duncan, the heir to the Duncan family.” He introduced. The house staff instantly bowed deeply as they welcomed him 

“Welcome home, young master.” They said in unison.

Mike didn’t know how to react, so he just kept calm. The old man led him through the opulent foyer, where a table was already set with an array of food.

Matthew sat on the head chair while Mike sat by his right side. “How did you sustain those injuries?” He asked, causing Mike to pause for a second before letting out a long sigh.

“Yesterday was my wedding anniversary with my wife. Unfortunately, it didn’t go as I planned. I caught her in a hotel with a man and she didn’t bother denying it.” He paused and took his hand up to the head before continuing.

“The man irritated me so out of anger, I went into a fight with him. My wife didn’t care about me; all she cared about was the man because he was wealthy. Just so I couldn’t hurt him, she hit me with a vase,” Mike explained.

“What? She hit you with a vase?” Matthew asked, without hiding how displeased he was.

“They must pay! She’d regret ever leaving you and treating you unfairly,” He added and clutched his fist tightly.

“Dealing with them would be as easy as squashing bugs...” 

“No Grandpa, I wish to deal with them myself,” Mike cut in

“Are you sure, with the snap of my fingers, I can make them nothing? The man your wife left you for will be equal to the beggars in the street,” the old man said, causing Mike to smirk. The thought of having so much power and money now overwhelmed him

“No, Grandpa, I’ve got a plan,” He informed, causing the old man to nod his head. He took a card from his pocket and gave it to Mike.

“This is a special card; it symbolizes the identity of the Duncan family, it can be used anywhere,” the old man said. Mike gazed at the card, turning it to the back, wondering why it was so special.

“Is it some kind of card that contains infinite wealth?” Mike asked, arching his brows. The old man laughed and took Mike’s hand before responding,

“You can use the card in your way dear” 

Before Mike could respond, his phone suddenly rang, interrupting his conversation with his grandfather.

He checked who the caller was and twitched his brows, seeing that it was his boss. “Hello?” He answered the call.

“What is the time, Mike? Why aren’t you at work yet? Do you think this place is a charity center where you can show up at any time of the day and expect me to pay you?” Mike’s boss yelled in a rage.

“I can’t tolerate such nonsense from you!” He added

“Em...I was admitted to the hospital and lost so much blood yesterday....”

“Shut up that gutter you call mouth! Save your explanations, okay? That’s none of my business because you’re fired and I don’t want to see you at the company again!” The man said and ended the call without letting Mike explain.

Matthew heard the whole conversation and was appalled by the man his grandson called boss.

“Such an uncaring man,” he commented. He turned to Paul, who was standing by his side with an iPad, operating it with a digital pen, and asked in disgust, “How can such a man be a leader? How dare he talk badly to his employee? He should be reduced to a beggar, only then can he learn about care!” 

“Sir, I traced the call to a man named Timothy. He’s working as a manager in one of your companies,” Paul said sternly, causing Mike to turn to him, stunned.

“H-How did you do it?” He stuttered.

“While on the call, I knew my master would want to know about him, so I traced the call,” Paul informed, causing Mike to nod his head.

The old man chuckled dryly and turned to Paul before saying, “Take my grandson with you and ensure that you fire that man immediately!”

Mike was stunned at how his grandfather could make such a command sitting from the comfort of his home. 

“One more thing, Paul. I want Mike to be appointed as the new CEO of Double Tech,” He added, causing Mike to gasp. This was a dream come true. He didn’t even imagine being a manager and now he’s about to be appointed CEO.

“Wait, What? CEO of double tech?” Mike asked just to confirm if he heard correctly.

“It’s time for you to start a new life, son,” the old man informed.

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