The Almighty Dominance

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The Almighty Dominance

By: Sunshine Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 29 views: 2.5K

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Alexander Leonhart's arranged marriage to Sophia Lancaster seemed doomed, as Sophia despised him, thinking he was a scammer out for her family's wealth. Determined to divorce him, she had no idea that Alex was actually a renowned healer known as "God's Hand" and the owner of the world's largest enterprise, Kingsley.

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  • Charles Christopher


    Good novels

    2024-09-16 00:06:23
Latest Chapter
29 chapters
Chapter 1
A woman woke up with a pounding headache, her body feeling heavy and sluggish. As she shifted slightly, she was shocked to find a naked stranger lying next to her. WTF?!She jolted awake, freezing in place.Panic started to rise as she tried desperately to remember how she ended up in a stranger's bed. Then, a terrifying realization hit her—she was naked and no longer a virgin. Just then, the man stirred, his dark eyes fluttering open and locking onto hers. “Wow, last night was incredible. Want to keep going?” He sat up casually, completely at ease, his flawless body on full display. He grabbed a bottle of water from the bedside table and offered it to her. “Here, drink this. You must be thirsty. We can pick up where we left off if you’re up for it.” Unable to contain her fear and anger any longer, the woman’s hand moved on its own, slapping him hard across the face. “Who are you? How did I end up here? What have you done to me?” The man, Alexander Leonhart, blinked, his ch
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Chapter 2
"You're truly unruly, uneducated, and nothing more than a frog in a well, thinking you're so great!” Sophia scoffed with disdain. “That's why I despise talking to someone as lowly as you!" Alex chuckled, “Believe me, I am trying to be honest here.” "You? A powerful man?" she sneered, glaring at him with utter disgust. "You can't even begin to understand how powerful I am or the people I've encountered who are far more powerful than you. They could erase you with just a sneer." Alex laughed. "The powerful men you know might be the ones seeking my favor, pleading for me to marry their daughters just to stay in my good graces. Trust me, you're incredibly lucky to have crossed paths with me." What a braggart!Sophia rowed her eyes in disgust.She wanted nothing more than to throw something at his smug face. How shameless could he be, pretending to be so powerful when all he had was an old military backpack? "You might pretend not to know me and try to bind me with marriage just
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Chapter 3
"Young Master, my only daughter was born sick, and now it's worse." Alfred's eyes filled with sorrow, "She's in pain every day. I've seen every doctor, spent a fortune, tried everything—nothing helps. She's only getting worse. Please, help her. I'll do anything."Alex gazed at him calmly. "I'll meet your daughter tomorrow." Alfred was stunned. He hadn’t expected His Highness would agree to lend a helping hand so easily.He grabbed Alex's hand, bowed in gratitude. "Thank you, my lord!" He whispered, his words heavy with all he felt. Previously, Alfred hadn’t believed his luck when his leader mentioned Alex's visit to Vancouver. Albert wasn’t entirely sure who Alex was. However, what he was certain was even his leader must kneel before Alex! If Alex’s was displeased, millions of lives could vanish. But if he was satisfied, even the dying could live! As the head of the Kingswell organization in Vancouver, Albert had heard the rumors. About a high-ranking figure known as "God
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Chapter 4
As Alex approached the house entrance, Sophia noticed that Alex was behind her. "Haven’t you had enough?" "Believe me," Alex replied, "running into you is the last thing I wanted today." Sophia stepped out, blocking his path. "So, what is it then? Are you here to remind me of the biggest mistake of my life?" "Mistake?" Alex’s tone grew colder. "I could say the same. You think I enjoyed waking up and realizing I’d wasted my time with someone so shallow?" "Shallow?" Sophia’s eyes flashed with anger. "You’re just bitter because you know I’m right. You’re nothing but a loser, a gold-digger." Alex laughed, shaking his head. "You’re delusional. I don’t need anything from you, least of your money." Sophia stepped even closer, her finger jabbing the air between them. "Then what do you want? To ruin my life even more?" "No, I’m not here to ruin anything." Alex locked his eyes with hers. "I’m meeting my fiancée." "Your fiancée? You have a fiancée?" Sophia shocked. "I’m here to me
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Chapter 5
"Old man, how can you marry off Sophia, our greatest beauty, to that poor man? Is your brain rotten or what?" Her anger grew. "My beautiful granddaughter can never marry a lowlife. She will marry Chris Roland! He’s wealthy and powerful, and can secure our family's future." "Chris Roland?" Abraham frowned. That hypocritical playboy?"Don’t you know Jerry Roland?" Lady Lancaster snapped. "He works for Alfred Kingston, who practically owns Vancouver. Chris is his only son. Marrying him ties our family to the Kingstons!" Sophia’s parents also looked at Alex, and a dissatisfied frown crept onto their faces. Alex wore a simple shirt typically seen on people of the lower-middle class, cheap and old shoes sold on the street, nothing about him screamed wealth. If Chris Roland was the young rich man with a company, this man was probably Chris’s cleaning service, paid with the lowest salary. Thinking their daughter would marry this loser already made their anger rise to the peak. “No w
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Chapter 6
Alex shook his head and chuckled. He knew Sophia despised him."Sophia, let me show y—" He wanted to let Sophia see the real him a bit, but she turned her back to him and walked to the parking lot. A white four-seat Porsche Panamera pulled up and stopped in front of them. A stunning young woman stepped out of the car with effortless grace, her elegant dress and sparkling jewelry enhancing her high-fashion allure. "Sophia," she hugged Sophia."Lyra, thanks for coming," Sophia replied joyfully. "I came as soon as I could when I got your text." Lyra smiled while eyeing Alex from head to toe and shook her head. Not a single item of value detected from head to toe. Apart from being a bit handsome and having a somewhat fitting body, this man was totally worthless. When Sophia texted her and told her that she was forced to marry a loser and needed a helping hand, she had thought Sophia was exaggerating. But seeing Alex in person made her realize how unlucky Sophia was. Most of So
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Chapter 7
Alex took out his smartphone and pressed the fast call number 9. “Good day, Mr. Leonhart. I am Julia, your First Royal Mastercard personal concierge. How may I assist you?” “Do you know where I am right now?” “Yes, your card has GPS. You are at Vancouver’s Noble Knight Club.” “I want to become a member.” “We are processing that now. You can use your Mastercard as the membership card,” Julia replied. The glass door suddenly opened. “Your membership has been approved. Do you need anything else, sir?” “No, thank you.” Alex put his smartphone in his pocket and walked into the club. The guard hurriedly blocked his path. “I think the system made an error. You cannot enter.” “I am a member here,” Alex explained. “Why do you think the system let me in?” The guard was confused but asked again, “Do you have a membership card? I want to check it. If you don’t have one, please leave.” Alex took out his First Royal Mastercard. The guard had never seen this kind of card before. “Sir
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Chapter 8
"You talk as if you can beat me. Who do you think you are, a grand master?" Chris said with a smirk, "I doubt you have ever played this kind of game." Chris was confident that only wealthy men could afford such expensive toys, and Alex definitely didn't look like he could."There’s a first time for everything, right?" Alex shrugged casually.Chris laughed with contempt. It looked like victory were already assured.He touched his smartwrist, and a 3D hologram of a big mansion appeared."This mansion in West Vancouver is mine. I bet on it. If you lose, you’ll divorce Sophia."Chris had bought that house with his personal savings, thinking it would be the perfect place to take Sophia to spent night together, not too far from her house.He was already imagining having two babies with her there. He was putting up his best house because he couldn’t fathom losing to a complete newbie."Deal," Alex replied with an air of calm."Then what are we waiting for? The sooner you divorce Sophia, th
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Chapter 9
When the system declared Alex the winner, the entire hall fell into stunned silence.They couldn’t believe their ears or eyes."How can a loser who barely knows the game win?" someone blurted out.Shock rippled through the room. Everyone had expected Alex to lose.After all, Chris was the highest-ranked player in Vancouver!How could a newbie win him? Impossible!"There must be a mistake, right?" another person muttered.As Alex exited the room, with Michelle following him, people noticed something unusual—his gaming suit.It’s the latest, most expensive gaming suit, equipped with AI assistance.A newbie could become a master by activating the AI. Originally designed for military use in war, it’s now a game-changer in the virtual world.Seeing that super expensive gaming suit for the first time, their surprise quickly turned to anger."You cheated! That suit must’ve boosted your fighting skills," someone shouted."Yeah, no way a newbie could win without cheating," another voice chimed
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Chapter 10
What the fuck?!!!"Here comes the king of braggarts again! Can’t you just stop boasting?" Sophia scoffed. "You’re only embarrassing yourself!"One of Chris's friends called out, “Hey dude, the banquet’s off. Know why? Because I wasn't invited, so they cancelled the whole thing.”His tone was so amusing that everyone burst out laughing.He sneered at Alex, “Boo! Shame on you, man! Trying to act like you know something.”“Listen, Alex, whatever you’re trying to pull, we’re not buying it,” Lyra said.Alex knew hardly anyone would believe him, but he tried to tell his wife anyway. It was up to her whether to believe him or not.Suddenly, Chris’s smart wrist device buzzed.“Hey, silence please,” Chris asked the group and shot a smug look at Alex. “My dad’s calling. Probably about the banquet.”The room went quiet as Chris switched on the speaker.They pricked up their ears to the latest news of the banquet while looking at Alex with a sarcastic expression.“Father,” Chris said politely, “I
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