Chapter 5

"Old man, how can you marry off Sophia, our greatest beauty, to that poor man? Is your brain rotten or what?"

Her anger grew.

"My beautiful granddaughter can never marry a lowlife. She will marry Chris Roland! He’s wealthy and powerful, and can secure our family's future."

"Chris Roland?" Abraham frowned.

That hypocritical playboy?

"Don’t you know Jerry Roland?" Lady Lancaster snapped.

"He works for Alfred Kingston, who practically owns Vancouver. Chris is his only son. Marrying him ties our family to the Kingstons!"

Sophia’s parents also looked at Alex, and a dissatisfied frown crept onto their faces.

Alex wore a simple shirt typically seen on people of the lower-middle class, cheap and old shoes sold on the street, nothing about him screamed wealth.

If Chris Roland was the young rich man with a company, this man was probably Chris’s cleaning service, paid with the lowest salary.

Thinking their daughter would marry this loser already made their anger rise to the peak.

“No way,” Florence Lancaster, Sophia's mother, whispered. “I will never agree. What will my friends say about my son-in-law? This man will drag my name into the mud!"

"Father," Justin Lancaster, Sophia's father, spoke. "Mother is right; how about we let Sophia decide her own future?"

"Grandfather, I don’t want to marry yet," Sophia hurriedly added.

Abraham shook his head.

"I’m not dead yet—so what is decided is decide."  


Lady Lancaster's desperation turned to anger.

"Imagine the Lancaster family with Kingston ties! Even after you’re gone, our family would thrive! Don’t you care about your descendants? How can you ruin the Lancaster name for that loser!"

“Sophia will never marry him!" Lady Lancaster insisted. "This is all for Lancaster's future!"

"You know nothing, Amelia!"

Abraham looked at his wife and everyone, “Alex is the man I chose, you better keep your mouth shut and your comments to yourself until you know him.”

“I don’t agree!” Amelia yelled out her decision.

There was Chris Roland, a wealthy and promising young man, who could bring the Lancaster Family unimaginable glory and endless fortune ...


yet her husband ignored Chris and chose to treat a piece of junk like a treasure!

He must be too old and out of his mind!

“Amelia, do you want me to sign divorce papers for you at our old age?”

Lady Lancaster's face turned pale.

“All of you, I am still the head of Lancaster,” Abraham commanded.

“Sophia, you will marry Alex today. Youll be grateful for my decision one day!”

From his tone, all of them knew there was no point in arguing anymore.

Even Sophia accepted her fate and sighed.

They all knew Abraham Lancaster could sometimes be harsh and would not tolerate any disrespect.

In about an hour and a half, in a very awkward situation, Sophia and Alex successfully signed all the paperwork and obtained their marriage certificates from the government marriage agency.

Only Abraham showed a big smile when looking at the certificate.

The great Alexander Leonhart finally became his grandson.

He would brag to the Kingswell’ people he knew, sure that many would be green with envy.

Meanwhile, Sophia was still disappointed as she married a worthless man.

‘He can have the marriage certificate but not me!’ Sophia inwardly screamed.

But thinking that loser already got his body, Sophia quickly added, ‘He will never get my heart and my money.’

“Sophia,” Abraham turned to her. “Help him blend in with Vancouver life, show him the many places you used to hang out with your friends.”

The first thing on Sophia's mind when making the marriage certificate was to keep everything secret, yet her grandfather wanted her to show him off?

A mischievous

plan suddenly formed in her mind.

“Yes, Grandfather. I will HELP HIM BLEND IN.”

She would let Alex see how he was not worthy of her and let go of her.

Alex sighed.

He didn’t like to force anyone, but somehow his mother's fate was likely in this woman's hands, so he had to follow through.

"Cheer up a bit, will ya? It’s not the end of the world!"

Sophia scowled at him, "Marrying you, the biggest braggart in the world, is already the end of the world for me!"

"Honestly, I am not a bragg"

"Yes, you are! And you are a loser, jobless and worthless!"

"No, I am not," Alex corrected her.

“I do have a job, I am a doctor, with the title of God’s Hand.”

"Oh, keep bragging! You really have no shame." Sophia scolded.

"Listen, I am doing my grandfather’s wish to take you around, but thats all. This marriage will not work out even in a thousand years. So, stop daydreaming!”

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