The Young Billlionaire's Vengeance

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The Young Billlionaire's Vengeance

By: Ama Updated just nowBillionaire

Language: English

Chapters: 51 views: 252

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Alistair, who becomes an orphan at five, is manipulated into marriage, disowned by his own family and treated like a pawn by his in laws, but life takes a turn. However, within that turn lies deep hidden secrets, wars and betrayal lurking in its shadows, which ought to be unraveled. Will this Young Billionaire unravel these secrets or be consumed by those shadows? Dive into the electrifying pages of the THE YOUNG BILLIONAIRE’S VENGEANCE to uncover the journey that awaits.

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  • Soso


    I am loving this story. Author pls update more

    2024-06-17 12:23:01
  • Ama


    Hi guys, please drop your comments. They will go a long way. Thank you!!!

    2024-05-25 05:11:37
Latest Chapter
51 chapters
Chapter One
“Babe…. Babe”She walked into the room, her hand still attempting to place the pin perfectly to hold her hair.She heard footsteps, thinking it was her husband, she took a turn into the living room instead.“Babe I….”, Mrs. Bane stopped on track, not expecting to meet their maid there.“Oh. It's …. you”, she said, her expression shifted to an obvious glow down, opposed from the initial enlightenment that filled her face.She turned, taking the door from whence she'd just come out from. In the adjoining dining room was her husband, his sitting position not quite the usual.“Honey..?”, Mrs. Bane asked, quite concerned already from where she stood. She finally stopped trying, letting her efforts come to waste as her french twist style loosened fast, letting her hair flow freely down to her waist. She moved to where he sat, a worried expression on her face. “Honey?”, She called, shaking his shoulders vigorously. No answer. Now that she saw him in full view, she noticed his slumped sittin
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Chapter Two
“With all legalities checked and confirmed, this court declares Elara Shauna Wilde and Alistair Bane now husband and wife”“Finally”, Elara said under her breath. Elara turned, her flowing sky blue dress hugging all her endowed features nicely. She walked with some difficulty and she had to stop as neither of her attempts to free herself somewhat were working.“Do I have to ask you to help me Alistair? Urghhh!”Elara began pulling the dress up, trying to get some of it off under her feet.“Help her Alistair, would you?”, Mrs. Wilde said to Alistair, a plastic expression on her face.“Don't just stand there moron”, his mother-in-law said in a lower tone, as she came close to him.“Oh… ummm… sorry”, Alistair apologized, getting down on one leg to take up the tail of her dress. He didn't know why but the face of one of the lawyers at the court had such a striking resemblance yet he couldn't place a finger on where he knew the man from exactly. He held the tail of the dress so Elara could
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Chapter Three
“Alistair! What a … pleasant surprise”, Layla said, as she swung the door open.“Hey Layla. How are you… how are you doing?”“I'm great. Oh please, come in”, she said, stepping back from the door. Alistair walked up the remaining part of the small stairs into the house and Layla shut the door behind him. He walked slowly in, feeling a little nervous.“Where's your mum?”“She's in her room. She was on a call but I'm sure she'll be done by now. Let me check on her and tell her you are here”Alistair nodded, watching Layla walk out of the living room into one of the adjoining rooms. He turned to the windows, acknowledging the cozziness of the country house as he walked towards that end of the room. He'd wondered why they'd come all the way here to live, giving a lot of distance from the busy city. Here, you could barely hear honking cars, loud city ad screens or sirens. There was a still quietness about it, a comforting yet uncomfortable silence around it all.“Alistair?”, Tricia Moore's
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Chapter Four
“Get me another cup”, Ms. Wilde commanded the maid standing near her. The maid hurried out of the room and was soon back with another tea cup on a saucer. She placed it on the table in front of her madam, taking out the rejected one.“Where's my husband?”, she asked as the maid poured liquid milk into the cup.“He left for work early today ma'am”“Without letting me know?” she asked, slowing down suddenly as she placed some cut fruits in a bowl.“Ye..yes ma'am.”There was an uncomfortable silence that followed her reply.“Did he have breakfast?”, she asked, picking up the sugar tongs.She stopped as if listening for a distant reply from the maid that was right next to her.“No … no ma'am. He insisted on not …”“What time was the breakfast set?”The maid looked down and the room went dead silent again.“What time?”“ 5 …. 6.00 a.m ma'am”“And my husband left by what time?”“Four ma'am”Mrs. Wilde dropped the sugar tongs on the saucer. The sound of the metal clashing with the ceramic di
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Chapter Five
The red bubbly liquid filled the tall tulip glass in his hand.“Honey, have you seen this?!”, she said, walking into the living room rather more hastily thanusual.“The Voxx Group is having their first annual gathering in twenty years.”, Mr. Wilde said,sipping his chilled rose wine. “I'm aware”“And? Aren't we attending?”“Of course we are attending. But I have a business meeting today. It depends on when I finish”“And you didn't think to tell me Gerald? You had invitations from over a week ago! And I'm justfinding out today about this event?”“I've been occupied, Kate.”, He said in a cool tone, putting down his glass. “I'm busy”“Plus, you sit all day with your phone. How come you weren't aware?”“So? What has that got to do with this?”Gerald Wilde placed the glass out again for the wine chef to fill. He sipped slowly like he hadn't heard a word she had just said. He waved a hand, dismissing the young chef.“What do you want Kate?”, he asked, dropping the glass on the glass cent
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Chapter Six
“Dadd!!”, Elara whined on the phone. “You are not going to be done till another hour and the event is just fifteen minutes away from starting!”“Elara, I have said…”“And it just can't happen! Urghh”, she groaned loudly into the mouthpiece.“I have to go back to my meeting Elara”“Ok, ok, fine, wait. Release our own invites and you can cut down on my allowance by 5%”Her father was quiet for some time.“It's a one time offer Daddy. And don't you think I won't get it back”Gerald laughed. “I'll have my secretary mail the digital invites to you right away”“Perfect. Have fun with your boring meeting”, she said and hung up.Just then her mum walked into the living room.“Darling, this or this?” she asked, holding up the pieces of jewelry. In her right hand was a simple pendant necklace with a heart shaped diamond designed with shiny little threads of silver criss- crossing the face. Her left hand had a fine gold torque necklace in its open box with matching earrings, bracelets and rings.
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Chapter Seven
He moved into where the main party was holding, where the elegant tables and chairs were arranged. Middle aged people talked in groups, very elegantly dressed so you could guess at once that they were rich. Most of the young people were in groups of two and three and their groups seemed clustered together to one side of the space from the supposed entrance.“Oh, there's Mr. Wilde”, he spotted as his eyes moved slowly across the open space. He could see him with some elderly men of his age discussing in low volumes near the stage.Alistair couldn't believe that he was in this very Voxx meeting - the first after twenty years of his parents’ death. What shocked him the most was his sharp memory of the faces - he could still tell and recognise the owners of some of the enterprises under the Voxx Group and some of his father's closest partners. As his eyes darted around, in search of a free seat, he hoped earnestly that no one would draw attention to him.But how wrong he was.“Isn't that
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Chapter Eight
Alistair looked at the document shoved into his hands. He was confused.“What… I.. I don't understand”“Sign the freaking papers, Alistair!”, Elara shouted, glaring angrily at him.“I don't understand, Elara. What.. are … are these divorce papers?”Smack! That was the third time he had been slapped in a row.“Have you suddenly lost your ability to read? Or is it your ability to comprehend that's the problem?” , Elara insulted, casting her wicked glares on him.But Alistair's mental faculties didn't want to comprehend at that moment. They were blank, they remained blank and that was how he wanted them to remain.“I have had a whole year. A whole year Alistair! A whole year of putting up with your… your stupidity! And… and … with the …. disgrace… and with the … the… Urghh!”, She shouted in frustration, tugging furiously at her hair.“You see what you are doing?! Do you see what this bastard has caused for this family, Gerald? And I warned you, didn't I? And you didn’t fulfil all the pla
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Chapter Nine
“Alistair”, Nathan said, getting to his feet as soon as he saw him. He walked over more briskly than Alistair entered the room, engulfing him in a hug. Surprised but not shook, he slowly hugged back, memories flooding him all at once.“Nathan”, he said slowly, in a raspy, loud whisper.“It's been… so long”“Yeah like fifteen years”, Alistair said, disentangling from the hug.“Still can't believe it's you”“I….me neither”“Ahemm”, the lawyer's deep cough brought both young men to reality.“Oh… ummm.. sorry. Back to business please”, Nathan said as he unnecessarily adjusted his suit, leading Alistair to where the fairly long conference table was.“Take a seat please”, Nathan instructed as Regan walked up to pull out the chair.“Thanks”, Alistair said to Regan, taking his seat slowly.An awkward silence filled the room as Nathan signaled all the men in the room to leave, except Regan of course. Nathan cleared his throat, obviously a little nervous to start.“Umm… Mr. Alistair, this is y
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Chapter Ten
“What’s the meaning of this Nathan? Huh? Why didn't you inform me that this was what this meeting was about?”“I’m sorry sir. I was only acting on Mr. Voxx final instructions.”“Mr Voxx is dead! And I adopted his son. I am closer than a next of kin. I should have been told about this!”The elevator doors swung open. Mr. Wilde stepped out angrily, headed for the building's exit door. The automatic doors slid open and Mr. Wilde came to out where his car was parked.“I want a copy of that contract document, Nathan”“I'm sorry Mr. Wilde but you don't get a copy. But you will get to sign in consent as a voluntary adoptive parent to Mr. Alistair's inheritance.”“I'm not asking you Nathan. That's an order. And if I don't get a copy, forget my signature being in that consent.”“Oh you will sign it Mr. Wilde”, Nathan said, his tone suddenly raspy and dangerous.“You have too much to risk. After all, isn't he still the bastard son in law of yours?”“What … what are you talking about?”Nathan sm
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