Chapter Three

“Alistair! What a … pleasant surprise”, Layla said, as she swung the door open.

“Hey Layla. How are you… how are you doing?”

“I'm great. Oh please, come in”, she said, stepping back from the door. Alistair walked up the remaining part of the small stairs into the house and Layla shut the door behind him. He walked slowly in, feeling a little nervous.

“Where's your mum?”

“She's in her room. She was on a call but I'm sure she'll be done by now. Let me check on her and tell her you are here”

Alistair nodded, watching Layla walk out of the living room into one of the adjoining rooms. He turned to the windows, acknowledging the cozziness of the country house as he walked towards that end of the room. He'd wondered why they'd come all the way here to live, giving a lot of distance from the busy city. Here, you could barely hear honking cars, loud city ad screens or sirens. There was a still quietness about it, a comforting yet uncomfortable silence around it all.

“Alistair?”, Tricia Moore's voice came from behind.

“Nana”, Alistair responded, turning immediately he heard the voice. She stretched her arms towards him for a hug and Alistair responded alike, coming into her short ranged arms.

“Oh Alistair ”, She whispered to him, caressing his back hair like he was some long lost son. She finally let go of him, keeping still within arm's range.

“How have you been my dear? It's been so long since you visited.”


“I understand”, she said, placing her hand over his. “You know I always do”

She gave him that kind smile, that smile that reminded him of so many unspoken memories in his head, memories that seemed so cloudy in his head now.

They hugged again and this time Alistair didn't feel like letting go. Her hands soothed his back slowly, just the way she would do when he was much younger.

“Come… tell me. How are you?”, She asked, leading him to sit beside her on the couch.

“I'm fine Nana. How have you been? How’s your health?”

“I've been well dear. Very well. Layla's been taking care of me and my health is better”

“I'm glad to hear that Nana”, Alistair said with a brief smile.

“Oh dear”, Tricia gasped like she'd forgotten something. “Where's the cake Layla?”

“Bringing it Mum”, she shouted from the kitchen.

“Oh that wouldn't be necessary Nana”, Alistair began protesting.

“I insist dear. Let me”, she said again with that smile of hers. Layla brought a slice of cream chocolate cake on a saucer and some iced tea in an averagely tall glass, all balanced perfectly on the tray. The aroma of the cake filled the room but the cake tasted even better.

“You like it?”, Tricia asked as she took the saucer from her daughter.

“It's almond and chocolate”

Alistair nodded, taking another chunk with his fork.

“Really? It doesn't taste like it”, Alistair said, looking at the slice in his hand amidst a mouthful of cake.

“But it's my favourite of your recipes anyway”

Tricia Moore smiled, filling her own fork with cake. She watched Alistair as he took chunk after chunk off the cake. Placing her saucer down, she excused herself.

She walked into the kitchen, going straight to the oven.



“Yes mum”, Layla answered coming into the kitchen, one hand struggling to fix her earring.

“Why is this cake in the oven?”

“Oh that's the almond and hazelnut cake”

“But I thought I specifically asked you to serve it first”

“Yes but the cake wasn't done properly and I forgot that you had asked me to serve it first. Besides, Alistair is allergic to hazelnut. You couldn't have possibly forgotten, could you?”

“Oh dear, that's true. He is allergic”

“Mum… you can't keep forgetting sensitive details like that”

“I'm sorry. It won't happen next time. Thank you for reminding me”

“You are welcome”, Layla said, pecking her mum. She took a chunk of the already cut out cake on the saucer and headed for the door.

“Going somewhere?”

“Yeah, I have lunch date with my friends”



“And who is Zikki again?”

“Mum…”, Layla groaned.

“I’ll explain when I get back, ok? Love you” She blew a kiss and the door shut loudly.

“Layla wait up”, Alistair said, also passing the kitchen.

“Are you going to?”

“Yes Nana. I have to rush. It's … it's almost dinner time at the house.”

Oh you can stay for dinner dear, I don't mind”

“I wish I could Nana but I have to go”


He came to where she stood and hugged her.

“I promise to come visiting the minute I have the chance”

“Ok dear. I look forward to seeing you”

She smiled, watching as he walked out the door. She turned to the kitchen window, where she could see him escorting Layla to the road.

“Two adorable children aren't they?”


“Elara”, Ethan called as his voice echoed through the empty space.


“Mr. Ethan Sterling, why the heck are you shouting?”, She said, tipping over a little as she rested on the protectors. She was up the stairs and Ethan looked up to her.

Ethan licked his lips. “Oh I'm definitely coming for you”, he said as he moved to the head of the stairs and made his way up. In her panties and a loose singlet top, she walked towards him as he arrived at the top of the stairs, his eyes devouring her already.

She put her hands round his neck and they kissed passionately. She giggled as he hands moved inside her, she pulling in more.

“Hmm… I can see you've missed me”, she said, as she felt her panties slide down her thighs.

“You think?”

He carried her thick thighs to the room, laying her on the bed as he hurriedly removed his clothes. Soon, they were both in their birthday suits with moans and alluring groanings echoing in the house.

Alistair was yet to find out as he walked up the stairs, wondering who was in the house. His first guess was as good as correct as he met Elara's undies on the floor just in front of the room.

He pushed the door open and there they were.

“What the … shit!”

Ethan fell over to other side of the bed, breathing heavily.

“What are you…. Get out of here”, Elara said, her face never more annoyed. She gathered the duvet clothes to cover herself.

“Elara, I thought you said this bastard won't be a problem”

“He won't.. he's just…”, she said, amidst gathering the falling, heavy duvet to get to the door. Alistair just stood there, too dumbfounded to speak.

“Would you get out of here?”

“Elara, what are you…?”

“What? I'm ******* with Ethan Sterling, so? Think I want to be married to you? Get out of here!”, She shouted, banging the door in his face.

“Arghh”, Elara groaned. “My parents stupid decisions!”

“Forget him. Where were we?”

Their giggles filled the house again and Alistair just stared at the door, unable to speak. He finally walked away, a sorry and broken man.

Should he have expected more? He knew Elara wasn't his biggest fan but this… this was beyond the line. And look at him, thinking marriage would make her love him.  She'd obviously been cheating on his all along.

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