Son In Law Wants His Revenge

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Son In Law Wants His Revenge

By: Dominique Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 8 views: 7

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Ethan Caldwell, who has spent years enduring humiliation as the Harrison family’s worthless son-in-law, quietly hides his true identity as a billionaire, the heir to Kingsley Mountains, a vast, prestigious organization. But when they push too far—forcing him to take the fall for a crime he didn’t commit and attempting to tear him away from his wife, Emily—Ethan decides to show the world who he really is by revealing his identity. As the heir to an empire, a conglomerate that controls and wields so much power and wealth, Ethan is ready to reclaim his destiny.

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  • Oye Heritage


    Beautiful ...️ Ride on Author

    2024-09-30 21:43:11
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8 chapters
Ethan Caldwell
Ethan's heart was laced with fear and anxiety as he walked with his wife into the opulent mansion of the Harrisons.This was the second time they were calling for a meeting that week, and Ehan knew well enough that it was his matter they wanted to discuss. He knew how bad that was going to be. After all, he was a hopeless son-in-law, and he knew his wife's family were totally dissatisfied by her choice of marriage.The Harrisons hated Ethan. They treated him with contempt as his marriage to their daughter was like an insult to their face, yet they let him marry her because he saved her life— and their daughter, Emily would be forever indebted to him.Mrs Vanessa Harrison scrunched her nose as if she'd just perceive an offensive odor as Ethan walked in. Her face hid no trace of contempt and disgust as she was irritated by Ethan's presence.“Have a sit,” she urged him, and motioned to the vacant chairs that was left for him and his wife. Ethan obliged and sat down next to his wife, and
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A Twist Of Fate
Ethan paced around in his home as he contacted Kingsley Mountain. After so many years, he'd finally considered taking his inheritance and he was fueled with strong determination.“This is Ethan Caldwell,” he said casually over the phone as he spoke to the chairlady.“Mr Ethan… This is him, if I'm not mistaken right?”“Of course.”“Well, I'm glad you called,” she said enthusiastically butin a surprised tone. Perhaps, she never expected him to call.“Thank you,” Ethan replied. “Uhm….” He scratched his head, not sure of what to say next.He actually wanted things to fall in place. His wife would be taken away from him in no time if he didn't do anything. He really loved Emily and could not afford to let her be in the arms of another. There was only one thing to do.“Liam White,” he began. “I heard that he has a solid connection with Kingsley Mountain, is that true?”“Yes, sir, of course. He's also one of the prominent shareholders in the company.”“Well, I want you to cut all ties with h
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From Pauper to Prince
Emily was shocked and dumbfounded. She stared at the two men who were engrossed in a deep conversation.She walked to both men who happened to be her husband, Ethan and Mr Lawrence. “Y-you both know each other?”“Uh, yes, actually. I uhm… I was helping Mr Lawrence with a heart attack. He encountered a heart attack, so….”Emily wasn't convinced with her husband's reply. She looked at him, and he noticed a hint of skepticism in her eyes. “Really, I don't remember you being a doctor or a healthcare practitioner.”“Well, uhm…”“He actually helped me to suppress the heart attack I had. I was the one that called him over. He's a good man, your husband. And I'm glad he'd visited.” Ethan was surprised at how well Mr Lawrence played along with him but he was glad he did that to help him.Emily's gaze shifted from her husband to Mr Lawrence and then back to her husband, her eyes almost popping out of their sockets. It wasn't adding up— every single thing. There was something going on with Etha
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Michael's Downfall -- Ethan Unleashed
The atmosphere in the room had changed, the silence was deafening, one could hear a feather drop. Sarah still couldn't wrap her head around what had just happened, all she could do was stare at Mr. Dawson who had just made her see stars with just a life-threatening slap.She still couldn't fathom the reason as to why she deserved that, she just stood there with her hands on her cheek which had turned pepper red. She fought so hard but lost to the drop of tear which dribbled down her cheek giving it a cool sensation as the slap had caused more harm than intended.“M-m-mr Dawson, I don't get it, surely whatever I have done would have been settled amicably.” Sarah muzzled out still fighting the tears that were ready to flow out like a broken reservoir.“You will apologize to Mr. Ethan right now, and I don't care what you have to say about it, you don't treat our important customers like that, let alone someone of such great esteem, where are your manners?”Sarah, still in the dark, wishe
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A Slap Of Reality
Emily seems to have a visitor, it was her best friend, Rachel. Rachel used every opportunity she got to blame Ethan for every problem Emily faces. She even went as far as blaming Emily for getting married to Ethan instead of Michael, the handsome and wealthy man.“He has a bright future you know, and what's more, he's a master of taekwondo, he would be able to protect you financially and physically too.” Rachel points out almost getting angry at Emily. She felt if Michael was her husband she wouldn't be having financial issues with her company.They heard a soft knock on the door and assumed it was Michael. In unison they both chorused “come in.” The look on their faces dropped when they realized who it was. Ethan walked in carrying the box of money.Ethan hated Rachel's guts, he felt she was the reason why Emily was acting up, he tagged her a bad influence on Emily. The feeling of hatred was mutual among these two.After seeing Rachel, Ethan was confused as to how to break the news t
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The Truth Revealed
Ethan stood still, his fists clenched, as the weight of the Harrisons’ words crashed down on him. His mind was a storm of emotions—anger, humiliation, frustration. How dare they ask him to take the fall for David, the arrogant fool who constantly lived recklessly, knowing his parents would bail him out? And now, they were offering to trade his freedom for their convenience, as if he were nothing more than a pawn in their power-hungry games.Emily’s hand gripped his tightly under the table, but her touch did little to calm the turmoil inside him. Her family had pushed too far this time. For years, Ethan had endured their insults and disrespect, all for the sake of Emily, the woman he loved more than anything. But now, they wanted to take that away from him, too. They wanted to force her to divorce him and marry Liam White—a man so full of himself it made Ethan sick.His heart pounded in his chest, and the silence in the room became suffocating. Mr. Gerald Harrison, Emily’s father, star
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Ethan's Secret
Michael White had never been humiliated like this before in his life. The blow that Ethan Caldwell had dealt him—physically and financially—burned deep. He sat in his office, eyes burning with rage, as his phone rang off the hook with calls from business partners and investors. They all wanted answers. They all wanted to know how Ethan, the man they had all written off as a nobody, had managed to orchestrate the collapse of several of Michael’s ventures seemingly overnight.The board meeting earlier that day had been disastrous. Investors, once eager to throw their money into Michael’s enterprises, were now pulling out. Ethan had severed every business tie Kingsley Mountain had with Michael, cutting off his most valuable connections.Michael slammed his fist onto his desk, knocking over a stack of files. “That bastard!” he growled. “How did he do it? How did he manage to ruin me?”His assistant, Tim, stood at the door, visibly nervous. “Sir, there’s more bad news,” Tim stammered. “The
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Brother Against Brother
Ethan sat in his office, reviewing the latest financial reports from Kingsley Mountain. Despite all the chaos with Michael and the Harrisons, the company remained strong, its influence untouchable. But something nagged at him—an uneasiness he couldn’t quite place.The phone rang, breaking his focus. Ethan picked it up. "Yes?"Ryan’s voice came through the line, his tone hesitant. "Ethan, I... I just received some information. It’s about your family."Ethan frowned. "What is it?""It’s your brother. John."Ethan’s heart skipped a beat. He hadn’t heard that name in years. John Caldwell—his older brother—had been presumed dead in a tragic accident over a decade ago. The grief had been devastating for Ethan and the rest of his family, but they had eventually moved on, though the loss left a deep scar."What are you talking about, Ryan? John’s dead."Ryan’s voice was tense. "That’s what we all thought, but it seems he’s resurfaced. And there’s more. He’s been living in the shadows, Ethan.
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