The Return of Adrian Scott

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The Return of Adrian Scott

By: Wan Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 12 views: 6

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Adrian was treated like thrash by his wife's family and even went to prison for a crime he did not commit in exchange for saving his mother's life. However, his mother was left to die alone. Adrian returns from prison 5 years later as the heir to the Scott Empire, making all those who did him wrong pay, one at a time.

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12 chapters
Chapter 1
The slap was heavier than Adrian had anticipated, and his head whipped sideways as Evelyn's hand connected with his cheek. The shock hit him first, followed by a wave of shame. She glared angrily at him, satisfied with the force she'd used. “Pathetic," Evelyn spat, her eyes cold and full of disgust. Her sharp features contorted into a sneer as she stood only feet away. The designer heels clicked with each movement she made closer, her presence looming over him. "Do you even know how long my car's been sitting there, filthy? What kind of useless man can't even wash a car? Adrian kept his head down, his fists curling at the sides. His gaze briefly moved to the sleek black car-the one he hadn't had time to clean. He'd been busy, taking care of his mother, making sure she had everything she needed. But he knew Evelyn didn't care about that. Never did. "I was going to clean it, Evelyn," he said in a low voice, trying to keep himself from lashing out. "I just-” "Shut up!"
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Chapter 2
He could never have envisioned this life five years ago. He had been a regular guy then, holding a simple job, trying to make ends meet for his mother. His life was not glamorous, but it was honest. Everything changed that night at the charity gala. It had been a hot summer evening, and Adrian had been working at a charity gala hosted by the prestigious Sinclair family, one of the richest families in the city of NewOak. He was there to serve drinks, clear tables, and fade into the background as every other hired hand did. Rich and wealthy people like the Sinclairs never noticed people like him, and it was quite all right with Adrian. He just wanted to do his job and leave. Everything was going fine. people clinked their glasses together accompanied with laughter. That was until Gregory Sinclair, Jane's father collapsed. The whole moment seemed unreal to him. Just a moment earlier, Gregory was merrily entertaining a bunch of posh guests, and the very next minute, he lay on the
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Chapter 3
Adrian!" Ethan, his brother-in law, called loudly again.He quickly made his way to Ethan's room and he could hear the clinking glasses and low chatter. Ethan would always do this. He would spend his days partying and ulping down alcohol. His father Gregory had grown tired of his carefree behaviour and wished he had been gifted with a more sensible son, not this buffoon. Adrian took a deep breath before stepping into the room. There was a high chance he could get an undeserved beating. He found Ethan sitting on a leather sofa with his friend Dave, both of them half-drunk The smell of alcohol hung in the air, and a whiskey bottle could be seen on the table, almost empty. "There you are," Ethan said with a lazy grin. "We need you to drive us somewhere." Adrian frowned. "I can't, Ethan. I have to drive Mr. Gregory somewhere later today. It's important." Ethan's grin was gone in an instant, replaced by a dangerous glint in his eyes. "What did you just say?" Adrian took a pr
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Chapter 4
Adrian nodded, still in shock of what had just happened. “Now get out of the car.” Ethan ordered, leaving Adrian on the side of the road before him and Dave drove off.By the time Adrian returned to the mansion, he was still shaking, his hands quivering.The image of that man's body—inside his head—wouldn't go away, and Ethan's cold command echoed in his ears. He had to say something—to someone—but who would believe him? A nobody in this family, a lowly pawn used whenever it suited them? How could Ethan just walk away from what he had done? The thought chilled him to the bone. Adrian pushed the heavy oak door of the Sinclair mansion open and was immediately met by Evelyn. She stood in the foyer, arms crossed across her chest, her foot tapping impatiently upon the marble floor. "Where's Ethan? Why didn't you bring him back with the car? "I—he took the car," Adrian said, swallowing the lump in his throat. "I…I don't know where he went after that." You could hear the
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Chapter 5
"They are saying Ethan ran someone over and never stopped," Evelyn turned to her father. "What?!” Gregory was in disbelief. His foolish son had finally gotten himself into serious trouble. “Make sure you don't say anything until the lawyer arrives” Evelyn said firmly to Ethan as he was taken away. Immediately he was out of the house, she turned her attention to Adrian. “Didn’t you drive them, Adrian?” an accusatory look was drawn all over her face. “Yes I did but--” Adrian was interrupted by a phone call. It was Dr. Harris, the doctor in-charge of his mother’s case. "Hello?” he answered anxiously. He had recently taken his mother for some more tests and was waiting for the results. "I am calling about your mother's condition. We need to talk, immediately." The doctor’s tone implied that it was something serious. "I-I'll be right there," Adrian stuttered, hanging up the phone. He glanced at Evelyn’s piercing stare, sensing no room for explanations now. “I have to
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Chapter 6
“What? do you know my mother needs surgery?” the shock was evident on his face. Evelyn took a step towards him. “How I know doesn't matter. What matters is that I can help you….that is if you do what I say” “I'll be back in an hour. I want your answer by then” she said coldly before leaving his room. Adrian paced back and forth. What was he to do? if he agreed to do what Evelyn asked, he could save his mother. But at what cost? If he admitted to the crime, he would be punished dearly. The thought of having to spend years behind bars made him shiver. If he chose not do it, there was no guarantee that Evelyn wouldn’t still try to pin it on him. The air suddenly felt thick and choking as Adrian tried to make a decision. An hour later, Evelyn returned. Her face was cold and confident, her eyes locking onto his as if she knew exactly what he was going to say. Adrian's heart sank realizing what he had to do. She'd already won, and they both knew it. "Well?"
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Chapter 7
Adrian sat in the courtroom, his hands cuffed and his body tense. Today was the day that he would know his fate. Everyone’s gaze was focused on him. He hardly heard the murmurs of the people around him or the rustling of paper from the legal teams. All he could concentrate on was the gnawing feeling in his chest. Evelyn didn’t even bother to get him a lawyer, and he had to make do with a public defender. The judge, an older man with a stoic face sat on the high table in front of the room and read over the case details. “Mr. Adrian, you stand accused of vehicular assault and obstruction of justice. How do you plead?” Adrian swallowed hard. His eyes glanced to the back of the courtroom where Evelyn sat, her face looking cold and detached. She had done this to him, yet she sat there not looking affected at all. "I. I plead guilty," Adrian managed to speak. There was a collective shift in the room, a low murmur of voices as the judge nodded and scribbled down something. Guilty. It
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Chapter 8
“My name is Javier.” The man said as he helped Adrian up. Javier would come to be one of his trusted friends in prison. The coming weeks were difficult for Adrian as he tried to adapt to prison life. Each day seemed like hell, but he consoled himself that he was at least able to save his mother. But he hadn’t heard anything about his mother since he got into prison. No one from the Sinclair family had bothered to visit him, not even if his wife Jane. He was finally relieved when one of the guards called his name and informed him that he had a visitor. On getting to the visiting room, he saw that it was Jane. Of course, no matter how angry she was at him, she would definitely not leave him there without visiting. His wife must still love him. So he thought. He sat across her as she looked at him with a blank expression on her face. “Jane…I knew you’d come to see me.” Jane’s gaze swept over him. She could tell that prison life was already taking a toll on him, and part
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Chapter 9
Chapter 9 Adrian dropped the phone as his hands trembled. He couldn’t believe his ears. His mother, his whole world was gone. Everything he had done was all for nothing. Evelyn had lied to him. This couldn’t be true. His mother couldn’t be gone. He picked back the prison phone and dialed Evelyn. “What happened to my mother!” his voice sounded violent. “You should mind the tone you use with me.” Evelyn said coldly on the other end of the line. “You lied to me. I went to prison for nothing!” “You went to prison for a crime you admitted to commiting. How is that my fault?” she laughed over the phone causing Adrian to wonder how a person could be so heartless. “Did you really think I’d spend my money on that mother of yours? You are really a bigger fool than I thought. I hope you enjoy your vacation in prison.” With that she ended the call leaving Adrian in tears. He would go on to spend 7 years in prison, but that night was the worst night of his life. His chest felt tight and h
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Chapter 10
“If what you are saying is true, and you did work for my father, I don't care.” Adrian had a dismissive tone. “He was never there for me and my mother so I don't give a damn about him!” Adrian thundered as he walked away. The man let out a sigh. “If you ever change your mind and you want to find out more about your father, here's my card. I promise i can explain everything” He said, handing Adrian a card. He barely glanced at the card and put it into his jacket pocket.He got on to a bus going to a Niklon, a neighbourhood in Oakcity. he was going to see an old friend who had got out of prison two years before him-Javier. Adrian trusted him, and now that he did have a plan after seven long years, he needed Javier's help. Javier had been the only one he told about how the Sinclairs had wronged him. The bus ride was quiet, the soft hum of the engine the only sound as Adrian stared out the window.On getting to Niklon, Adrian went to a dingy bar Javier had mentioned once. And inde
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