Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Adrian dropped the phone as his hands trembled. He couldn’t believe his ears. His mother, his whole world was gone. Everything he had done was all for nothing. Evelyn had lied to him.

This couldn’t be true. His mother couldn’t be gone. He picked back the prison phone and dialed Evelyn.

“What happened to my mother!” his voice sounded violent.

“You should mind the tone you use with me.” Evelyn said coldly on the other end of the line.

“You lied to me. I went to prison for nothing!”

“You went to prison for a crime you admitted to commiting. How is that my fault?” she laughed over the phone causing Adrian to wonder how a person could be so heartless.

“Did you really think I’d spend my money on that mother of yours? You are really a bigger fool than I thought. I hope you enjoy your vacation in prison.” With that she ended the call leaving Adrian in tears.

He would go on to spend 7 years in prison, but that night was the worst night of his life. His chest felt tight and he cried his eyes out. When there were no more tears to give, his sadness was replaced with a deep hatred for the Sinclairs. He vowed to bring every one of them to the ground.

[ 7 years later. ]

Adrian stood in the far corner of the prison yard., his back pressed against the chain-link fence. His appearance had changed a lot and he looked nothing like the guy who came in seven years ago.

He had a thick beard, and his slender build was now replaced with broad shoulders and muscular arms. His eyes which were once warm, were now sharp and cold. He was no longer the old Adrian and had earned the nickname “The Ghost”.

With just a month left, he would finally be released from prison. Adrian was enjoying the cool breeze when he suddenly froze. He couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was watching him.

He looked around and noticed man coming towards him. He didn’t recognize him, but something seemed off about him. His eyes narrowed, and in an instant, the man attacked him with a knife.

He quickly sidestepped out of the way and in a quick motion, he caught the man’s wrist and twisted it brutally, forcing him to drop the knife on the floor. The man tried to retaliate but Adrian landed a swift knee to his stomach and he crashed to the floor.

Adrian stood over him, an angry look on his face. “Who sent you?”

The man looked back at him with hostility but didn’t say anything. The prison guards burst in and dragged him off.

As Adrian watched them taking him away, different questions filled his mind.

Why did this stranger attack him? Could it be that Evelyn wanted to get rid of him now that he was close to getting out of Prison?

He stood there for another moment as he anger rose.

“They won’t get rid of me that easily”

The day finally came. Adrian was to be released. He walked out of the prison gates, and freedom felt so sweet. He looked behind at the place that had taken 7 years of his life. He was finally free.

He had nowhere to go, and there was no one to come pick him up.

However, there was one person he had to see first-his mother.

The cemetery was quiet, and only the faint rustling of leaves could be heard. He stood in front of his mother’s grave, his shoulder’s slumped as he knelt before the headstone.

His throat tightened. "I am so sorry, Mom," he whispered low. "I should have protected you. I should have done more.”

A wave of emotion hit him as he remembered his mother’s sweet smile. He had gone to prison out of his love for her. But at the end of the day, his mother died, and he was not there for those last moments.

The tears slowly began to drop. It was the first time he had cried in a long time. Years in prison had taught him how to bury his pain deep inside, but it was too much to contain out here at her grave.

“They lied to me,” he said, his voice growing hard with anger.

He clenched his fists as his anger rose again. Evelyn, Jane, Ethan.

They had all used him and discarded him. But what they didn’t know was that they had created a monster in the process.

“I’ll make them pay, Mom,”

“I’ll make every one of them regret what they did to me.”

As Adrian left the cemetery, he saw a black sleek car parked outside the gate. A man dressed in a refined suit stepped out of the car.

“Master Adrian” the man said bowing slightly.

“Master Adrian?” no one had ever called him that since he was born. Who was this man?

“I think you have me confused with someone else.”

The man shook his head. “No mistake, sir. I worked for your father.”

“His father?”

Adrian never knew who his father was. In fact, his mother never liked to talk about him

“Who are you talking about? I don’t have a father.”

“There will be time for explanations, Master Adrian. For now, I am here to bring you home”

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