Chapter 10

“If what you are saying is true, and you did work for my father, I don't care.” Adrian had a dismissive tone.

“He was never there for me and my mother so I don't give a damn about him!” Adrian thundered as he walked away.

The man let out a sigh. “If you ever change your mind and you want to find out more about your father, here's my card. I promise i can explain everything”

He said, handing Adrian a card.

He barely glanced at the card and put it into his jacket pocket.

He got on to a bus going to a Niklon, a neighbourhood in Oakcity. he was going to see an old friend who had got out of prison two years before him-Javier.

Adrian trusted him, and now that he did have a plan after seven long years, he needed Javier's help.

Javier had been the only one he told about how the Sinclairs had wronged him.

The bus ride was quiet, the soft hum of the engine the only sound as Adrian stared out the window.

On getting to Niklon, Adrian went to a dingy bar Javier had mentioned once. And indeed, Javier was there, sitting in a corner with a cigarette in hand.

Javier noticed him as he came in and was visibly excited

“Well… Well…Well. look who's here. If isn't the ghost himself!”

“Javier!” Adrian gave a wide smile as they shared a hug.

“Finally out, eh?” Javier gave him a light tap on the arm.

Adrian nodded as he sat opposite him. “Yeah, I'm out. It's good to see you, Jav.”

Javier leaned back, puffing smoke. So now what? Still thinking of revenge?

Adrian's face darkened. His eyes said it all.

“Seven years, I have been planning this,” Adrian said in a low tone.

“Every single day, I think of how I will make them pay for doing this to me. And for my mom.”

Javier nodded, firing up another cigarette. "I figured. But things have changed out here since you've been inside. The Sinclairs won't be easy targets."

"I know," Adrian said, leaning forward. "That's why I need to rebuild. I need power, resources. You've been out here. You know how things work."

Javier tapped his cigarette against the ashtray, considering. "You want me to help you?

Adrian stared him in the eye. "I can't do it alone. I need all the help I can get.”

Javier nodded. "All right, I'll help. But once you go through with this, there is no turning back. Revenge can get messy."

"I don't care," Adrian replied. "They took everything away from me. I'm not looking for a happy ending. I want justice.

Javier chuckled. "You're as stubborn as ever, hermano. But I get it. Just know that once we start this, you need to be ready for whatever happens."

Adrian nodded. "I've waited seven years. I'm ready."

Javier raised his glass-a small smile on his face. "To revenge."

“So what's the plan?” Javier asked, gulping down his drink.

“First, I need to gather information. I need to infiltrate the company and the house. Get close enough to learn their weaknesses”

Javier nodded. Already thinking.

“I have a guy. He can get you into their company as a cleaner.”

“That would do. But what if I get recognized? I might look a little different from seven years ago but any of the Sinclairs would still recognize me”

“Cleaners work wearing face-masks so you'll be able to conceal your face while you get around.”

A slow, dark smile crept onto Adrian’s face. “That’s perfect.”

“But what about the house?” Javier asked.

“That’s what we have to figure out.”

“One more thing, about a month ago while I was in prison, someone attacked me with a knife. Looked like someone sent him after me. I need to know who. Think you can get me that info?”

“Sure, I can put the word out there. Is there anyone you suspect?”

“Evelyn Sinclair.”

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