Chapter 11

The Sinclair mansion stood tall, casting long shadows in the late afternoon light. Indoors, the air was filled with a silent tension that had become usual ever since Evelyn became CEO.

Ethan sat in the living room, with a glass of whiskey in his hand. he swirled the amber coloured liquid in the glass.

The past few months had left him extremely discontent. As the first son, he was supposed to be the CEO but things hadn’t gone the way they should have, and now he was forced to play the supportive brother while she took the limelight.

No one knew why he had stepped back, and he preferred to keep it that way.

The sound of clicking heels interrupted his thoughts. He didn’t need to turn around to know who it was.

“Ethan” Evelyn’s sharp voice came through. “Have you seen the latest projections from the finance team?”

He took a slow sip of his whiskey, holding off on the answer just long enough to annoy her. "I've looked them over."

"And?" she asked, tone implying this was a demand for an answer, not a conversation.

Ethan's jaw clamped down. "They're fine."

She huffed in disdain, far less than impressed. "Fine? That's the best you've got? We're about to close a multi-million-dollar deal, and all you can offer is 'fine'?

Evelyn had always liked to play the role of knowing best. And now, thanks to her CEO title, her arrogance had become insufferable.

But what could he do? His hands were tied. For now.

Evelyn took another step closer. "You're not doing enough, Ethan. I can't have you screwing around when the company's future is at stake.

He forced a smile, the kind that didn't touch his eyes. "Don't you worry about me, I'll pay more attention it."

For a moment, Evelyn's gaze softened, just barely, before the ice returned. "Good. I don't want to have to remind you again.

As she turned to leave, Ethan's thoughts took on a dark turn. Remind him? She was always reminding him. That she was in charge. That he had no say anymore.

She didn't have to say it straight out-her every word, every glance, was a reminder. He was just a cog in the machine now, an afterthought in the company that should have been his.

But not forever.

He watched her disappear down the hall, the echoes of her footsteps long after she was out of sight. He finished his whiskey in one long gulp-the burn did little to take the edge off the rage brewing just below the surface.

Dave came in after overhearing their conversation. He was now Ethan's brother-in law as he got married to Jane not long after her divorce with Adrian.

"Why do you let her talk you to like that?" Dave was puzzled at how Ethan would say nothing when his sister pushed him around. The Ethan he knew would usually have something to say.

Dave looked towards the direction Evelyn had left through.

"One of these days, I'll give her a piece of my mind."

"I'd advise you not to do that if you want to get into trouble with her." Ethan warned.

Evelyn had left the mansion to attend a meeting at the company.

The instant she'd settled into the rear of the waiting car, she knew something was amiss. Her driver wasn't Richard, her regular chauffeur.

This man was younger, with hair a darker shade, and a slight hunch to his shoulders. He caught her staring through the rearview mirror.

"Miss Sinclair," he said, his voice smooth but unfamiliar. "I’m Mr. Richard's nephew. He's sick, so I'm standing in for him."

Evelyn's eyes slitted. "Richard is sick? Nobody informed me."

He nodded, not quite meeting her eye. "Yes ma'am. He came up suddenly. I'm just filling in."

Evelyn sat back against the leather seat, her head whirling. She did not like surprises; she did not like deviations from the norm, at least, not those she hadn't pre-approved.

"How long will you be driving me?"

She queried, and he answered readily, "Till my uncle is on his feet again. You shouldn't have a problem, I am very qualified".

When they approached the entry to the company, she took a moment to halt and then leave the vehicle. She turned around, asking, "What did you say your name was?"

"Javier, ma'am," he calmly responded, his gaze meeting hers for the first time.

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