Chapter 6

“What? do you know my mother needs surgery?” the shock was evident on his face.

Evelyn took a step towards him. “How I know doesn't matter. What matters is that I can help you….that is if you do what I say”

“I'll be back in an hour. I want your answer by then” she said coldly before leaving his room.

Adrian paced back and forth. What was he to do? if he agreed to do what Evelyn asked, he could save his mother. But at what cost?

If he admitted to the crime, he would be punished dearly.

The thought of having to spend years behind bars made him shiver.

If he chose not do it, there was no guarantee that Evelyn wouldn’t still try to pin it on him.

The air suddenly felt thick and choking as Adrian tried to make a decision.

An hour later, Evelyn returned. Her face was cold and confident, her eyes locking onto his as if she knew exactly what he was going to say.

Adrian's heart sank realizing what he had to do.

She'd already won, and they both knew it.


"Have you made your decision?” she asked impatiently

"I'll do it," Adrian muttered, forcing the words out. His voice cracked, but he stood firm.

"I'll confess to the crime if you pay for my mother's surgery. Also, you can’t let her know that I am in jail until after the surgery."

Evelyn's lips curled into a smile. He had just handed her everything.

"That’s a good boy. I knew you would see reason," she said satisfied.

"You are making the right choice, Adrian. I'll make sure your mother gets only the best care, and she'll live out a comfortable life. You're doing this for her, after all."

Her words, which were aimed at being reassuring, did quite the opposite. Adrian felt sick to his core.

He wanted to scream in frustration but he had no choice, he had to save his mother. She was all that mattered.

After speaking with Evelyn, he went to see his mother. She was preparing to go to bed.

"Mother, how are you?" he said as he sat on the side of her bed.

a small smile formed on her face. "I'm holding out. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

"I spoke with Dr. Harris and he said you'll be needing surgery. "

"Surgery?" her face suddenly became worried.

"How much would it cost?"

"Don't worry about it. I've taken care of it. you just need to get better."

She couldn't help but be bothered. She knew surgery would be expensive and wondered how he had paid for it.

"I also have to go on a business trip for Evelyn."

"Business trip? Why? you never do that.."

"Um...yes but it's urgent and she asked me to help her with it. I'll be leaving tomorrow."

"When will you be back?"

Adrian swallowed. he couldn't bear to tell his mother that he won't be coming back anytime soon.

"I won't be gone for long. you should get some sleep." He tucked her in before heading back into his room.

The next morning, Adrian woke up early, barely sleeping through the night. His mind had replayed the conversation with Evelyn over and over, with the gravity of what he was about to do weighing heavily on him.

He looked at the clock, aware that in some hours, everything in his life was going to change forever.

Evelyn escorted him to the station to give his testimony.

"Don't worry, you're doing the right thing." She said with a pretentious tone.

However, it just sounded like mockery to Adrian.

He felt the gaze of officers on him as he entered into the station and was led to a small interrogation room.

He sat down staring at the table in front of him, trying to steady his breathing.

Two detectives entered, their faces were unreadable as they took a seat. One of them, Detective Hall, leaned forward, folding his hands together.

"Mr. Adrian Scott," he started off, professional, yet firm, "you've come here today to make a statement regarding the accident. Is that right?"

Adrian nodded, gulping hard. His hands trembled a bit as he clasped them together in his lap.

He felt like he was standing on the edge of a cliff from which there was no way to climb back up.

"Before we proceed further into this issue," Detective Hall started, "this is your chance to stop and tell the truth. In case you feel anything needs to be added, or that something was said out of context, this is the time for that addition.

Adrian's gut twisted. His mother flashed in his mind-frail, lying in that hospital bed. He had to do this for her.

"I… I am guilty," Adrian said calmly. "I was driving the car. I hit the man, and I fled the scene.

The words were like poison in his mouth as each word he spoke dragged him further down in the pit of despair.

He could feel the detectives' eyes on him, studying him, weighing his confession.

There was a moment of silence before Detective Hall sighed, writing something on his notepad.

“Very well,” he said, his tone neutral. “We’ll record your statement. You understand this means you’ll be formally charged with vehicular assault as well as obstruction of justice as you tried to hide the car?”

Ethan and Dave had stashed the car somewhere after the accident, but now this would also be added to his charges.

Adrian nodded, his heart pounding so hard he thought it might burst.

Vehicular assault. The word sounded foreign, yet it was his cross now to bear.

They escorted him out of the interrogation room and down the hall, where he saw Jane and the rest of the family waiting.

Mr. Gregory looked disappointed. Although he never thought Adrian was enough for his daughter, he never imagined he would do such a thing.

Ethan, on the other hand, looked relieved that he had escaped going to jail. Better the useless son-in-law than him.

Adrian had no idea that the family would be there. That made the whole situation a lot worse for him. Thankfully, his mother wasn’t there to see him in that state.

His gaze moved to Jane, who stared at him with deep disgust.

"So it was you? and you let my brother get arrested?" Jane walked towards him and gave a hard slap across his face.

“You’re a pathetic excuse for a human being!”

He couldn’t look at her as he tried to hold back his tears.

“I’m sorry,” was all he could manage before they escorted him past her.

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