Chapter 5

"They are saying Ethan ran someone over and never stopped," Evelyn turned to her father.

"What?!” Gregory was in disbelief. His foolish son had finally gotten himself into serious trouble.

“Make sure you don't say anything until the lawyer arrives” Evelyn said firmly to Ethan as he was taken away.

Immediately he was out of the house, she turned her attention to Adrian.

“Didn’t you drive them, Adrian?” an accusatory look was drawn all over her face.

“Yes I did but--”

Adrian was interrupted by a phone call. It was Dr. Harris, the doctor in-charge of his mother’s case.

"Hello?” he answered anxiously.

He had recently taken his mother for some more tests and was waiting for the results.

"I am calling about your mother's condition. We need to talk, immediately." The doctor’s tone implied that it was something serious.

"I-I'll be right there," Adrian stuttered, hanging up the phone.

He glanced at Evelyn’s piercing stare, sensing no room for explanations now. “I have to go,” he muttered, before leaving hastily.

Several minutes later, Adrian arrived at the hospital to see Dr. Harris.

"I won't sugarcoat it," Dr. Harris said, leading Adrian toward the chairs in the waiting area.

He brought out an image of a recent scan they had performed. "Your mother's condition has deteriorated so much faster than we had expected. The cancer has spread, and she needs to have surgery immediately, or she will die very soon. She has weeks, maybe months, without it."

Adrian felt the floor drop from beneath him. His mother, the only person ever to have loved him, now lay at death's door, and he was powerless to save her.

He had no money. No means to save her. "How much will it cost?" Adrian asked, already knowing the answer would be more than he could afford.

"The surgery, including postoperative care, will cost about $200,000," Dr. Harris said softly.

"But it's going to be difficult without insurance or assistance. However, there's still time, Adrian. If we can arrange the funds as soon as possible, we can schedule the surgery immediately."

Adrian swallowed hard. His throat clung together.

Where would he get such huge money from? His mother’s medical expenses had swallowed almost all his salary.

The doctor gave him a compassionate tap on the shoulder. "Do not lose hope, my friend. Whatever we can do to assist you, we shall. But time is running out."

Adrian left the hospital with a heavy heart after thanking him.

Where was he going to get $200,000??? He couldn’t ask for that money from the Sinclairs, they had accommodated him and his mother as well as given him a job, and it would be outrageous for him to ask for such an amount.

And knowing them, they probably wouldn't give it to him if he asked and would just hurl more insults on him.

As Adrian approached the mansion, lost in thought, he overheard voices inside.

“Father, isn’t there anything we can do to help Ethan?” Evelyn’s voice drifted through the door.

Ethan’s arrest was just one more burden weighing down the Sinclair family. Adrian clenched his fists—there was no way he could ask them for help now.

“The stupid boy doesn’t deserve any help! He should go to jail for what he has done.” Gregory Sinclair thundered.

“I heard the person he hit survived but was badly injured and may not be able to walk again. The man has a daughter he can no longer take care of! ” Gregory's angry voice echoed through the room.

"And he is even denying it, not taking responsibility for his crime. Ethan should spend some years in a federal prison. Perhaps then he will finally come to his senses"

“But father- “

“That’s enough! I won’t hear another word of it.” Gregory Sinclair had had enough of Ethan’s antics. It was finally time he faced the music for his actions.

Later that evening, Adrian was also worried about the accident and the investigators who had come around.

Ethan was arrested, but he was also in the car during the accident. What if Ethan mentioned his name?

He did nothing wrong. After all, he tried his best to stop Ethan. He even anonymously called the police about the accident when Ethan dropped him off.

But that was not his biggest worry. His mother’s clock was ticking, and he needed to find a solution, and quickly.

He considered talking to Jane about it, but she went to the station with a lawyer for Ethan, so there was no one he could talk to.

His thoughts were interrupted when Evelyn walked into the room.

“You were there weren’t you?” Evelyn shot the question he had been avoiding.

“What are you talking about?”

"The accident," Evelyn said, stepping closer. "You were there, weren't you? It wasn't just Ethan." Adrian's mouth went dry.

"You drove the car. You're just as guilty as he is," Evelyn spat. "And I'm going to make sure everyone knows it."

Adrian's gut twisted. "That's not true. Ethan was driving-"

"Oh, please," Evelyn snorted. "Who do you think people will believe? A Sinclair, or you? After all, aren’t you the family driver?”

“All we need to say is that you were driving. Ethan and Dave would say the same, and no one will believe you.”

Adrian's fists clenched as his mind began to run furiously. They were trying to pin this on him.

“I don't care what you say! I didn't do it. I'm not going to pay for Ethan's crime!” he flared up.

“Not even to save your mother?” Evelyn said with a sly smile on her face.

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