JAXSON BROWN: Rise Of The Grand Successor

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JAXSON BROWN: Rise Of The Grand Successor

By: ERO HAY Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 19 views: 197

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Jaxson's life shattered when he took the fall for his girlfriend and went to prison for it. But she abandoned him in prison and got engaged to his best friend. However, upon his return, Jaxson discovers that he is the heir to the largest empire in the country. With his new found wealth, Jaxson set out to launch a powerful revenge mission on those who had looked down on him and caused him pain, as well as protect his legacy that they were trying to rip from him.

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19 chapters
Chapter one
Jaxson stood outside his girlfriend's mansion, tired and hungry. As the heavy downpour of rain soaked his old, worn-out clothes, he was at least grateful that his days in prison were over.Mysteriously, he had gotten an early release.He squeezed the little piece of Newspaper in his hand that stated that his girlfriend Jane was getting engaged to another man."There has to be a mistake. Jane wouldn't do this to me," Jaxson muttered while he shivered from the cold.He had taken the fall for her and went to prison for it!As lighting flashed, Jaxson approached the colossal gates of the mansion and rang the doorbell. He rang it again and then, he saw someone tall approaching with an umbrella over their head."Move along, beggar. We do not give alms today," the tall man said to Jaxson. Jaxson was hurt by the remark but he recognized the voice. It belonged to Mike, his girlfriend's bodyguard."Mike, it's me. Jaxson. I just got released from prison. Let me in, I want to see my girlfriend,"
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Chapter two
"Jaxson. So, they finally let you out. Man, you don't look good at all. Was prison food that bad?" Damien mocked Jaxson while his hand was still wrapped around Jane's waist. The way she giggled to his touch made Jaxson enraged. "How long has this been going on?" Jaxson yelled. "Was it after I went to prison?" He questioned. Both Damien and Jane exchanged glances and laughed. Jaxson felt wounded. "It was way before you went to jail. Just because you were friends with Damien didn't make you like him. We were dating in secret and he even took me to that party to ask me to break up with you. And I was going to do it. That was why I got high that night!" Jane snapped. "And then, Jane and I plotted to make you take the fall and rot in jail forever. Sad for you, but good for us," Damien said and smiled. "I trusted you, Damien. I called you a friend!" Jaxson said to Damien. "You were never my friend, Jaxson. You were a nobody. You still are. Right now, I am a manager at Green Oil Inco
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Chapter three
As soon as Jaxson stepped into the room, he was greeted by the smell of drugs that hung in the air. Lying on the bed placed centrally in the room, was an old man who had oxygen prongs The man looked up and saw Jaxson, and tears began to form at the corners of his eyes."My grandson. You're finally here," the man said and pulled himself out of the bed. Jaxson couldn't believe his eyes.It was the same man that he had saved in prison. The man has a heart attack. Jaxson wondered why the CEO of Green Oil Incorporated was in prison in the first place.The man pulled Jaxson in for an embrace."I have waited for this day, my grandson. I have so much to tell you. My name is Ezekiel," he added."I don't understand sir. I have no family. My mother died when I was younger. Perhaps you have the wrong person," Jaxson said to him.The Ezekiel gestured to him to sit and Jaxson did."A lie designed to keep you safe. The truth is, my boy, that by being alive, you have more enemies than you can count.
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Chapter four
"Tonight, I shall announce you, Jaxson, as my heir. But why did you want me to keep it off the agenda?"Jaxson's grandfather asked him during a party Jaxson instructed him to host a week later. Top CEOs and politicians were invited, including The Seven.Jaxson smiled, intent written on his face."Because tonight, grandfather, I will strike my first blow. Our enemies will not see it coming." Jaxson replied as more guests trooped into the large hall."I know you have a plan, grandson, but do you think it will work? Our enemies are powerful. I do not want you to get hurt," his grandfather replied.Jaxson could see the concern in the man's eyes, but he was not the same poor and powerless guy that his grandfather had met a week ago. Jaxson had changed, and he was going to show it."Don't worry, grandfather. Let me worry about you instead. I'll take care of everything. Trust me," Jaxson replied.Just then, Jane, his ex-girlfriend, and her father, Vance walked into the Hall.Jaxson fixed hi
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Chapter five
"Thank you for retrieving my wife's bracelet. That was a spectacular move back there!" Senator Kelly complimented Jaxson and he nodded in approval."Glad I could help," Jaxson replied."I want to reward you, Jaxson. How about a contract deal worth five hundred million dollars? This city's imports need someone like you to manage them. Do you think you'll do me the honor?" The senator asked.Jaxson smiled. He just got his first official contract, and it was a lot of money too!"I'll be pleased to work with you," Jaxson replied. "Thank you very much! This means a lot to me." The senator said and walked away. Jaxson felt fulfilled. What a nice way to end the night.Meanwhile, there was trouble in paradise, as Jane and her fiance Damien rocked a heated argument."What sort of a man are you? Why did you let them treat me like trash?" Jane yelled at Damien while they stepped into their living room. Damien was as furious as a volcano, and he went straight to the minibar."Hey! I'm talking t
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Chapter six
"Under no circumstance should Jane Newbold or anyone related to her step into this company. Do you understand? I don't care how you stop her from entering! That virus must never find its way in here!"Jaxson instructed his guards at the company and they nodded."Yes, boss," they replied to him while he walked away.It was his first day in office, and Jaxson had the feeling that Jane would arrive to cause trouble.And he wasn't wrong!Jane soon stepped down from a car and checked herself out in the mirror. She looked beautiful in her skimpy red dress and lipstick. Her father had given her a mission to seduce Jaxson Green, the new CEO, and get a sample for a DNA test. Vance wanted to ensure that Jaxson was truly Ezekiel's grandson, and his daughter was the perfect person to get the job done"Stay back. We have orders not to let you or any of your family members into this building," a security guard said to Jane while she attempted to walk into Green Oil Incorporated.She frowned."What
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Chapter seven
The orphanage was busied with the presence of a lot of dignitaries. The matron of the orphanage was a widow who had lost her wealth after her husband's death.Vance capitalized on that to destroy the orphanage and Damien supported him.Lots of children would lose their homes, but the pair did not care. They only wanted to enrich their pockets.Jaxson had reached out to the matron and helped her prep for the event.Like everyone else, Damien and Jane had arrived at the orphanage.Suddenly, there was a buzz in the air, and reporters began to take photographs of someone. Both Damien and Jane exchanged glances as Jaxson walked into the Hall, wearing a green hat.Jane's heart fluttered at the sight of him. As she swallowed hard in lust, Damien approached Jaxson."You son of a bitch! How dare you show your face here after what you did to me?" Damien asked him. Jaxson chuckled."You never learn, do you?" He asked Damien who scoffed in disbelief."Why don't you take that hat off your head and
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Chapter eight
Jaxson raced back to his mansion, a million questions racing through his head. Why would Semira call him like that and why was her line disconnected?Soon, Jaxson drove straight into the mansion's compound, and from the distance, he could see three SUVs parked in front of a waterfall. Guarding the main door were Semira and some of the other bald guards. As soon as Jaxson parked his car, he stepped down with the hat over his head and approached the other group of people who were apparently being led by Vance."Let me have an audience with Ezekiel Green. I am one of his shareholders. I demand to speak with him," Vance said to Semira"You are in no position to demand anything. The seven have been disbanded by our new patriarch, Jaxson. Therefore, you have no authority to be here!" Semira retorted with fury in her eyes.Vance laughed."Little girl, I have been in this business long before you were even born. You better get out of my way or else I will cut you down," Vance told her. Semir
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Chapter nine
Jaxson had just finished his discussion with Markus, the leader of the new group of bodyguards when his phone rang. It was a private number.Jaxson picked up the call."Who's this?" Jaxson asked. "It's Thomas. One of The Seven. I am here to offer you a very valuable knowledge," Thomas said to Jaxson."The Seven no longer exists. What do you have to say to me?" Jaxson asked Thomas."Vance has planted an assassin on you. It's an assassin that kills with snakes. As we speak, a black mamba has been placed inside your drawer in your office to strike you as soon as you reach in. Best get ready to kill it," Thomas said to Jaxson who was instantly alarmed."I'm not going to the office today. My grandfather is. What the heck did you two do!" Jaxson yelled at Thomas who began to stutter.He did not see that coming.Jaxson took out his phone and called his grandfather but the man didn't pick up. He was flustered. He quickly grabbed his car keys and dashed to his car"Boss, where are you going?
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Chapter ten
It's been two days since Ezekiel Green was murdered. Jaxson had buried him in the family graveyard at the back of the mansion.And Jaxson returned to work.He was lost in thought, gazing at the city from where he sat in the office when Jane burst into his office."Sir, I tried to keep her away…" his secretary quickly followed to tender an explanation. Despite bursting in, Jane still couldn't see his face. It was like every attempt she made resulted in abject failure."I will not leave until you've answered my questions!" Jane said, breathing very hard. "You can go," Jaxson gestured to the secretary who walked out of the office, shooting glares at Jane."What are you doing here?" Jaxson asked Jane."I want to know why you hate me so much. It doesn't make sense. Men want me! Why do you believe that you are different?" She asked. Jaxson chuckled, and that hurt her pride so much."Even now, you still think that everything is about you," he said to her. Jane frowned."I don't understand
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