Ascendance Of The Underestimated Son-in-Law

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Ascendance Of The Underestimated Son-in-Law

By: Authoress Chidimma Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 50 views: 364

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Alex, the son-in-law of the Wyatt family, a second class rich family was often abused and humiliated by his in-laws due to his status as a pauper. A year ago, he Was involved in a fatal accident resulting in the loss of his memories, the Patriarch of the Wyatt family had saved his life and forced him to marry his granddaughter as a return of favor, but he was constantly humiliated by his in-laws and seen as nothing but a trash, which status was below that of a servant; he soon recovered his memories and discovered his identity, a powerful leader and heir of a secret organization known as the 'shadow guardians'. He shocked his in-laws, conquered his enemies, overcoming all obstacles and rising to glory.

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  • Ritika Mishra


    it's my first experience reading son in law. I think it's a good start for me. keep it up author.

    2024-06-03 01:59:42
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50 chapters
Chapter 1
The house was filled with all sort of noise coming from downstairs, the madam of the wyatt family was screaming at the top of her lungs, neighbors at the estate had gathered and all the household member of the house gathered at the large living room. At the middle of this crisis, a young man stood with his head bowed and clutched fist. "How dare you lowly life talk back at waste and westrel, this family had fed and clothed you from day one and what..." Vivian kept shouting at the tops of her lungs, she barked at her son-in-law viciously and the others present all looked at him scornfully. "Mom.. I didn't do it, I found it broken on the floor." The young man said with suppressed anger, but this further infuriate Vivian, she raised her hands and landed him a heavy slap, on his cheeks, her five fingers were visible. "How dare you talk back at trash, lowlife westrel, my poor daughter was forced to marry a useless person like you, and I have to see your face everyday.
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Chapter 2
"Whoa...its was badly damaged but I managed to retrieve the video.." Daniel said while walking in with the disk in his hands, he paused as he gawked at the lady putting on a luxurious red outfit, he recognized this dress as Gucci lastest release and its said to be over $12 million, Daniel swallowed. "Thank you...I will be off then." Alex said as he walked out of the shop, the lady followed behind after she eyed Daniel seductively. Alex walked into the Wyatt family to meet quite a sight, Cathy was sprawled on the floor while bawling her eyes out like a kid. "Stop crying dear, its not the end of the world" "I just can't stop you know what this deal meant for me...for my career." "Its just a deal...isn't it.." Camila said absentmindedly as she scrolled through her phone, she hated the fact that her little sister have to cry on every little thing. "Shut up, its not just a deal...but this deal could uplift the Wyatt family...we could advance into a first class
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Chapter 3
"Hello sir...a High VIP customer just arrived with a gold card ...yes...alright"Kendrick walked to Alex side and quickly gestured his hands for him to follow him."This way sir...Our Director will attend to you personally."He bowed respectfully as he led Alex into the building admist the confused look on the eyes of the security men, had they unknowingly offended a big shot, not to talk of their jobs, are their live secured, they cringed at the thought, hoping the man wouldn't remember them.Alex stepped into the bank and they entered the exclusive elevator that led to the director office.Alex stepped into the Exquisite office of the Director and was impressed, the furnitures and decorations spat wealth, the director quickly walked to him and bowed deeply, Alex saw respect in his eyes, something he never actually seen in anyone so far, it wasn't that bad to be respected."Welcome Mr. Alex."Alex nodded and sat at the chair the Director offered him, Alex brought out his gold card fro
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Chapter 4
Even Alex himself was shocked, he didn't know the man neither have he seen him anywhere before, was he referring to him."Hello manager, indeed...long time no see, I was just passing through after a brief..."Liam was cut off by the Manager who looked at him like he was foolish, he immediately turned to Alex and carried the Nylon bag in his hands."I will escort you to a VIP room sir."Alex was stunned, he tried to take back his bag but the man insisted, Everyone stared at him in shock, a few businessmen begins to plot within their head, if they happen to get close to this young man, wouldn't it be easy to get a collaboration deal out of the Manager, that way they would be able to expand their capabilities and climb up the ladder, the eyes they looked at Alex changed."I think you are mistaken you probably mistake him for me...I look nothing like him at all."Liam was unable to watch all those fawning eyes on Alex and decided to do something to distraught their gazes bu
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Chapter 5
"I know you would really love to help...but joking about this matter won't really help hurts more, okay.."Leonard eyes were filled with pain and disbelief."What do you mean?...let's get her treated.""Can you stop it Alex...look at yourself, am sure you are still worrying how to face your mother-in-law, you don't have to worry about me."Leonard said and walked away, Alex wanted to say something but he closed his mouth, of course, he wouldn't believe him, with his former self as son-in-law of the Wyatt family, he couldn't possibly afford to feed himself, he sighed and took a cab to the Wyatt family.Inside the Cab, Alex brought out a card he had received earlier today from the Director of the bank, he dialed the number."Hello..""Its me, Alex, I need you to look into the hospital records of one Mr. leonard Jackson, his mother was recently hospitalized at fountains hospital, I need his bills taken care of and make it seem like an anonymous donation...""Right away th
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Chapter 6
A white RVC jeep suddenly rushed in front of Alex and blocked the truck from hitting him, Alex held his head tightly, little flashback occurred to him admist the sharp pains on his head, he remembers being in the same situation, the head light of the truck and the familiar honk sounds, he held his head and collapsed on the spot.Alex woke up in a hospital bed and found the lady on red sitting close to him, observing him carefully, she is also putting on red today which made him wonder if all her clothes were red, she stared curiously and expectedly at him and Alex chuckled."Have you regained your memories?"The lady asked rather positively."Why would I have regained my memories, am trying everything I can to but its just not coming back."Alex said frustrated and the lady sighed."I thought the accident would trigger your past and maybe...""And maybe you set me up, not caring about the consequences but only focused on my memory recovery...I almost died back there."Alex bo
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Chapter 7
He remembers everything now, his pasts, everything came back to him.He was the last direct descendant of the Maximilian Family, a deep rooted family that dates back to the 19th century, he was the sole heir of the family and thus had lots of enemies even before his birth, he was born weak and fragile, his grandfather gave him out to the Shadow guardians organization when he was only ten, against his parents wish, he remembered being trained harshly in the organization and his identity as the heir of the Maximilian family, the founder of the organization was kept hidden so he was treated like everyone else, he survived the torturous years and climbed his way through the top, becoming the master of the organization in no time.Overcoming obstacles and gaining much enemies who want him dead, actually the organization goal was very simple, aside from responding to the Maximilian family call when needed, their primary objectives was going after and fishing out those rich conglomerate fam
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Chapter 8
Alex snorted, kneel and beg him, was he worth it. Liam face darkened when he saw the confident and smug look plastered on Alex face, he wanted to regain his face and get back at him for humiliating him at the hotel but he seem indifferent."Why should I kneel and beg you? a second generation rich heir who only relied on his parents for money."Alex said provocatively and Liam face turned red in anger, it is true that he is the heir of a wealthy family but actually he had to rely on his parents for money, his father doesn't trust him enough to entrust his business to him and to top it all off, he had an illegitimate half brother who is very much favored by his father, he is only an heir by mouth but his half brother handles everything because he is so clueless.Being reminded of his shortcomings by his father everyday is unbearable, but he could at least tolerate it but seeing a lowly son in law who only relied on his in-laws to feed him degrade him like that, he was super annoyed, he p
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Chapter 9
Alex eyes scanned the environment with surprised eyes, the men all had a unique tattoo on their left shoulders which was left bare even though other parts of their bodies were covered.This tattoo signified the lost Phoenix gang, a gang that had terrorized the country some few years back, the organization members were given a mission to find every single one of them and eliminate them, no room for repentance, this is because the gang's method were so ruthless and heartless that, they killed without battling an eyelid, both innocent and uninnocent victims.He had taught they were completely wiped out but seeing them openly here again, Alex was confused, he had been the leader of the operation then and he had hunted down all the members of the gang, not sparing even one of them."Who are you?"A dry and deep voice asked shakingly, he was among the men who had surrounded Alex, he seem to be the leader.Alex walked closer to him but he shifted backwards, not letting him come close to him.
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Chapter 10
"Did you look into the person that I asked about?"Alex asked wearily."Of course boss, he is a gang member of the foreign gang and he's very close to the Williams family head."Alex nodded, indeed, he didn't expect less, he had noticed the person monitoring him in secrets, but he chose not to confront the person, he didn't know his identity and what he could probably be hiding, he knew for a fact that he must be linked to the Williams family."Why are they planning to attack the Wyatt family?"Alex wasn't the type to question about the reason one chose to be evil, but he was curious about this case, after all, this was his grandfather in-law on the line."It is actually complicated and we are still digging into the matter."Austin said, suddenly a female voice came out of the other end."Austin!..who are you speaking to."Alex recognized the voice of the lady as Cordelia, a princess of the Royal family who had joined the organization only when she was five, she had fallen in love with
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