Chapter 8

Alex snorted, kneel and beg him, was he worth it. Liam face darkened when he saw the confident and smug look plastered on Alex face, he wanted to regain his face and get back at him for humiliating him at the hotel but he seem indifferent.

"Why should I kneel and beg you? a second generation rich heir who only relied on his parents for money."

Alex said provocatively and Liam face turned red in anger, it is true that he is the heir of a wealthy family but actually he had to rely on his parents for money, his father doesn't trust him enough to entrust his business to him and to top it all off, he had an illegitimate half brother who is very much favored by his father, he is only an heir by mouth but his half brother handles everything because he is so clueless.

Being reminded of his shortcomings by his father everyday is unbearable, but he could at least tolerate it but seeing a lowly son in law who only relied on his in-laws to feed him degrade him like that, he was super annoyed, he pointed his fingers at him.

"You! how dare you talk back at me, its seems like you've grown wings, need I tame you for you to understand and know where you belong, you westrel"

Saliva sprayed everywhere as he burst into anger, the customers at the store moved away from him, even the sales rep looked at him as if he's crazy, this further infuriated Liam, he had lost his usual calm composure because of him, an intentional killing intent suddenly surge from his body, Alex eyes dimmed but he remained quiet.

"Okay...okay, since you are such a big shot, how about you pay for the broken item."

Liam urge arrogantly, all eyes on the store turned to Alex, they looked at him with contempt, he obviously can't pay for the broken item but he insulted someone who offered to pay, such arrogance, even the president will be no where compared to him.

"Of course I will, I was about to."

Alex said and turned to the sales rep who had a pitiful and worried expression on her face, she doesn't believe Alex is capable of paying for the broken watch, thinking of the repercussions, her heart almost gave way, how was she supposed to gather that huge amount of money.

"Look at the poor girl, I would hold him down if I were her."

A lady in the crowd suddenly murmured and other nodded.

"You can't blame her though, she's too scared to do anything, even though he is a pauper, he is still a man after all, and they physical strength differs."

Another lady chimed in annoyed.

"A gentleman had offered to pay but instead he insulted him, not even caring about the fate of the girl."

A man in his mid thirties replied with deep contempt laced in his voice.

"Am calling security, they have to arrest that man, the poor girl doesn't deserve this."

The lady said again and brought out her phone to call the security, Liam smirked at the progress this is going, now Camilla would see the useless man she ended up with.

Alex had brought out his golden card to pay for the lost jewelry but security suddenly held him down, he turned to Liam who eyed him with a triumph smile on his face.

Alex signed and he directly shook off the security and proceeded to pay for the item with his golden card, the sales rep swiped the card on the machine and approval sound that the transaction was successful shut the lips of those trying to criticize again, they both looked at each other, he not only paid for the broken item but also paid for a limited edition Gucci Fianca Gold wristwatch that was worth more than 30 million, plus the broken watch, all this will amount to more than fifty million.

They exchanged glances, had they unknowingly offended a big shot, Liam mouth was opened wide that a egg could fit in, this is the second time he witnessed the powers of Alex, at the Hotel, he taught the manager had mistaken him for someone, there's no way a lowlife live-in son-in-law could be an acquaintance with the renowned hotel manager, but seeing him like this, Liam couldn't deny anymore, he trembled when Alex walked up to him.

Alex stopped just few metres away from him when his Phone suddenly vibrated in his pockets, he looked at the called ID and pressed the green button.


Alex voice sounded dry and husky, and the other end remained silent before an excited voice rang in his ears.

"Boss, boss, its really you, you are really alive!"

The excited voice of a young male got him confused at first but he soon realized who was speaking.

One year ago, before he left the organization, he had told his junior brother to wait behind while he and his close friend, his third brother go together and hunt down the Mavis group, but unfortunately, the accident occurred killing his third brother and rendering him without memories of his past for one year, he couldn't imagine what his other brothers had to go through with his absence.

In the organization, he had three sworn brothers and they all had a junior brother who they trained individually, the six of them had a connection that marvels even the tightest siblings but unfortunately one of them had to leave, thinking back at the reason behind his death, his aura was filled with unimaginable killing intent, he swore to catch those lowlifes tomorrow and make them pay.

"Junior brother, how have you been?"

On the other end, the hands of the junior brother trembled and hot tears flowed down his face, for one year, he had searched nick and cranny for his big brother and after all efforts and struggles, he finally found him, his senior brother couldn't recognize him and treated him like a stranger, it dealt a blow on him and he couldn't take it, he had to go in seclusion, but when he heard his senior brother regained his memories, he couldn't contain his joy and called him immediately.

Now he finally get to hear his senior brother call him.

"Hello Austin."

Alex couldn't hear any sound from the other end and he would have taught he hunged up were it not for the subtle breathing from the other end.

"Yes senior brother, i Meant Boss"

"Haha, you can call me as you always do."

Alex smiled and walked out of the shop, ignoring the worshiping gaze of the customers in the store and of course the fearful yet angry gaze of Liam.

"Austin, I need you to look into the planned attack of the Alien Villain Hotel by the Mavis group and send me the details."

"Yes Boss."

"Good, look into it discreetly."

Alex said as a reminder though it was needless to say, the organization always carried out investigation discreetly that the other party wouldn't know what was coming for them, but this Mavis group family head is a little tricky and meticulous, he might be able to catch on.

"Prepare the team, we go undercover tomorrow."

"Roger that boss."

Alex nodded in satisfaction and directly hanged the phone, he looked around him and he was at the underground parking lot of the traditional store and for some strange reason, it appeared too quite than it would usually be.

Suddenly, a metallic and irritated voice if a young lad sounded behind him, he turned back to come face time face with the young master of the Williams family, his baby like face was covered with bruises, he right arm was broken and covered in plaster.

"You think you got away with doing this to me right...ha, dream on."

The lad sounded irritated, angry and worried at the same time, he stared at Alex warily, not forgetting what had happened at the empty street way of that hotel.

Alex sighed dejectively, he considered apologizing to him and end this matter quickly, but someone so headstrong like him wouldn't give up that easily, not that he was scared of him, but he had more important matters at hand he had to deal with than answering to a love rival.

"What are you looking at, lie down and kowtow to me, maybe I could consider letting you off the hook."

The lads face was full of smugness and arrogance, Alex sighed, he wasn't ready to deal with this now, he only needed to fight the guards he had with him, but the lad seem to be enjoying his time first before calling out his aid first, is this like an addiction to him, are all the Williams like this, he had actually dealt with his father, who is now the head of the family, he was involved in some illegal activities back then, and the organization took the mission to deal with him.

"Come on out and deal with this scumbag for me."

Young master Williams who was already running impatient commanded and tons of burly men with protruding muscles and domineering auras surrendered Alex, even though their faces were covered, one could feel the deep killing intent emanating from their eyes, Liam who was not too far away suddenly smirk.

"Now let's see how you get out of this, you worthless woofer."

Young master Williams smile becomes more broadened and arrogant when he noticed the shock in the eyes of Alex.

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