Ascendance Of The Underestimated Son-in-Law
Ascendance Of The Underestimated Son-in-Law
Author: Authoress Chidimma
Chapter 1

The house was filled with all sort of noise coming from downstairs, the madam of the wyatt family was screaming at the top of her lungs, neighbors at the estate had gathered and all the household member of the house gathered at the large living room.

At the middle of this crisis, a young man stood with his head bowed and clutched fist.

"How dare you lowly life talk back at waste and westrel, this family had fed and clothed you from day one and what..."

Vivian kept shouting at the tops of her lungs, she barked at her son-in-law viciously and the others present all looked at him scornfully.

"Mom.. I didn't do it, I found it broken on the floor."

The young man said with suppressed anger, but this further infuriate Vivian, she raised her hands and landed him a heavy slap, on his cheeks, her five fingers were visible.

"How dare you talk back at trash, lowlife westrel, my poor daughter was forced to marry a useless person like you, and I have to see your face you wish to die."

Alex sighed, he was used to his mother-in-law endless scolding and harshness but he was angered and had nowhere to vent it.

"I really didn't touch the vase.."

"Shut up, you still dare to talk...are you overly confident or just stupid, I obviously caught you touching the vase.."


"Don't call me not your mother-in-law, I have no such useless son-in-law, am done with you...once my daughter arrives from work, get a divorce quickly."

Gasp erupted from the crowd, they looked at Alex with Distain, he is obviously a pauper who managed to climb through wealth by marrying the beautiful daughter of the Wyatt Family, a second-class rich family in the city, yet he couldn't be more reserved; he went ahead and broke their family heirloom, such bad fortune, you would think the Wyatt family had committed Treason in their previous lives.

"What's going on.."

The shrill and light voice of a lady made everyone turn to the door, Alex sighed, his wife had arrived, and now, this is going to another whole level.

"If you are not a household member, I advise you leave now."

The angry and authoritative voice of Mr.Wyatt resounded in the living room, forcing the neighbors to quickly rush out, not without throwing one last look of distain and scorn at Alex, they wish they didn't have to cross part with him in the future.

" are back, help me talk to this trashy son-in-law of yours ...he broke the family heirloom of many generations, this isn't a simple matter.."

Vivain quickly rushed to her husband, she carried fire in her eyes, ready to tear down Alex as she watched him with keen eyes.

"Why did you cause a scene.."

Mr. Wyatt was a very prideful, a person who values his pride more than his own life, what family heirloom, even if his wife arm was broken, he couldn't care less, now she caused a scene and tarnished his reputation.

"Am sorry dad but I will surely pay this in full, let's discuss the important matter now... I want to divorce Camila"

The Living fell into silence, they were all stunned, the lowly son-in-law who wouldn't dare refute or talk back when he's being assaulted now dares to divorce.


"You must be very stupid, ohhh...after breaking the Heirloom, you want to run away, ha...what a joke, you probably have nowhere else to go aside from under the bridge where you belong.."

"I won't divorce you if you don't provide the heirloom."

Camila said maliciously. she hated this lowly husband of hers for ruining her life, with her beauty, she would have married into a first-class wealthy family and bring greatness to their family, but because of this pauper, she was this way. Her grandpa forced her to marry him a year ago.

"You don't have to worry about that Heirloom, I will find the culprit that broke the vase.."

Alex said with a new profound confidence, Vivian was annoyed by the look on his face and raised her hand to slap him but he held her hand before it got to his face.

Camila opened her lips in awe, the domeanor of her stupid husbands seems to have changed overnight, he seem more confident and dominant, he was always the type that gets bullied and never talk back but he actually held her mother back, she chuckled, she finds this new him interesting.

"Honey..look at him, look at him, after all this family had done for him, he dares to retailate, even a dog don't bark at its master..that lowly mouse dares to hits me."

Alex ignored her and walked upstairs, he came down with a bag clutched tight to him, he ignored the gazes of everyone and walked out of the house.

On the bustling streets of the city, Alex walked towards the direction of a CCTV repair shop, it was a complex story building located at the center of the town and also near a big skyscraper Bank that the affluent people of the society frequented.

A car suddenly rushed towards him, Alex quickly jumped and saved a little child who was almost ran over by the car.

"What are you doing stupid..are you blink..fuck."

Alex recognized the voice of the woman as Cathy, his Sister-in-law, she groaned when she came face to face with him.

"Why you Trash, how dare try to delay came into the road to be hit by my car, can't you look for other source of death.."

Her voice was so harsh that the little girl started crying, after making sure the child was safe with her mother, Alex walked up to Cathy and investigated the damages done to the car, he smirked in satisfaction and walked past her, but she drew him back and handed him a slap on his face.

"How dare you walk out when am not done talking to you, a lowlife life you should know better, my family fed and clothed you but this is how you repay the kindness...ahh."

Cathy eyes widened in shock as she held her cheeks, he actually slapped her, she looked around her, at the passerby who looked strangely at her, she felt a surge of anger rise within her, she wanted to retailate but when she saw the scary look in the eyes of Alex, she shrank back in fire, but she managed to point her fingers at him.

" you wait, I wouldn't want to delay my meeting but wait till I get kicking you out of the house and pushing you into the streets..."

Cathy stormed her feet, ran back to the car and drove off.

Alex entered a shop across the street ignoring the gazes of everyone on him.

"You are here"

Daniel, a tall blonde haired man stood up and walked over to him, Alex handed him the bag in his hands.

"I need you to repair this and retrieve the video here"

Daniel looked at him and smiled sheepishly.

"Give me a moment"

He smiled and walked out of the store., Alex looked round the store filled with all sorts of machine, Daniel was the only friend he met since he lost his memories, he is a talented hacker and knows how to repair all kinds of machine no matter the damage done; sounds of heels clacking drew Alex attention to the entrance, his eyes met the ones of a slender and petite looking lady in all red, she looks ravishing and exquisite, her aura and demeanor spat wealth.

"Hello Alex"

Alex squinted his eyes, this lady again, how did she know he would be here.

"What do you want"

"Am dissatisfied with the way you live like a puppet, you have to come back..Master is waiting for you..."

"Quit the bullshit, I don't belong to your organization.."

"Yes you do...though you might have forgotten your memories but you can't continue to be humiliated by the Wyatt family...such tiny freaks dares to talk down on you...just a word, and they will all be eliminated"

The lady said with a dark aura and malicious voice, Alex frowned.

"Am not.."

"Let me prove to you, on the small iron chest you usually keep with you, there's a gold card and a red gold ring there...that signifies your position in your organization...with that card, the Wyatt family can't compare to you...its a prove..and with the ring, you could command..."

Alex frowned, he indeed had a red gold ring and a gold card with his name inscribed on it on his little chest but he couldn't understand it, how did the lady know he kept small iron chest with him. If what she's saying is true, the Wyatt family should be ready for him.

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