Chapter 5

"I know you would really love to help...but joking about this matter won't really help hurts more, okay.."

Leonard eyes were filled with pain and disbelief.

"What do you mean?...let's get her treated."

"Can you stop it Alex...look at yourself, am sure you are still worrying how to face your mother-in-law, you don't have to worry about me."

Leonard said and walked away, Alex wanted to say something but he closed his mouth, of course, he wouldn't believe him, with his former self as son-in-law of the Wyatt family, he couldn't possibly afford to feed himself, he sighed and took a cab to the Wyatt family.

Inside the Cab, Alex brought out a card he had received earlier today from the Director of the bank, he dialed the number.


"Its me, Alex, I need you to look into the hospital records of one Mr. leonard Jackson, his mother was recently hospitalized at fountains hospital, I need his bills taken care of and make it seem like an anonymous donation..."

"Right away there anything you need again?"

"No, that's all for now"

Alex said and hanged up directly. Few minutes later, he arrived at the entrance of the Wyatt family mansion, this place that he had unknowingly grown attached to but its was all in the past.

Alex walked in to meet two familiar faces.

"Am really serious mum, I was fired after Alex left, it might not be connected to him but I asked the security and he said the managing director had spoken to him respectfully after seeing the Gold card.."

"What gold card?"

Camila who just walked in from the kitchen with servant carrying a tray full of fruits trolling behind her asked curiously but Frederick choosed to ignore her.

"What are you talking about, you must probably be mistaken, you think that useless man can possibly command respect, ha..what a joke!"

Vivian said viciously with hatred boring in her eyes.

"Its strange though..."

Liam said with his fingers crossed, he didn't want to talk about what happened to Alex today for fear that the family might see him in a new light and that might reduce his chance of ever marrying Camila, he had to keep it to himself till he figures out what's happening.

"What's strange?"

Camila asked as she offered him a shoulder massage. Liam jolted and smiled warily.

"Its nothing ..I just find it odd that he would be at that bank, I mean not everyone can easily walk into the bank."

"What's strange about it, he probably walked in there to beg and lick the shoes of those workers for a few change."

Cathy spilled viciously, Alex sighed, he never imagined he would meet a full house on his return, he just wanted to quietly collect the bag and box and leave without anyone noticing but it seems that wasn't possible now.

He straightened his back and walked into the living room but immediately Vivian caught sight of him, she sprang up cursing.

"What are you doing here you brat...can't you possibly survive one week without us, isn't begging bringing any yields for you....its not even upto a week but you already came running back."

Vivian ran her mouth like it was a cursing competition but Alex ignored her, he had long gotten accustomed to these things so it doesn't bother him, he eyes caught the sight of Liam and Frederick, he had encountered them earlier today and they came running back here to rant.

"What are you talking about mum, he is probably dying of hunger right now...quick, pack the left over of the dog food and give to him.."

Cathy immediately asked the servants and they nodded, Alex ignored them and proceeded to go upstairs but was stopped by Camila, she stood in front of him blocking his way.

"Where do you think you are you think this is your home, you think you can come in and go out the way you want."

Camila couldn't stand the sight of her pauper husband, she badly wants to divorce him.

"He is probably after the money you usually keep at the table every morning..."

A look of realization dawned on Camila after her sister made mention of the money.

"That is true, its been there these past few days he wasn't around."

"Does this mean that he had been the one taking the money?"

Liam asked curiously and innocently, but in his heart, he was full of himself, Cathy nodded.

"Of course, what else would it mean?"

Alex couldn't take it anymore and he pushed Camila aside roughly, he cared less about the surprised gasps of everyone including the servants, he walked upstairs, retrieved his small black bag and iron chest and came back downstairs.

"I only came here today to take this, my word still stands, am coming back next week for the divorce."

Alex said and stormed out, leaving his perplexed in-laws behind. He entered a cab and went straight to the hotel, inside the room, he checked inside the bag but it was filled with junks, these was what the Patriarch handed him when he recovered, he said he held him tightly to him when he saw him in the car wreckage, if he held this tightly, it means something important is probably inside.

And it might help him remember something but he found nothing in the bag, the iron chest couldn't and wouldn't open, he paced round the room for a few minutes before he walked to the telephone and dialed the hotel line.

"Hello, can I get a hammer."

"Yes sir"

Alex walked back to the chest and investigated it, it was purely made of iron and the key wasn't available, he had probably lost it in the accident, hammer couldn't even open it, after trying a few times, he gave up and went back to bed.

The next day, Alex got up and planned to meet his friend at his shop, he could probably know how to open the box but he received a strange text message on his phone from an private number, it read:


Alex was suspicious about the message but he went there nevertheless, but he didn't meet a single soul there, the building happened to be an old abandoned building, he felt more conflicted, obviously more people know about him while he knew nothing about himself, his phone vibrated in his pockets all of a sudden, he picked up the call and a machine translated eerie voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

"Hello Alex."

Alex remained silent, only listening, with his instincts, he already know that this whole thing was a set up, but why would anyone want to set him up, its not like he offended anyone.

"Its good to see you again after several months."

Alex looked around him, but all he saw was the duplicated building and no one in sight.

"Who are you and what do you want with me?"

Alex voice was hoarse and calm, he learned to be calm no matter the situation, even though its a life and death matter like it could be right now, these people whoever they are, is apparently targeting him.

"Hahaha, the boss himself questioned me, am I obliged to answer?..hahahaha!"

Alex looked at the screen again but it say private number, its must be from a burner phone, he wondered what the other person might probably be thinking.

"What do you want?"

Alex asked with gritted teeth, he has no time for this childish games, he has to recover his memories and find out his identity.

"Oh there, you know what I want, probably have lots of enemies at your throat and can't guess who I am but there's no way you can't guess my intention...I WANT YOUR LIFE."

Alex directly hung up the phone on the crazy psychopath, he walked out from the building into the main road, he stood at the center of the road searching for a cab, his phone ran out of battery and he can't order a drive, suddenly a truck came rushing towards him with high speed, just few meters away from him and there's no way he could possibly escape this, his eyes widened.

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