Chapter 4

Even Alex himself was shocked, he didn't know the man neither have he seen him anywhere before, was he referring to him.

"Hello manager, indeed...long time no see, I was just passing through after a brief..."

Liam was cut off by the Manager who looked at him like he was foolish, he immediately turned to Alex and carried the Nylon bag in his hands.

"I will escort you to a VIP room sir."

Alex was stunned, he tried to take back his bag but the man insisted, Everyone stared at him in shock, a few businessmen begins to plot within their head, if they happen to get close to this young man, wouldn't it be easy to get a collaboration deal out of the Manager, that way they would be able to expand their capabilities and climb up the ladder, the eyes they looked at Alex changed.

"I think you are mistaken you probably mistake him for me...I look nothing like him at all."

Liam was unable to watch all those fawning eyes on Alex and decided to do something to distraught their gazes but it just happened to offend the Manager.

"Mr.Liam, pls seize to do your business here anymore....from now onwards you've been blacklisted from our Hotel."


The faces of everyone changed, they all knew what being blacklisted meant, though its might just be a mere ban from the hotel but in real sense, The Lythin Family would face problem is the city, no one would do business with them in fear of offending the manager.

"What are you waiting for ....hurry up and prepare the room card for our top VIP customer."


The receptionist warily prepared a card and handed it to Alex with shaking hands, she regretted the words she said earlier, if only she had been a little patient.

"This way Sir..."

Alex nodded and followed the Manager, he still feel this is a dream and he would soon wake up and face reality but so far, everything is real,  the Elevator stopped at the top floor, the hallway was silent, this floor was reserved for only VIP members, Alex never dreamed that he would be treated like this by a stranger.

"Here's your room Boss."

The manager in his late thirties suddenly changed his way of addressing him making Alex more uncomfortable.

"Why do you treat me like that ....not that I see myself as Trash, but that's what most people of your standards tend to didnt even let me pay for the you pity me that much..."

The Manager was unable to refute his curiosity and asked rather blindly.

"Did you really lose your really don't recognize me.."

The manager asked bewildered, he never believed he would one day hear this kind of question coming from Alex.

"How do you know I lost my memories...who are no, who am I..."

Realization suddenly dawned on the Manager, he remembered the words of his master and sighed, he bowed to Alex and said.

"That's for you to figure out my Lord."

Alex was stunned as he watched the Manager walked into the elevator and disappeared from Sight, of course, its for him to recover his memories but today's incident left him shocked, he begins to believe the words of the lady more and more. He walked into the room, after some thoughts, he ordered a pair of new designers clothes and paid online, he had to go to his work place, he needed to do everything he could to recover his memories.


Alex workplace was just few buildings away from the Wyatt family house, it was a top restaurant in the city and a subsidiary of Chims foods, a company under Wyatt corporation. he had been working here without the Wyatt family knowledge.

"How dare you look me in the eyes while am talking to you..."

The familiar voice of his boss was the first thing he heard when he walked into the restaurant, it was past closing time but the workers still remained, His Boss was berating a worker as usual.

"You couldn't even get one thing right and now you decide to miss you think we are a joke."

" wife suddenly fainted and was rushed to the hospital, I had to ...."

"Shut up... I pay you to work not to visit your wife at the you slack off work like that lowly loser and expect me to let it not surprised, birds of a feather indeed flock together."

Alex coughed, drawing the attention of his boss.

"Ha ..speak of the devil, how dare you show up here you lowly thrash.."

His boss saliva flew around as he shouted, the workers had their head bowed, Alex sighed at the familiar sight, his boss always slacked off but force his workers to work their ass off and even cut off their salaries, he felt irritated.

"What are you staring at, you didn't show up for two days and you appear from nowhere, do you think we run a charity are fired."

Alex smirked, Fired...let's see who deserve that word.

"Sir pls reconsider...something must have happened for him to miss work for two days."

Leonard pleaded on his behalf, and Alex was touched, he was obviously at the brink of loosing his job but still pleaded for him.

"Get out..I don't want to see you here again.."

"What about my salary for the past two months?"

Alex asked, he didn't receive pay last month and he is being dismissed without payment, what kind of logic is this, not that he cared about it but it was the money he worked hard for and he deserves it and he chooses how to spend it, he might toss it around or donate it, all in all, he is the one who has the right to spend it, he worked for it.

"Ha...what payment? You must be a good joker, you slack off all day and now wish for payment for your laziness, what a joke..."

"I suggest you give me my payment now! else.."

"Else what, you think you are something now that you are an in-law of the Wyatt family...your status in that family is even less than a servant and you dare to run your mouth here, do you think am very lenient."

The boss eyes almost bulged out of its socket as he cursed and berated Alex in front of other workers.


The deep and resonant voice of the Patriarch made everyone shudder, except Alex of course, such things doesn't affect him in any way.

The old man walked up to the already trembling man, his presence is commanding and the burly men behind him made people shudder in fright.

"How dare you speak to my Son-in-law this work for the Wyatt family but you don't put them in your eyes at all."

The patriarch voice is cracked and deep, making it more scary to listen to, the boss almost wet himself.

"That's not it sir...I wasn't actually talking to him...its ..its..."

He shutters foolishly but it only serve to anger the Patriarch even more.

"What waste of human space sees the need to speak while am must be tired of living...MEN!"

The burly men quickly rushed forward and dragged the boss out of the shop, seeing this familiar sight, Alex wasn't surprised, indeed, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, The patriarch signalled everyone to leave.

"What brings you by Old man?"

Alex voice is nonchalant and vivid, not like the way people usually address the Patriarch with respect.

"Son...I know our deal is over but can you not.."

"No..absolutely not, am Divorcing Camila and that's final."

Alex said and walked out of the restaurant, no one would change is mind about leaving, not even his benefactor, after all he had repayed him enough by enduring the humailation and mistreatment this past year.

The Old man sighed after Alex left, that instant, he seems to have aged by a few years, his secretary wiped his face with a small hand towel.

"I've been in the mountains all this while and don't know that he has been mistreated this his mind is totally set against the family, even if he owes me a thousand favor, am afraid I can't win him granddaughter disappointed me with this little task..."

"I believe its not too late master, after all the lad is yet to recover his memories."

His secretary said and the old man nodded in agreement, that made sense.


Alex walked out of the restaurant and pondered for a while, he needed to get his bags and another box he had yet to open from the Wyatt family, that might help him recover his memories, but he contemplated upon going to the Wyatt family or coming back the next day, its late after all.


Leonard tapped him on his shoulders lightly and Alex turned to him, he smiled his usual sheepish smile.

"I wanted to thank you for speaking up to for me back there..I know its tough for you but there's nothing I could do for my buddy...I feel really bad about it.."

Alex smiled, Leonard had always been good to him, whenever his mother-in-law scolds him badly, he took it upon himself to console him, but one thing he didnt know was that, non of those things his mother in-law said ever got to him.

"What happened to your wife.."

Alex asked, he had heard him talking about his wife fainting.

" know man, she's pregnant..and she has a good relationship with my mother, she actually took her as her own when she heard my mother got into a heavy accident and at the risk of death, she collapsed, but its not serious...its okay now.."

Leonard chuckled as if it didnt really bother him, but it was something that haunts him even at this very moment.

"Your mother was in an accident.."

"Yeah, didn't you know...she was involved in a hit and run accident and its badly wounded, her surgery is on hold...I can't possibly afford two hundred thousand dollars for the surgery..."

"How about I pay for it and get your mother treated immediately, its dangerous and risky to postpone it like this."

Alex said anxiously but Leonard only scoffed and looked at him with pity.

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