Get Ready For Allvar Falck's Ruthless Return

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Get Ready For Allvar Falck's Ruthless Return

By: Magical Inspirations Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 21 views: 3

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Allvar Falck was supposed to have it all, graduating from a top college and a loving girlfriend, Serena Scott. But when constant job rejections started piling up, his life took a devastating turn. On the night of their anniversary, he returned home with the last of his savings spent on a cake, only to find Serena in the arms of another man. "You're nothing but a loser, Allvar," she sneered. "I thought you'd be something after graduation, but look at you now." Humiliated and heartbroken, Allvar's world collapsed. But as he wandered aimlessly through the streets, a luxurious car pulled up beside him and an elderly man bowed deeply. "Young master, the time has come to reclaim your place in the family business." Allvar may have been down, but he wasn't out. With newfound wealth and power, he swore vengeance on everyone who wronged, belittled, and humiliated him. "They’ll regret ever crossing me," Allvar vowed, his eyes burning with a new purpose. From loser to lord, Allvar's rise to power is about to shake the very foundations of his world. Get ready for his ruthless revenge, dominant comeback, and unstoppable ascension.

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21 chapters
The Betrayal
Chapter 1: The BetrayalAllvar Falck stood outside the imposing building, nervously adjusting the collar of his plain white shirt. It was the best he could manage, given his limited budget. His hands shook slightly as he ran them through his messy dark hair, trying to calm his nerves. The reflection in the glass door showed a determined but clearly exhausted young man, ready to face yet another challenge.Today’s interview was important, more than he wanted to admit. He was about to graduate from a top college, but no matter how hard he tried, every interview ended in disappointment. He couldn’t figure out what was going wrong.“This is it, Allvar. You can do this,” he whispered to himself in front of the interview room. Straightening his back, he took a deep breath, pushing the anxiety down as the door swung open.A woman in a sharp suit appeared, her face expressionless. “Mr. Falck, they’re ready for you.”Allvar nodded, forcing a polite smile. His heart raced as he entered the col
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You're a Loser
Chapter 2:Allvar’s world collapsed around him, but his heart wasn’t ready to surrender. His hands clenched into fists, and before he could stop himself, he yelled, “Serena! What the hell is this?”The sound of his voice cut through the room. Serena and the man jerked away from each other, their faces a mix of shock and guilt. Serena’s eyes widened in panic as she scrambled to cover herself with the bedsheet.“Allvar! It’s… it’s not what it looks like,” Serena stammered, her voice shaky, but her eyes flickered with fear. She started to reach out to him, but the man beside her sat up, his face calm and collected, as if he had been expecting this.Allvar’s gaze burned with anger. “Not what it looks like? Are you serious? How could you, Serena?”Serena’s panic quickly shifted to frustration. She glanced at the man beside her before looking back at Allvar, her expression hardening. “Allvar, you don’t understand. You’re never here, always running around with your head in the clouds, thinki
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Chapter 3The man laughed, a deep, condescending sound that echoed in the room. "You still don’t get it, do you, Allvar?" he taunted, his voice dripping with arrogance. "It’s not about love or loyalty. It’s about power, money. You’re a fool if you think Serena was ever going to stay with a broke dreamer like you."Allvar’s fists clenched tighter, the urge to wipe that smug grin off the man’s face almost overwhelming. "Shut your mouth," Allvar hissed, his voice shaking with rage. "You think money gives you the right to destroy lives?"The man raised an eyebrow, his smirk widening. "Destroy lives? I’m simply offering Serena a better one. Something you clearly can’t provide. It’s not personal, kid, it’s just reality."Serena stood between them, her back to the man, facing Allvar with cold determination. "He’s right, Allvar. You’ve been living in a fantasy, thinking your dreams would magically turn into something real. But this... this is real. He can give me what I need. What I deserve."
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Young Master?!
Chapter 4Allvar stood frozen on the sidewalk, watching the older man step out of the luxury car. His heart raced as he recognized him, Mr. Lorentz, his neighbor of several years. But how? The man had never been wealthy. In fact, he had always seemed like a regular, unassuming old man living next door. Now, here he was, stepping out of a car that probably cost more than Allvar had ever made in his entire life."Mr. Lorentz?" Allvar's voice cracked, barely believing what he was seeing. "What are you doing here? What’s going on?"To Allvar’s utter shock, Mr. Lorentz walked up to him with a calm but respectful air. The older man bowed slightly, his expression serious but respectful. “Young master,” he greeted him, voice low and steady. “Please, come with me.”Allvar blinked, his head spinning. “Young master?” he repeated, bewildered. “What the hell are you talking about? This—this has to be some kind of joke, right?”The older man straightened, his face unreadable. “I assure you, young
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You're An Heir!
Chapter 5Allvar’s head spun as he stared at his father, seated comfortably on the luxurious couch. His father, who he hadn’t seen in what felt like years, looked perfectly at ease in the lavish surroundings. For a moment, Allvar couldn’t speak. The weight of the moment, his confusing arrival, the strange behavior of Mr. Lorentz, and now, the sight of his father, felt like too much to process.His voice finally broke the silence, shaky and filled with confusion. "Dad? What…what are you doing here? Why…why didn’t you tell me anything about this?" He waved his hand, motioning at the grand villa.His father smiled warmly, leaning back in his seat. "Allvar, I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time. There’s something you need to know, and I think now’s the right time. You’ve graduated from college now, and it’s time you learned the truth.""The truth?" Allvar repeated, bewildered. "What truth? None of this makes any sense! Mr. Lorentz is driving a luxury car and bowing to me, cal
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The Party
Chapter 6Allvar blinked, certain he had misheard. "One million…what? Are you serious?""As serious as I’ve ever been," his father replied, his voice smooth. "Consider it your first task as the future head of the family."Allvar stared at him, then at the gold card, his mind reeling. "Dad, I…I don’t even know where to begin.""You’ll figure it out," his father said, his grin widening. "Just remember, this is only the beginning. Enjoy yourself, Allvar. You’ve earned it."Allvar stood there, stunned, as his father gave him a knowing nod. The weight of everything, the revelations, the responsibility, and the sudden windfall pressed down on him. But beneath it all, a flicker of excitement began to stir. Maybe tonight wouldn’t be so bad after all.****Allvar stepped out of the taxi and stared up at the neon-lit sign of the bar. The party was being held in one of the biggest and most extravagant bars in the city, yet he still felt a strange unease. His father’s words echoed in his mind, 'S
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Serena and her New Boyfriend
Chapter 7Hearing Allvar’s words, the bartender, who had been laughing with his colleague, immediately stopped and pushed the girl aside. "I’ll take it from here," he said, his tone suddenly much more respectful.Allvar frowned, confused by the sudden change in the bartender's demeanor. "Why the change of heart?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.The bartender flashed a wide, almost sycophantic grin. "I knew it all along, sir. You’re one of those low-profile rich guys, aren’t you?" he said, his voice dripping with flattery. "I could tell from the moment you walked in. Let me personally handle your order. A hundred bottles of Éternité, right? Coming right up."Allvar’s frown deepened. "Really?" he said, his voice tinged with disbelief. "You sure weren’t acting like you knew anything a minute ago."Before the bartender could respond, a sharp voice cut through the room. "Allvar?" Allvar turned around, his eyes narrowing when he saw who it was. Serena, dressed in a shimmering, expensive gown
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The Golden Card 1
Chapter 8Allvar sneered, his lips curling in disdain as he stood outside the bar, finally piecing it together. His ex, his classmates, he had always known deep down what kind of people they were. Now, it was all glaringly clear.As he was about to walk away, the sound of laughter grew louder. A group of his old classmates entered the bar, chattering excitedly. None of them acknowledged him, not even with a glance, except for one person."Allvar!" A voice called out. He turned to see his best friend, Mikel, weaving through the crowd toward him. Mikel, the only one who had bothered to check in on him earlier, clapped a hand on his shoulder."Man, I can’t believe how fake they all are," Mikel muttered, shaking his head. "They’re only avoiding you because they’re jealous. You were always the best in class, and Serena was the hottest girl around. They couldn’t stand it."Allvar gave a bitter smile. "It doesn't matter anymore. They’re all vultures."Mikel’s eyes darkened as he glanced t
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Let Them Talk!
chapter 9The bar fell eerily silent after Allvar’s bold order, but only for a moment. The hush didn’t last long before the group of former classmates erupted into laughter, their amusement spreading like wildfire."Did you hear that?" one of the guys hooted, slapping his knee in exaggerated laughter. "The 'loser' wants to buy the most expensive drink here? He couldn’t even afford bread back in the day!"More laughter echoed across the room, and the mockery began to build, each voice eager to take their turn."Yeah, right," another chimed in, smirking smugly. "Éternité? The guy can’t even find a job, and now he thinks he can afford champagne worth more than all the money he’s ever seen in his life?""Maybe he’ll offer to pay in Monopoly money," a girl quipped, earning a round of snickers from those around her.Serena’s new lover, sitting back comfortably with a self-satisfied grin, glanced at Allvar with an air of condescension. "What a joke," he muttered, loud enough for everyone to
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Golden Card 2
Chapter 10More laughter filled the air, and Allvar’s eyes flicked up, locking onto the man’s smug face. The waitress nervously clutched the card, eyes darting to Allvar before continuing her sentence. "I… I was just returning your card, sir," she stammered, holding it out toward him. "The drinks are too heavy, so my colleagues are bringing them over."The entire bar went silent. Serena’s lover, who had been smirking the entire time, furrowed his brows. He leaned forward, his voice dripping with disbelief. "Wait… what do you mean, 'bringing them over'?"The waitress blinked, seemingly confused by the reaction. "I mean," she said slowly, glancing at the group, "the payment went through. We’ve already charged his card for all ten bottles."What?A heavy, stunned silence followed."You’re joking," Serena’s lover blurted out, his face twisting in disbelief. "You mean to tell me he actually 'paid'? For 10 bottles of Éternité? That’s… that’s 100 grand!"The waitress nodded, visibly perplex
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