
Chapter 3

The man laughed, a deep, condescending sound that echoed in the room. "You still don’t get it, do you, Allvar?" he taunted, his voice dripping with arrogance. "It’s not about love or loyalty. It’s about power, money. You’re a fool if you think Serena was ever going to stay with a broke dreamer like you."

Allvar’s fists clenched tighter, the urge to wipe that smug grin off the man’s face almost overwhelming. "Shut your mouth," Allvar hissed, his voice shaking with rage. "You think money gives you the right to destroy lives?"

The man raised an eyebrow, his smirk widening. "Destroy lives? I’m simply offering Serena a better one. Something you clearly can’t provide. It’s not personal, kid, it’s just reality."

Serena stood between them, her back to the man, facing Allvar with cold determination. "He’s right, Allvar. You’ve been living in a fantasy, thinking your dreams would magically turn into something real. But this... this is real. He can give me what I need. What I deserve."

The man’s laughter echoed through the room, filling Allvar with a deep sense of dread. His mind raced, trying to grasp the full extent of what had just happened. Serena stood beside the man, her arms crossed, her expression cold and unfeeling.

“Did you really think you were just unlucky?” the man sneered, his voice dripping with arrogance. “All those rejections… they weren’t just bad luck, kid.”

Allvar’s eyes narrowed, his anger simmering beneath the surface. “What are you talking about?”

The man leaned forward, a cruel smile playing on his lips. “You see, when you’re as rich as I am, you can make things happen. Or, in your case, not happen. Every company you interviewed with? They got a little call from me, a suggestion to pass on your application.”

Allvar’s stomach dropped, his mind reeling. “You… you sabotaged me?”

The man laughed again, the sound sharp and mocking. “Of course I did. You’re nothing, Allvar. You’ve got dreams, but dreams don’t pay the bills. And you… you’re not worth the risk.”

Allvar’s hands clenched into fists, his knuckles turning white. “You ruined everything for me. Why? Just because you could?”

“Because I wanted to,” the man said with a shrug. “And because Serena deserves better than some broke college kid with nothing to offer.”

Allvar’s heart pounded in his chest, the betrayal slicing through him like a knife. He turned to Serena, his voice trembling with disbelief. “Serena… how could you be okay with this? I thought you loved me.”

Serena’s eyes were cold as she stared back at him. “Love? Allvar, love doesn’t pay for nice things. It doesn’t buy security. You were always chasing some big dream, but you never saw reality. You’re a loser, and I’m done pretending otherwise.”

Allvar felt like the ground had been ripped out from under him. “Serena, we were supposed to be in this together…”

“Together?” Serena’s voice was sharp, her words cutting deep. “I’ve been waiting for you to make something of yourself, but all you do is fail. I’m not going to waste my life waiting for you to grow up.”

Before Allvar could respond, Serena suddenly grabbed a lamp from the nightstand. In one swift motion, she hurled it at him, her eyes blazing with fury. “Get out, Allvar! I’m done with you!”

The lamp struck Allvar on the side of his head, the sharp impact sending a wave of pain through his skull. He staggered back, his hand flying to the wound, feeling the warm trickle of blood. “Serena… what the hell?”

“Just leave!” Serena screamed, her voice shrill and unforgiving. “I don’t want to see your face ever again!”

The man beside her chuckled, clearly amused by the scene. “Looks like you’ve overstayed your welcome, kid. Time to go.”

Allvar stared at the two of them, his vision blurred with blood, tears of pain and betrayal. He couldn’t believe this was happening; that the woman he loved was turning on him so completely. “Serena… please…”

But Serena’s expression was ice-cold, her eyes dead to him. “It’s over, Allvar. Get out of my life.”

Allvar felt something inside him break as her words hit him with the force of a sledgehammer. Without another word, he turned and stumbled out of the room, his mind numb with shock. Behind him, he could hear the man’s mocking laughter echoing in the hallway, but he didn’t look back.

As he stepped out into the cool night air, the city’s lights blurred together in his tear-filled eyes. He walked aimlessly down the street, not caring where he was going. The world around him felt surreal, like a nightmare he couldn’t wake up from.

Suddenly, the roar of engines broke through his thoughts. A convoy of luxury cars sped past him, their sleek bodies glistening under the streetlights. People on the sidewalk stopped and stared, amazed by the sight of so many expensive vehicles moving together.

Allvar’s heart twisted with anger and resentment. The world seemed to mock him, flaunting the wealth and power he could never have. These were the people who had everything, who took what they wanted and left nothing for people like him.

As he stood there, seething with fury, the lead car in the convoy slowed down and came to a stop right in front of him. Allvar’s eyes widened in shock as the door opened and an older man stepped out. The man was dressed in an impeccable suit, his posture commanding respect.

Allvar’s breath caught in his throat as recognition dawned on him. He knew this man.

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