Once I Accept The Inheritance: You're All Doomed!

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Once I Accept The Inheritance: You're All Doomed!

By: KMyay Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 147 views: 727

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As the son-in-law of a middle-class family, Alexander Reynolds lived a life no different from that of a servant. His wife's family despised him and forbade his daughter from calling him "dad." They humiliated and demeaned him daily, with only his wife standing by his side, providing him with emotional support. When his daughter fell seriously ill, the Marshall family pressured him to divorce Eleanor Marshall, hurling insults and declaring him unworthy of his beautiful wife and precious daughter. Little did they know that Alexander was the heir to the powerful Reynolds family. If his mother hadn't taken him away years ago, he wouldn't have ended up in such an impoverished state. Alexander made up his mind. He would claim his inheritance. Once he accepted this power, no one would be able to stand in his way!

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  • Huang Sp-Wang


    Nice story (。♡‿♡。) I hope it will be as successful as your other books.

    2024-08-29 11:12:15
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147 chapters
Chapter 1: Base Person!
"Idiot, useless! You can't even manage to watch over a car properly, letting someone scratch Young Master Roberts' car like this!""Absolutely useless, I shouldn't have hired you! Stupid, useless!"In front of Ava Beautiful Spa stood a fat man in a suit, relentlessly berating a young man in his early twenties. The young man, named Alexander Reynolds, was working as a guard and car attendant at the spa because he couldn't find any other job.Earlier, another car had accidentally scratched Peyton Roberts' car, a young master from the city's elite family, when its door was opened. It wasn't Alexander's fault, but as the guard, he bore the brunt of the excessive criticism."Half of your month's salary will be deducted!""But I only earn $3000 a month, if you deduct half then...""No more talking, or do you want to pay for the scratch on Young Master Roberts' car? Even if you sold your miserable life, it wouldn't be enough to cover it!"Alexander remained silent. He couldn't afford to pay,
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Chapter 2: First Time Being Called 'Dad'!
At this moment, Eleanor stepped forward and said to the old man: "Grandfather, Alexander is here."Mr. Marshall, with a head full of silver hair, wearing a white suit, let go of Mary's small soft hand, without looking at Alexander, and said to the butler beside him: "Bring him the papers to sign.""Yes, sir."The butler went up to Alexander, took out a document, and coldly said: "This is the divorce agreement between you and Miss Eleanor. Sign it and Mr. Marshall will treat young Miss Mary. Rest assured, Mr. Marshall has found a donor for Mary's marrow, and you don't need to worry about the treatment costs."Hearing this, Alexander's eyes filled with emotion, he looked at the butler with confusion and anger, then turned to Mr. Marshall and said: "Grandfather, Mary is my daughter, why not use my marrow?""Shut your mouth!"Mr. Marshall shouted, his cold eyes staring at Alexander, gripping his cane: "Do you deserve to be Mary's father? Hurry up and sign, from now on, you and the Marshal
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Chapter 3: Blocked At The Door Due To Poverty.
Eleanor stood by, hearing Mary call Alexander "Dad." waves of emotion surged within her, tears streaming down."Oh no! This girl must be feverish and confused. How could this loser be her dad?"Someone mumbled beside them.Old Mr. Marshall's face also darkened, turning to sit down, taking Mary's small hand: "Mary, have you forgotten what Grandpa said? He's not your dad!"This cold admonition made adorable Mary pout, tears welling up.She looked at Alexander, mustering the courage in the angry gazes of those around, extending her small white hand: "He's my dad, I want my dad by my side...""Silence! He's not your dad! Having Grandpa with you is enough."Old Mr. Marshall's face was icy, directly rejecting, without turning back, saying to Alexander: "You have two days to think, for Mary's sake, you know what to do."Alexander's heart ached terribly, looking at his daughter on the hospital bed. For three years, it was the first time she called him dad.No matter what, he had to cure Mary!
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Chapter 4: Young Master, True Owner!
There was no security at the front of the BrightPath Solutions club because no one dared to cause trouble here.In and out were prominent figures in Golden Harbor and elsewhere, any of whom could call the shots.Who would be blind enough to cause trouble at BrightPath Solutions?Hanging up the phone, Miley crossed her arms, her eyes glared at Alexander, smiling mockingly: "Idiot, you're done for!"Alexander felt helpless, quietly took out his phone, called Sherman, and said coldly: "I'm at the front door, being stopped, you have three minutes."Seeing Alexander pretend to make a phone call, Miley laughed uncontrollably, her beautiful body trembling, she sneered: "Damn! Are you calling our Chairman Lopez? Damn poor guy, you're not even good at pretending."Alexander didn't argue back but stood there calmly with his hands behind his back.This drove Miley mad!What the hell, how dare he ignore her!Damn!At the same time, Sherman Lopez, the chairman behind the BrightPath Solutions priva
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Chapter 5: Continuous Slaps!
Mr. Marshall, excited, asked: "Mr. Lewis, who sent all this?"Mr. Lewis glanced subtly at Alexander, who was frowning slightly, and replied: "The Reynolds family."The Reynolds family?The Marshall family members were all puzzled, not understanding.What Reynolds family?"Mr. Lewis, this Reynolds family..." Mr. Marshall began to ask politely, having already grasped the situation from the conversation earlier.The Reynolds family sent such valuable medical equipment and drugs, showing their status and power were far beyond what the Marshall family could compare to.Mr. Lewis just smiled, looking at Alexander, and said: "I only came to deliver the items; I don't know the rest."With that, he left the hospital room.Immediately, the people in the room fell silent."Who exactly is this Reynolds family, and why did they send these things? Does anyone know anyone from the Reynolds family?" Mr. Marshall asked.The Marshall family members shook their heads."Grandpa, maybe it's Alexander." To
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Chapter 6: Urging For Divorce.
Talon was furious, his eyes glaring at the unreasonable middle-aged woman, Valeria!Mr. Reynolds shaking hands with him was a great honor for him!This stupid woman must not know Mr. Reynolds's identity yet!Ha ha.Seeing Talon's angry face, Valeria thought he was angry at Alexander, and quickly said: "Director Byrne, don't be angry, he's just a pile of mud, don't bother with him."Talon snorted, turned his head, and said to Mr. Marshall: "Mr. Marshall, I'm here to inform you that for Mary's marrow transplant, it is best to use a relative's marrow."As soon as he said this, Mr. Marshall and the Marshall family couldn't stay calm."Director Byrne, didn't we previously agree to use the marrow I bought?" Mr. Marshall said anxiously.Using a relative's marrow, wouldn't that mean using the useless Alexander's marrow!No, absolutely not!Director Byrne coldly looked at Old Mr. Marshall and said: "This is the hospital's policy, and it's also for the patient's sake. The rejection rate of a re
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Chapter 7: Dragon Queen.
Eleanor stood stunned, looking at Mary sleeping soundly on the hospital bed, gently touching her smooth forehead, her eyes moist: "I won't divorce him. We've been married for four years, and it's not true that there's no affection. Besides, he will always be Mary's father, unless he doesn't want us anymore."Hearing this, Lisa stamped her foot angrily: "Eleanor, how can you be so foolish! What's so good about that useless man?"Eleanor turned, looking at the agitated Lisa: "Alright, Lisa, I know you mean well, but this is my matter."Lisa opened her mouth to say something, but restrained herself and said: "It's up to you, but I will do my best to separate you two! You are my best friend, I won't let you sink into the quagmire!"Eleanor said nothing; she understood Lisa's good intentions, truly wanting the best for her.However, certain things, especially her feelings for Alexander, made Eleanor's heart chaotic.In the evening, Alexander brought home a bag of apples, but hadn't even en
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Chapter 8: Same Birthday And Mocked!
Alexander was silent, then said: "I won't care about this, you go and do it, my request will not change, if because of this, that woman secretly criticizes me, then I will not inherit Dragon Sect, I will not do anything for Dragon Sect."Saying this, Alexander waved his hand and left the BrightPath Solutions private club.Sherman respectfully bowed, watching Alexander leave.Young Master, seems to have changed, becoming a bit more assertive.Afterward, he gently tapped the black and gold cane in his hand on the floor, and a tall, slender woman with a graceful figure swayed in.This woman was wearing a bright red slit dress, her hair tied to one side, exuding immense allure. Just one smile from her could captivate any man."Sherman~." the woman said, her voice sweet and seductive.Sherman replied: "Follow the Young Master's orders.""Yes." The woman turned and left the private room.The next day, a sensational headline spread across Golden Harbor.Today, the entire Golden Harbor was ab
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Chapter 9: Poor People Cannot Afford Expensive Jewelry!
At this moment, Peyton noticed Alexander beside her, his face suddenly turning dark, mocking: "Oh, I wondered who it was, Alexander Reynolds."This was the useless man known throughout Golden Harbor, how could he marry a beautiful woman like Eleanor, as lovely as a fairy?In Peyton's heart, he was filled with hatred for Alexander.Alexander frowned slightly, looking at Peyton, saying: "Giving flowers to my wife again?"Peyton straightened his tie, his lips curling slightly, answering dramatically: "What do you want to say? One day I'll make Eleanor happy, and you, you're not worthy of her."After saying that, he turned around, like performing a magic trick, took out a small expensive box from his chest, opened it, revealing a diamond necklace."Eleanor, this is the new collection from Crystal Wave, the Star Diamond collection, but unfortunately, my current strength only allows me to buy this cheapest necklace in the collection, 1.8 million. When I make more money, I will definitely bu
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Chapter 10: Now, Do I Have The Qualification To Buy It?
Peyton Roberts had just walked in, his nose in the air, a mocking expression plastered on his face as he looked at Alexander Reynolds.This poor loser dares to come to Crystal Wave?Alexander raised an eyebrow slightly but didn't bother to respond to Peyton.Seeing that Alexander was ignoring him, Peyton angrily walked over and said coldly: “What? You think you have the right to look at luxury items like these? Do you even belong here?"Alexander replied calmly: “The store is open for business. Why shouldn't I be able to look?"Ha!Peyton sneered and said: “Because you're dirt poor. This is Crystal Wave. Even the simplest necklace or diamond ring here costs tens of millions. Do you really think you can afford anything?"This guy, still trying to show off in front of him.Does he even know who he is?Alexander remained silent, considering whether he should reveal a bit of his true capabilities to Peyton.At that moment, the sales clerk who had previously looked down on Alexander quickl
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