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By: glory OngoingSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 13 views: 96

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SYNOPSIS: Seven Years after Armagedon, Tyler Flint found himself as one of the very few humans to complete all the Armagedon trials set by the Divines - beings of unimaginable power residing in a higher dimension. He cursed the higher beings for treating his world like a means of entertainment, however he gets a second chance - to return to the past moments before the Armagedon begins. Armed with the knowledge of the future, Tyker takes it upon himself to become even stronger and prevent the destruction of his world and his loved ones. But will he be able to overcome the limitless powers of the Divines and their servant imps? Or will he once again watch as his world crumbles before him?

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13 chapters
Second chance
Tyler sat on a towering pile of monstrous corpes. His haggard clothes was covered with blood."So this is it?"He muttered to himself as he took a glance at the area... Only a single word could fit the scene in front of him - Hell."After seven long years since Armagedon began, I am the final survivor. I'm the last one standing in this hellish nightmare the Divines put us in, all for tgesake of their entertainment!" He exclaimed before clenching his fist.The system window popped up in his view."Congratulations for being the last man standing in your vicinity. You and a select few will be granted a do-over." "Do over? So I'm not the only survivor" Tyler has seen his fair share of strange things, but he couldn't make sense of the content of the message."Commencing Regression." A bright light enveloped Tyler and with the blink of an eye, he found himself seated in a class room. He looked outside the window, the world was no longer a ravaged planet. It was in the same state prior to
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The Brutality Begins
Tyler face-palmed as he watched his class rep, Shen making a beeline for the serving area.Shen Masters, the top student in Tyler's class and a very skilled athlete was easily one of the most popular students in the whole campus."Come on you guys, don't you get it? If this Apocalypse or whatever is truly going to happen we're supposed to use what little time we have to stack up on supplies. What ever may befall us, we need food to persevere!""As expected of Shen!""We're with you all the way."Two of Shen's friends cheered him on as they sprinted with him, their sights was set on the serving area."Shen thinks fast, judging from his words and actions, I'd say he's not a regressor."Liz turned to Tyler, "Ty-Ty, didn't Shen get eaten by monster in the previous timeline?""Yep, he didn't make it past the first trial. Let's see just how he fares this time around."While most of the students watched the trio as they arrived at the serving area to claim first dibs on the food, some chase
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New rewards
The tremors kept intensifying. What felt like the largest tremor yet shook the entire ball room causing the students to scream crying in fear."We're all going to die!""If the monsters don't get to us, those deranged Waiters will!""Is this truly the end of the world?"Even Tyler and Merrick struggled to stay steady like everyone else around them. When the tremors eased a bit, some students rushed towards the ballroom staff."We're gonna die anyways, might as well risk it for the supplies!" yelled one of them, grappling with a waiter."Why don't you kids just stay put and let the monsters eat you like good kids? Us adults still got lots to offer society. No one will miss you if you kick the bucket!" declared one of the waiters."Absolutely. You behave, we won't lay a finger on you. But the moment you even eye our grub, you'll face the same fate as that fool over yonder!" another voice interjected, gesturing toward Shen's still figure.Despite the cautionary words, the students held t
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New Abilities
Tyler streaked through the crowd, leaving behind a blur of motion. The force generated by his velocity created a shockwave, sending unsuspecting bystanders tumbling to the ground in his wake.As confusion rippled through the crowd, voices rang out in disbelief. "What the?" someone exclaimed, echoing the sentiments of those around them. "What in the world was that?!"He streaked through the crowd, leaving behind a blur. The sheer force from his speed created a shockwave, sending people flying off their feet.For Tyler, it was almost an instant, but he had already covered the distance to the other side of the hall.The sheer force of his passage caused a sonic boom, shattering windows and knocking over anything not bolted down.The walls trembled, and debris was tossed into the air as if caught in a violent gust of wind.Tyler made a powerful stop after arriving at the serving area. He created a strong shock wave that blew everyone around the vicinity away."What's that?"What they saw
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Wave of Kobolds
"Shit! Shit! Shit!"Merrick was in the midsts of the spectators as Tyler made quick work of the waiters showcasing his new strengths.His legs shook and he gasped in shock."What did I just see? He's... a monster!" he exclaimed, sweating heavily."Wait, what will that crazy guy do if he sees me? I can't fight him now, he'll definitely want revenge for messing with him in the original timeline."Merrick turned and ran away from the group, giving up on reaching the food area."What's the use of getting food if I won't live long enough to eat it?"But Tyler had already seen Merrick among the crowd. Merrick was the only one moving while everyone else stayed frozen in shock. A small smile appeared on Tyler's face, which was unusual for him."Where do you think you're going, you worthless jerk?" Dealing with Merrick would be easy, especially with Tyler's new speed and strength.The idea of stopping Merrick's mischief and finally getting revenge felt good.But just as he was about to move fo
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Between The Dimensions
Ferahn watched as Tyler made quick work of the Kobolds."What on earth is going on?" She panicked yanking her hair. "I'm losing more viewers!""I've already raised the difficulty level to persuade my viewers, this will only ruin me. Nobody wants to watch a boring scene such as this. What do I do!?"Ferahn decided to check Tyler's status but she received an error message."ACCESS DENIED."Ferahn plopped to the floor."Just who on earth is this human and what entity is backing him? I'll have to see Yoon about this."Ferahn summoned the beam of light and beamed away.The Dimension between the 3rd and 4th dimension was the home and work place of the streaming Imp. Ferhan stormed through the hallways of the Streaming Imp headquarters.She stopped in front of a door with a tag "Head Administrator."Ferahn knocked before entering, an Imp with Red horns was seated at a desk."Ferahn, what brings you here?" he asked."It's about a certain human..." Ferahn proceeded to tell him about the troubl
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Kill or be Killed
The setting was a corporate office building nestled in the heart of the bustling city.Sarah stirred, her head throbbing as she regained consciousness upon the frigid concrete floor. Slowly, she sat upright, surveying her stark surroundings.The room lay barren, illuminated by harsh fluorescent lights casting a pallid glow against the dreary gray walls. In the distance, faint murmurs of voices mingled with the mechanical hum of unseen machinery."Where am I?" Sarah muttered to herself, grappling with fragmented memories. The abyss of darkness from her previous existence lingered in her mind.In the previous timeline, Sarah was a merciless assassin, she was dubbed the queen of the night. Beautiful, fast and blessed with an Overpowered skill, Sarah was nearly invincible.She had an unbeaten record in 1v1's... That was until she encountered Tyler.He was the first person to defeat her in a fight that too during the night when her powers were at their peak. After that, Sarah fell for Tyle
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The Radiant Spawn
"CONGRATULATIONS, YOUR LEVEL HAS RISEN...""CONGRATULATIONS, YOUR LEVEL HAS RISEN...""CONGRATULATIONS, YOUR LEVEL HAS RISEN..."Tyler couldn't tell how many times the system window kept popping up in front of him.But by the time the level up notification ended... "Status."Tyler viewed his stats. "Level 17 already... Nice.""Ty-Ty, I've reached level 13!" Liz cheered."DING! THE FIRST TRIAL IS OVER.""THE FIRST TRIAL HAS ENDED, CONGRATULATIONS FOR SURVIVING.""THE SURVIVORS WILL BE GIVEN A CLASS CHIP." All the survivors except Tyler received Class chips. They ranged between C-B class chips.Usually it would have been E-C, but given the heightened difficulty caused by Ferahn, the rewards were adjusted.As for Liz who had second place in contribution, she received the A-Grade Class Chip- Thunder empress. ""Congrats, Liz."Liz's cheeks flushed."Together?" She asked him with a smile."Alright then," He smiled back.They both pulled out their class chips and used them."YOU HAVE CHANG
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Absolute Light
"Ty-Ty, what route do you think we should we take to get off campus?"Tyler began to consider their options..."The main gate seemed the most straightforward route, but it wasn't without risks. I'd like to avoid any further distractions."Liz suggested, "Why not just power through the main gate? There are only low-level monsters there, right?"Tyler shook his head as he gave her a look of concern."Can't show off too much strength," he said, keeping his voice low."If I make things too easy, the Divines might get bored. That could lead to problems. They're already keeping a close eye on my actions. We should take a different route."Liz nodded as she understood his point."The path behind the college, then?" she asked, recalling a quieter exit."Sounds good," Tyler replied, as he leads the way toward the back exit.The duo arrived at the edge the broken college wall. They arrived at the remains of the falling-apart buildings, greeted by the sight of destruction and chaos left by the
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Let's Hunt A Drake
With the info from the scavengers, Tyler found where the Drake was. Now, he, Liv, and his Radiant Spawns went to its nest. The thick forest surrounded them, casting spooky shadows.Tyler wanted to level up and make his light army stronger by getting the Drake on his side. He saw a chance and stayed alert. Suddenly, he heard a noise, a sign of danger.Quickly, he told his Spawns to stop and get ready for a fight. Out of the forest came mutated beasts, big wolves with strange features. Some stood like humans, surprising everyone.A big fight started between the Spawns and the strange beasts. Despite their scary noises, Tyler saw them as a way to get more experience. With a smile, he told his Spawns, "Beat them."Tyler, Liv and the Radiant Spawns sprang into action, they made thw ferocious looking wolves to resemble lost defenseless puppies.Tyler and the blind light swordswoman slashed through the wolves shredding through their ranks with ease."Die! Die! Die!" Liv once again revealed h
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