The Night walker

Tyler heard a voice in his head...."Don't accept."

"Huh? Who the heck are you?"

"I am unknown."

"TYLER FLINT, IT IS RUDE TO KEEP YOUR BENEFACTOR WAITING." The Night walker declared with a hint of rage.

"Sorry... Mister uhm, Night Crawler."


Tyler instantly dropped the formal tone and addressed the Divine King the way he normally spoke.

"If you want me to sign a contract with you, I require one thing... An Absolute skill." He declared boldly, his voice unwavering despite the tension in the air.

The Divine's reaction was immediate, its expression contorting with rage.


But Tyler remained steadfast.

"Without an Absolute Skill, the contract holds no value to me," he asserted, his gaze steady as he stared down the celestial being before him. "That's my deal breaker, so if you want me to be your protege, you'll give me an Absolute skill."

The entire place crackled with tension as the Divine contemplated Tyler's audacious request. The Divines watching the scene bombed the channels comments section.

They were  impressed by Tyler's boldness, while others looked on in shock.

The Divine's anger simmered beneath the surface, its form pulsating with barely contained fury. He wasn't just a being from a higher plane of existence, he is among the highest within their ranks.

 "Mark me for disrespect if you must," it hissed, its voice laced with venom. "But remember, such actions speak volumes about your own weaknesses."

Tyler's response was calm yet defiant, his words cutting through the tension like a blade.

"I am not afraid of you," he declared. "And I refuse to bow to an arrogant and prideful tyrant.."

The room erupted into chaos as the debate among the Divines escalated, each side fiercely advocating for their beliefs. But Tyler remained resolute, he didn't batter an eye away from the blazing eyes of the being in front of him.

"I will make sure you regret this." The Divine left defeated and humiliated by Tyler's stubbornness, the canyon fell into a tense silence.

 Tyler's boldness had sent shockwaves through the assembly, leaving an air of uncertainty in its wake.

Ferahn watched the entire scene unfold in seclusion, she immediately recognized the potential threat Tyler is able to bring. His defiance of the Divine hinted at a rebellious nature that could disrupt the carefully balanced hierarchy of power.

She knew she had to take action, any action or else she might end up as collateral damage. So, Ferahn approached him.

"Impressive display back there," she remarked, her voice carrying a hint of admiration.

"You certainly know how to make an entrance."

Tyler regarded Ferahn with a cool demeanor, his expression betraying none of the turmoil swirling within him.

"I simply spoke my mind," he replied with a stoic expression, "There's no way I'll allow myself to become a slave to an egoist like that."

Ferahn nodded, acknowledging Tyler's response. "Indeed, and your words had quite the impact, the comments section are buzzing with your exchange with the Divine."

Ferahn leaned in, "I couldn't help but notice your lack of an inventory skill," she observed, her words carrying a note of concern. "That could prove to be a significant hindrance in the trials ahead."

Tyler's interest was piqued, his curiosity evident in the furrow of his brow. "And what do you suggest?" he inquired, he was already familiar with how cunning the Streaming Imp was.

Ferahn's lips curled into a sly smile as she revealed her proposition.

 "I offer you a contract," she declared, her words laden with promise. "In exchange for your cooperation, I can grant you access to an inventory skill—a valuable asset in your journey."

Tyler pauses to consider her offer. His mind raced with conflicting thoughts. On one hand, the idea of obtaining an inventory skill held undeniable appeal, offering him a practical advantage in the trials to come.

Ferahn notices Tyler's dilemma and decided to persuade him further...

"Think carefully, Tyler, An inventory skill could prove invaluable in your journey. Don't let pride blind you to the opportunities before you."

Tyler's expression was unreadable as he weighed his options. Will he take the offer and get the inventory skill, or will he decline and aim for the difficult to obtain Absolute Skill?

He rubbed his chin as he continues to ponder. Ferahn watched him with her patience fading slowly with every passing second. "Call out to me once you've made your choice." With that, the Streaming Imp beemed away. They were still at the canyon as Liv walked up to him.

"Ty-Ty, you look puzzled, what's going on with the Streaming Imp?" She tugged at his shirt pulling him a few meters from Ferahn so they can talk in secret.

Tyler never had issues making decisions. He hesitated to ask Liv for her input. Eventually, he decided to rely on her a bit

"Liv," Tyler begins, "I don't know what to do. Ferahn offered me a contract, but the Divine threatened me when I asked for an Absolute Skill. I'm torn between accepting the safety of a contract and chasing after a near impossible skill."

Liv listened to him attentively without battering an eye. She knows the gravity of Tyler's predicament and the weight of his choices.

 "Ty-Ty," she replies gently, "I understand your hesitation. But in this world, we must prioritize survival above all else. A contract with Ferahn could provide us with the resources and protection we need to navigate the dangers ahead."

Tyler absorbs her words as he grapples with the implications of her advice. The allure of safety and stability was a good enough reason to take the contract. Yet, a part of him yearns for something greater, something beyond the confines of a mere contract.

"Liv," Tyler murmurs, his voice tinged with resolve, "I appreciate your perspective. But I can't shake the feeling that there's more out there, something else with this contract. I want to stand on equal footing with the Divines, not just be another pawn in their game. Not after everything I went through in the original timeline. "

Liv nods, "Whatever path you choose, know that I'll stand by your side. We're in this together."

Tyler had made up his mind, "Time to summon that interdimensional little demonic fiend."

"Ferahn!" Tyler's voice echoed all over the canyon.

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