Sealing The Deal

The Streaming Imp's  blue light beamed down, illuminating her form as she reappeared before him.

A  smile played at Ferahn's lips as their eyes met. Tyler rolled his eyes and sighed.

"You've made up your mind already?" she inquired, her carried a tone of amusement with it. She was feeling confident thinking she had the upper hand.

Ferahn exuded an aura of calm assurance, her demeanor betraying her certainty that she had presented Tyler with an irresistible offer. Surely, he wouldn't dare to reject it.

"I must say, I didn't expect to hear from you so soon," Ferahn remarked, a smug look crossing her features as she subtly reveled in her own cleverness. Her words carried a hint of satisfaction, as if she had anticipated Tyler's swift response and found validation in his prompt decision-making.

Tyler met her gaze evenly. "Well I have... Regarding the contract..."

With a subtle smile playing at the corners of her lips, Ferahn leaned in closer, her expression one of quiet confidence. "Ah, I see," she remarked, her voice carrying a hint of intrigue. "Well, let's get down to business then."

With a swift motion, she snapped her fingers, deactivating the streamer mode and ensuring their conversation remained shielded from the prying eyes of the Divines, preserving its privacy.

"Now, about the contract," Ferahn continued in a businesslike tone, her demeanor shifting seamlessly into professional mode. She proceeded to outline the terms of the agreement in meticulous detail, her words precise and methodical.

"The contract will grant you access to the inventory skill," she explained, emphasizing its significance as a much-needed solution to the growing inventory issues.

"Additionally, you will gain entry to the Streaming Imp store." However, she added a caveat, her tone becoming slightly more serious. "The only condition is that you must exercise restraint. It's imperative that you refrain from rushing through the trial stages."

Tyler nodded, his head as he listened attentively. He understood the implications of Ferahn's offer and the sacrifices he would have to make. He couldn't lie, the contract was even better than he had imagined. All he had to do was to hold back a bit in the trial stages which he already has been doing.

"I appreciate the offer, Ferahn, but I have my own conditions," Tyler stated as he proceeded to lay out his own terms and conditions.

Ferahn's shoulders slumped slightly in resignation, she knew very well that negotiating with Tyler would not be an easy task.

"Well, lay it on me," she replied with a sigh, bracing herself for the forthcoming stipulations.

"Firstly," Tyler began, his voice steady as he outlined his first condition, "the Divines must refrain from interfering or altering any trial stage in which I am participating." His gaze bore into Ferahn's, ensuring she understood the gravity of his demand.

"Secondly," he continued, his expression unwavering, "my actions should not have any bearing on the difficulty of the trials." Each word was pronounced with clarity, emphasizing the non-negotiable nature of this requirement.

Pausing for a moment to gauge Ferahn's reaction, Tyler pressed on, determined to secure favorable terms.

" Furthermore," he added, his tone growing slightly more assertive, "upon reaching a higher rank, I expect access to exclusive resources and skills." His eyes narrowed slightly, conveying the seriousness of his request.

"And," he continued, his voice firm, "I must retain the freedom to choose which trials I participate in." Memories of past struggles fueled his resolve, strengthening his determination to assert his autonomy in this arrangement.

Finally, Tyler concluded with a steely resolve, "If there is any breach of these rules, I insist on receiving additional benefits as compensation. And should such breaches occur, I reserve the right to take independent action." Each word resonated with conviction, leaving no room for doubt regarding his intentions.

Ferahn couldn't help but find herself impressed by his cunning mind.

Ferahn nods in agreement. "Your terms are acceptable," she says, her voice carrying a note of approval. "We have a deal."

"Perfect," Tyler smirked as he felt like he had just overcame an obstacle. Now he wouldn't have to worry about the Divines changing the difficulty setting of a trial mid-trial. What's more? He doesn't have to worry about carrying supplies with his new inventory skill.

Ferahn was also satisfied, it was evident from the wide grin she wore. This arrangement suits her purposes well, providing her with a measure of control over Tyler's actions during the Trials.

At the same time, Tyler has secured the solution he desperately needed for managing his inventory.

"Let's get this over with." Ferahn sent him the contract as the system window appeared.

"You have received a contract, will you accept?" 

With a decisive nod, Tyler affirmed his decision with a simple "yes."

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