Let's Hunt A Drake

With the info from the scavengers, Tyler found where the Drake was. Now, he, Liv, and his Radiant Spawns went to its nest. The thick forest surrounded them, casting spooky shadows.

Tyler wanted to level up and make his light army stronger by getting the Drake on his side. He saw a chance and stayed alert. Suddenly, he heard a noise, a sign of danger.

Quickly, he told his Spawns to stop and get ready for a fight. Out of the forest came mutated beasts, big wolves with strange features. Some stood like humans, surprising everyone.

A big fight started between the Spawns and the strange beasts. Despite their scary noises, Tyler saw them as a way to get more experience. With a smile, he told his Spawns, "Beat them."

Tyler, Liv and the Radiant Spawns sprang into action, they made thw ferocious looking wolves to resemble lost defenseless puppies.

Tyler and the blind light swordswoman slashed through the wolves shredding through their ranks with ease.

"Die! Die! Die!" Liv once again revealed her unhinged side as she blasted them with her lightning attack.

The remaining Radiant Spawns didn't slack behind, the party didn't break a sweat finishing off the wolves.

Something strange happened when one of Tyler's Radiant Spawns, a Kobold, plunges its claws into the chest of a fallen beast, tearing out its core and finally devouring it.

This sight disgusted the humanoid Radiant Spawns, the monster Radiant Spawns were unfazed by this However as the humanoid Spawns watched in horror at the sight of the Kobold's cannibalistic act with looks of  disgust.

Tyler watched the scene with unfold with an aloof demeanor. He narrowed his eyes as he reflected and analysed the situation.

"It's not as if he consumed humans," Tyler remarked with a nonchalant shrug, dismissing the gravity of the situation with a casual wave of his hand.

Suddenly, the system window materialized in his field of vision, its sudden appearance drawing his attention with a sense of intrigue and anticipation.

"You Spawn is evolving..."


A golden light engulfed the Kobold Radiant Spawn. As the light started to dim away, the Kobold's once frail and hunched form straightened, it's fragile looking limbs grew bigger into bulging muscles.

Tyler checked the stats of the Kobold, he couldn't help but be impressed by what he saw... "It's strength and agility have risen considerably.

So consuming the cores of other monsters will allow my Spawns to grow even further?"

He turned to the humanoid Spawns, "Does the same applies to the humanoid Spawns?" He couldn't help but wonder. In the end, Tyler put the thought to rest for the main time as his attention was drawn by Liv.

"Ty-Ty! Ty-Ty!" Liv's voice rang out with excitement as she eagerly tugged at Tyler's shirt, her eyes shining with exhilaration. "I did it! I reached level 15!"

Tyler turned his attention to her, his expression softening into a faint smile at her enthusiasm. "Good job," he commented casually, acknowledging her achievement with a simple yet supportive response.

Upon reaching level 15, Liv felt got excited as her stats were boosted, she also received a gift item, a valuable gift - a mana amplification ring.

Liv showed the ring to Tyler as his gaze shifted to the ring with mild interest, he smiled faintly once again.

"That's great, Liv," he replied, his tone warm and encouraging, his words carrying a genuine sense of pride in her progress.

Liv's face lit up with a radiant smile as she extended the delicate ring towards Tyler, her eyes sparkling with excitement and affection.

"I want you to have it," she exclaimed eagerly, her words filled with genuine warmth.

"Consider it a gift from me to you."

Although she presented it as a simple gift, in her heart, Liv viewed the ring as a symbolic gesture of her commitment to Tyler, a silent declaration of her desire to be his wife.

Lost in the reverie of potential futures, she began to envision wedding ceremonies and shared dreams, only to be abruptly pulled back to reality by Tyler's composed response.

"Thank you, Liv," Tyler replied calmly, his voice unwavering.

"But I must decline. My mana reserves far surpass yours by a significant margin."

His words, though polite, carried a hint of superiority, subtly asserting his prowess in their shared realm of magic.

Liv's excitement dims slightly at Tyler's words, a flicker of disappointment crossed her face.

The group finally made their way outside the forrest, Tyler would pick up the cores of any monster they'd defeat and give it to his monster-type Radiant Spawns.

It proved very useful in raising the strength of his army.

They now found themselves in a desolate canyon. The rugged terrain was teeming with several giant-sized reptiles, they were Earth Draconian lizards which Liv wasn't fond of.

"We're close..." Tyler muttered.

Liv was irked at the sight of the  Earth Draconian ground lizards slithering about.

"Ty-Ty, are we sure we should be heading this way?" she asked tugging his arm.

"This place seems dangerous. And I hate lizards!"

"Don't worry," he replied with a calm tone. 

"The only risk we face is someone else beating us to the prize."

Liv response was but a silent nod, there was nothing to worry about as long as she's together with Tyler.

Tyler flicked his wrist undoing his summoning as the Radiant Spawns dissipated  into a shower of glowing particles that fade from sight like scattered stardust.

He grabs Liv's hand catching her off guard.

Her heartbeat quickened and her face flushed bright red.

"Ty-Ty..." "Hold on tight."

 He then activates his Blitz ability. In a mere instant, the world around them blurs into a whirlwind of light and motion, the sensation of being propelled through space and time both exhilarating and disorienting.

Moments later, they appeared in a new location, in front of them was the looming canyon walls within the rocky terrain.Liv, who was tightly holding onto Tyler with her fingers digging into the fabric of his shirt opened her eyes to view the spectacle.

"That was incredible!" she exclaims, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension.Tyler offers her a reassuring smile, he turns his attention over the rugged landscape.

"Just getting us where we need to be," he replied calmly.

 "Let's keep moving." They walked for a few minutes in silence until a mighty roar echoed throughout the canyon, the power of the roar shook the very walls and grounds.

They walked in silence for a few minutes until a mighty roar echoed through the canyon, shaking the walls and ground.

Tyler quickly set Liv down, narrowing his eyes as he was the first to spot the Drake in the distance, flying toward them at incredible speed.

"Get ready," he told Liv as he summoned his Radiant Spawns back. The Drake closed in, its roar shaking the ground once more.

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