The Unexpected Heir

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The Unexpected Heir

By: David Peter OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 20 views: 104

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Meeting his wife cheating on him with no remorse on her face for her actions, broke him down beyond repair but when he receives a text message that changes his life for good it was time to put things back in order. "I'm back now and I'm not the same anymore!"

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20 chapters
Sent Out
Dave has a big smile on his face as his shift has come to an end for the day, he headed to a store and purchased a necklace for his darling wife. He works hard everyday to prove how hardworking he is to his rich wife and prominent in-laws. Today makes it two years of their marriage although it was filled with more sadness and less happiness but he knew everything will be fine one day.His joy increased as he got closer to their room, he started hearing some unpleasant sounds in his ears.What could be happening behind the door? Hope it's not what I'm thinking. He shook his head to wave off the thought building up inside of him, he reached out for the handle, knobbed it down and pushed it. His eyes landed on his wife (Lily) and a guy having s*x, the color of his eyes changed to red as anger overtook him. "Lily yyyyaaaahhh! " He yelled her name in rage. The two adults quickly disengaged from the act and looked at him."You scare the h*ll out of me." She said and sat properly on the b
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The Legacy
Feeling heartbroken and betrayed by his wife, Dave felt all elements were against him as the lightning struck across the skies and the rain fell down heavily, he didn't even bother to shield himself."How could she have done this to me?" He muttered to himself. "What did I do wrong?""I did everything I could to make her and her family happy but they still saw me as useless."His mind flashes back to when he and Lily were standing happily at the altar, exchanging vows and pledging their undying love in front of her family."I promise to love and cherish you, always and forever," Dave said, holding her hands with love and admiration in her eyes."I love you, Dave and I promise never to leave you."That was all a lie!Lily still left him! She didn't even think about all her promises she had made to him, she had only used him for her own benefit.He had done so many odd jobs to make sure both she and her family were satisfied and he doesn't seem like a burden to them even when Lily oppos
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Dave’s New Inheritance
"How do I believe that everything is real and not a fake?" Dave asked with a raised brow.The rain has stopped now and was replaced with a gentle breeze."Young master, please come with me into the car so you won't catch a cold and I'll answer all your questions," The old man said, opening the door of one the luxurious cars for him.Dave complied. The old man had already proven to be trustworthy and possibly won't try to harm him."Your family has a foothold in the business world and so maybe you can visit one of your companies just to see that I'm not lying to you.""What's the name of the company you speak about?""Wellington Holdings LLC."Dave gasped in surprise. "I've heard of that place and I've delivered pizza packages to few of the employees there."The old man was equally surprised. "If you have been to the Wellington Holdings before how come you haven't heard of the Wellington family?""I'm not well learned and much exposed," Dave sighed."Okay. It's fine," The old man took
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Tables Turned
Dave turned around and saw two burly men with batons walking towards him. "I gave you the privilege of leaving here on your own but it seems you want to prove stubborn," The receptionist said with a grunt."Take him away!""No, wait! I have to see the manager!" Dave struggled within their grip."You still want to see the manager?" One of the men said and struck him on the cheek. "Your kind isn't even supposed to walk into this kind of place.""Do you even know where you are?" The other asked.Dave held his cheek and stared at the man who had slapped him. "Why did you slap me? What's my offense?""Mister, leave or we'll have to push you out.""Why are you both still arguing with him?" The receptionist asked with disgust. "Push him out!"Dave withdrew his hand from his reddened cheek and said, "I'll make sure all of you are sacked from this company. My company shouldn't be working with the likes of you.""Huh?" They mouthed.Suddenly, they all bursted into laughter."You, you want to s
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His Change
"Mr Dave, I'm really sorry about what happened earlier," Abraham said as they walked into his office."Abraham, please sit," Dave said, gesturing at the chair in front of him."No sir, that seat has been waiting for you. I can't sit on it anymore since you are here," He replied.Dave seemed pleased with his humble action and he smiled slightly. "Until there's an official statement, this seat is being occupied by you so sit down after all it's just an ordinary chair."Abraham glanced from Dave to the chair and slowly proceeded to sit. Dave sat down opposite him."And before we start I'll like to make somethings clear here. I want my identity to be undisclosed and I'm sure you already know the circumstances surrounding these reasons.""Yes, " Abraham nodded. "I'm quite aware already.""Good. Now, let's proceed.""Well, here are the documents regarding the company and the other companies scattered across USA. You are required to sign it to gain ownership over them.""Who has been taking
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Table Of Confusion
Brighton's Home:Lady Gaga Brighton sat on her mahogany chair which spoke of her high status in her family. Her almost soulless eyes dilated in their sockets as she stared at her sons, Kay and Mike, Lily's father."So you're saying that Dave is a friend to master Brandon?" Lady Gaga asked, staring intensely at Mike."Yes mother. Lily found out about this yesterday and we thought it well to inform you.""Hmm, so Dave has been hiding such important information from us. We never treated him badly, we gave him a roof over his head. Ingrate!" Lady Gaga scoffed out in anger."But mother, this doesn't prove anything. Even though Dave is a friend of master Brandon, it won't bring any benefits to us," Kay, Mike's younger brother said."That's true but the fact that he was called to that company definitely means something good and we must get a share from that.""We have clothed Dave for the past three years, fed him and gave him a roof over his head, he has never paid us any penny for doing th
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Kay and Lily’s Investigation
Wellington's Holdings LLC.Kay and Lily stepped out of car unto the sleek pavement of the Wellington's Holdings parking lot. They looked up at the towering building, it's glass and steel facade glinting in the sunlight."Let's go in. And I hope you know what to say, your grandma gave us this assignment because she decided to trust you so don't even try to blow this up," Kay said."I already know why we are here. You don't have to keep on reminding me, I'm not child. You and Grandma have always looked down on us no matter the good we do," Lily sighed.Kay scoffed. "Good? Good, and you can't even control your husband. Nonsense!" He spat and walked into the company.…As they entered into the lobby, they were greeted by the receptionist."We are here to see Mr Abraham," Lily said."Do you have an appointment ma'am?""Yes.""Okay ma'am. You can go up, he's less busy now.""Thank you," Lily responded with a smile which the receptionist returned.Lily knocked softly at the door and walked i
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Lily’s Thoughts
"Are they gone?" Dave asked, staring at the busy city bustling with activities through the ceiling-to-floor transparent glass window."Yes sir, they came here with the disguise of asking about their contract to try to get information about you from me.""And what did you say?" Dave slowly turned around to face the slightly bent Abraham."I told them you were from overseas and the Dave they were looking for isn't available for the moment until next week.""So you lied," Dave said with a raised brow.Abraham was confused. He didn't know if it was a question or an accusation."I–I didn't know what else to say to drive them off."Dave smiled slightly and sat down, crossing his legs. "You don't have to be scared. You did what you thought was right. Now, it's time for me to do my own part."…The Brighton's Home."Mother, Mr Abraham won't say anything but I know he was hiding something, " Kay said with a desperate sigh."What did he say?" Lady Gaga said, leaning forward towards them."He sa
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Contract Withdrawn
Wellington's Holdings.Eric and Lily arrived at the company and were both seated in Abraham's office, patiently waiting for him.Immediately Abraham entered into the office, he rolled his eyes secretly."Mr Daniels, Miss Brighton, what can I do for you?"Eric stood up and stretched out his hand for a handshake. Abraham ignored it making him go red and he slowly withdrew back his hand and sat down."Well, Mr Abraham. My father sent me here to discuss our contract with you.""Contract? What contract are you talking about?" Abraham asked, furrowing his brows.Eric was confused. "Mr Abraham, don't tell me you have forgotten about our project so soon."Lily glanced at the two men. "Mr Abraham, we came here last two weeks concerning this project and you already briefed us about it.""Does this contract concern you in anyway, Miss Brighton?" Abraham said, leaning forward towards them."Uhm," Lily coughed slightly. "Not really.""Good," Mr Abraham said and turned to Eric. "Mr Daniels, we don'
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Her Vow
The Brighton's Home.The whole family gathered round Lady Gaga as they listened to Lily."So you're saying that the contract between the Wellingtons and the Daniels have been cancelled?" Lady Gaga asked."Yes grandma. I was there when Mr Abraham relayed the news to Eric," Lily responded."Did you see Dave there?" Margaret asked with eagerness, earning a glare from Lady Gaga.Lily nodded in reply. "Yes mother, I did.""That contract certainly was supposed to be profitable to them but now that the Wellingtons have withdrawn their support, the Daniels would have to pay them back every penny they have gotten from them," Lady Gaga said thoughtfully. "And from all what you've said, the Daniels have invested most of their savings into this and they'll definitely incur a loss. They might even have to declare bankruptcy. The chairman must be targeting them for a reason, they must have done something to him.""But grandma, Eric claims that he doesn't even know the chairman, " Lily replied."Bu
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