Contract Withdrawn

Wellington's Holdings.

Eric and Lily arrived at the company and were both seated in Abraham's office, patiently waiting for him.

Immediately Abraham entered into the office, he rolled his eyes secretly.

"Mr Daniels, Miss Brighton, what can I do for you?"

Eric stood up and stretched out his hand for a handshake. Abraham ignored it making him go red and he slowly withdrew back his hand and sat down.

"Well, Mr Abraham. My father sent me here to discuss our contract with you."

"Contract? What contract are you talking about?" Abraham asked, furrowing his brows.

Eric was confused. "Mr Abraham, don't tell me you have forgotten about our project so soon."

Lily glanced at the two men. "Mr Abraham, we came here last two weeks concerning this project and you already briefed us about it."

"Does this contract concern you in anyway, Miss Brighton?" Abraham said, leaning forward towards them.

"Uhm," Lily coughed slightly. "Not really."

"Good," Mr Abraham said and turned to Eric. "Mr Daniels, we don't have any contract with your family, I'm afraid."

"What do you mean by this!" Eric said standing up, hitting his fist on the table.

Abraham looked up at him and he pursed his lips.

"You haven't given us an official statement so what are you saying, Mr Abraham? You can't just cancel the contract just like that, we're already halfway down with the project. This will ruin my family."

"I'm sorry Mr Eric, there's nothing I can do at this point," Abraham replied.

Sweat broke out from Eric's forehead and ran down his head. He swallowed hard.

If this contract was cancelled, his family will lose literally everything. They'll have to pay back the Wellingtons every cent they had taken from them as stipulated in the contract and that amount was even much more than their net worth combined.

They could even go bankrupt unless they collect a loan from the bank to pay off their debt.

The sound of the cellphone blaring distracted him from his disturbing thoughts.

It was his father.

"Eric, what have you done!" His father yelled.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Eric muttered.

"What's wrong? You're asking me what's wrong? What isn't wrong, Eric! You got the chairman angry now he has decided to cancel the contract and you know what this means!"

"We have put in so much into this. We can't be at the losing end."

Eric went mute and kept on gulping down saliva.

"If you know what's good for you, do whatever you can to save this contract from being terminated or don't even come back home!"

He heard the secretary asking for his father's attention and the line went dead.

Eric immediately went down to his knees, shocking Lily.


"Sir, please, I'm begging you. Is there anything you can do for us at this point? This will ruin my family's reputation. You can't do this to us, please sir," Eric pleaded. "Is there anyway you can help us?"

Abraham shook his head. "I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do."

"Can I please speak with the chairman? Please, I'll like to see him. Maybe if I talk to him myself, he'll consider helping us."

"The chairman isn't on seat and even if he is, he won't want to see anyone. All contracts goes through me before getting to him so our companies' clients have to see me instead of him."

"Ahh!" Eric let out a desperate sigh.

"Eric, what's wrong?" Lily asked, holding him.

"Let go of me, you bitch. You're a jinx!" Eric yelled. "Ever since I met you, my life has been turning upside down. Now, look at what you've done. You've made me lose a multi billion dollar project."

Lily was confused and upset at the manner at which Eric had scolded her. This was the first time, she had ever seen him get so angry.

"Eric, how is this my fault? Why are you yelling at me!"

Eric immediately stood up and held her arm, making her wince in pain. "It's all your fault."

Abraham immediately stood up. "Please, this is a workplace not your room so please leave."

Eric reluctantly let go of his hold and walked out of the company with anger. Lily held her hand and hung her head low as she walked out of Abraham's office.

She bumped into someone, who held her.

She looked up and her eyes met with Dave's. "Dave," She muttered but she was too overwhelmed to say anything.

"Watch where you are going, next time," Dave said and walked away.

Lily watched him closely. He looked really different, his tone of voice had changed. In that split second of their eyes meeting, she didn't see the warmth in his eyes. They were so cold, so cold and soulless.

She didn't have any strength to run after him. Right now, she had to go tell her grandma what had happened.

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