Lily’s Thoughts

"Are they gone?" Dave asked, staring at the busy city bustling with activities through the ceiling-to-floor transparent glass window.

"Yes sir, they came here with the disguise of asking about their contract to try to get information about you from me."

"And what did you say?" Dave slowly turned around to face the slightly bent Abraham.

"I told them you were from overseas and the Dave they were looking for isn't available for the moment until next week."

"So you lied," Dave said with a raised brow.

Abraham was confused. He didn't know if it was a question or an accusation.

"I–I didn't know what else to say to drive them off."

Dave smiled slightly and sat down, crossing his legs. "You don't have to be scared. You did what you thought was right. Now, it's time for me to do my own part."

The Brighton's Home.

"Mother, Mr Abraham won't say anything but I know he was hiding something, " Kay said with a desperate sigh.

"What did he say?" Lady Gaga said, leaning forward towards them.

"He said Dave hasn't resumed work yet until next week," Lily replied. "Our Dave… I mean, Dave isn't the person who's the chairman."

"Lily, do you know all this is your fault?" Kay scolded.

Lily raised a brow in confusion. "What do you mean by that?"

"You didn't push harder to get answers off Abraham. You were too timid. Mother, Lily is meant to be blamed."

"Hey! Don't scold my daughter in that manner. I'm sure Lily tried her best," Lily's mother, Margaret shouted.

Lady Gaga glared at Margaret's way and she immediately went silent. Mike glared at her as well and whispered angrily to her.

"Lily, I gave you just one simple work to do for me and you blew up everything. Why can't you just do something right for once?" Lady Gaga shooked with anger.

"Grandma, what are you saying? You definitely know I try my best for this family. Deep down, you know it even if you would never acknowledge that fact," Lily said with tear filled eyes. "If I had push harder, don't you think Abraham would have gotten even more suspicious?"

"Don't you think I know what I'm doing? Maybe–"

"You definitely don't know what you're doing or saying, Lily," Diana scoffed loudly. "Just admit fault and say that you're wrong."

"Diana, no one asked for your opinion and besides I have got no faults to accept."

"It's enough!" Lady Gaga yelled, hitting her cane on the floor. "Lily, Diana is much better than you and her opinions are cherished."

"She has brought a lot of benefits to this family. What have you and your family done for this family for me to acknowledge you all?"

"Absolutely nothing! Nothing at all other than leach off us. Collect money from us without doing anything!"

"Grandma!" Lily cried.

"Keep quiet, let grandma speak!" Diana yelled, raising her hand to strike Lily but it hung in mid air.

Lily raised up her face and her eyes came in contact with Eric's. "Don't you dare try to strike my woman."

Diana smirked and scoffed loudly. "Let go of my hand, punk." She turned towards Lily. "You should be glad he came to save you or else!"

"Diana!" Lady Gaga called out. "That's enough."

A smile was plastered on her wrinkled face. "Mr Daniel, what brings you here?"

"Can't I come to see my fiancee?" Eric asked with a raised brow.

"No–no, that's not what I meant. It's been awhile since you stepped into the house."

"I see and the day I decided to come, I'm seeing my fiancee almost get slapped by her cousin."

"Uhm–" Lady Gaga was saying.

"That's enough!" Eric said, raising his hand. "You don't have to explain anything I already know what's going on here."

Lady Gaga went red with embarrassment at getting interrupted but she was quite aware that Eric was quite connected in the city as the owner of the renowned Skype company and they were actually working on a very lucrative project with the Wellingtons.

Therefore, she couldn't afford to offend such a man. His presence alone could help elevate their status in the eyes of the public but it would have been better if he was interested in Diana rather than Lily.

"Everyone is talking about the new chairman of the Wellington's company who won't like to reveal his true identity and I and Lily saw Dave at the company a day before the announcement which means something's definitely up. But, one thing I know is that good for nothing isn't the chairman of that company."

"Eric, you can't be too certain, " Lily muttered.

Eric furrowed his brows.

'Vain woman,' He thought to himself.

He already knew that if Lily finds out that Dave was truly the chairman of the company, she would go running into his arms but he wouldn't let that happen. He would be put to shame.

What will his friends say?

He got dumped by a woman?

No! Instead of Lily dumping him, it would be the other way around.

"I'll prove it and until then, no one is allowed to disrespect my woman," Eric said with a note of warning, holding Lily's hand.

Lily smiled slightly. Dave had never stood up for her in this way. He was always timid, she had definitely made the right choice by leaving him.

But, what if he was actually the chairman of the new company? Will she leave Eric and go to him?

Maybe she would or else Diana will. Although, her cousin already had a man in her life, she knew what Diana was capable of doing just to get their grandma's favour and repeatedly rub it in her face but she wouldn't let that happen!

If Dave is truly the chairman of that company, she will definitely go back to him. She knew Dave was smitten by her, she would cry and beg.

Lily was already imagining the scene of Dave taking her back and how they were going to go on expensive trips and a vacation at Dubai.

A small smile crept up to her lips.

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