Her Vow

The Brighton's Home.

The whole family gathered round Lady Gaga as they listened to Lily.

"So you're saying that the contract between the Wellingtons and the Daniels have been cancelled?" Lady Gaga asked.

"Yes grandma. I was there when Mr Abraham relayed the news to Eric," Lily responded.

"Did you see Dave there?" Margaret asked with eagerness, earning a glare from Lady Gaga.

Lily nodded in reply. "Yes mother, I did."

"That contract certainly was supposed to be profitable to them but now that the Wellingtons have withdrawn their support, the Daniels would have to pay them back every penny they have gotten from them," Lady Gaga said thoughtfully.

"And from all what you've said, the Daniels have invested most of their savings into this and they'll definitely incur a loss. They might even have to declare bankruptcy. The chairman must be targeting them for a reason, they must have done something to him."

"But grandma, Eric claims that he doesn't even know the chairman, " Lily replied.

"But what if the chairman is actually Dave," Diana said and everyone stared at her. "Lily here, said she saw Dave at the company, right? And with grandma's assumptions, it could be seen that Eric had angered the chairman to cancel the contract."

"And we all know that Lily cheated on Dave with Eric. Maybe Dave is using his position to get back at Eric."

"Diana, what are you saying?" Lily asked. "Just because I saw Dave at the company doesn't necessarily mean that he's the chairman of the company and besides Dave was only given a job there because he had helped master Brandon when he needed a loaf of bread."

"Oh Lily," Gerald shook his head. "Don't tell me you believe that cock and bull story Abraham told you. He was only trying to get you off his trail. The best thing you can do here is to get the truth of of Dave besides, we all know that Dave loves you."

Lily sighed, remembering the coldness in Dave's eyes. "Dave doesn't love me anymore," She muttered.

"Then, you must ignite the fire in him once again," Lady Gaga instructed.

"Yes grandma."

The Daniel's Residence.

"Eric, what have you done!" Mr Daniels yelled. "You've totally ruined this family."

"Dad, what are you saying? I didn't do anything. I don't even know the chairman, I did nothing wrong."

"You are the only one who has been going to their company because I had put you in charge but now, I regret my decision because look at where it has landed us but now it's already too late. Look at where it has brought us to now."

Eric was confused and didn't know what to say. What could have made the chairman so angry that he had decided to cancel the contract. Could it be that the chairman was actually Dave?

No, no. It's not possible.

That good for nothing couldn't have risen to fame

That only happens in movies and books, this is reality and there has to be a reason to this.

"The secretary had called to tell me that our creditors are already knocking at the door to give them back their money even the bank has refused to grant us a loan."

"Eric, you know how much we've put into this already. We have invested almost all our life savings into this project, we don't have any money to pay both our creditors and the Wellingtons and the only option we have is to declare bankruptcy."

"Bankruptcy!" Eric said with widened eyes.

"Do you have any other ideas?" Mr Daniels yelled. " Do you think I'm happy doing this? This has ruined this family and if only you hadn't gotten anyone angry maybe this wouldn't have happened."

"But dad, I'm saying the truth. I haven't gotten any powerful person angry," Eric responded.

"That doesn't matter anymore!" Mr Daniels said, walking away.

"What should I do now?" Eric thought aloud.

If his family announced bankruptcy, it would spread throughout the whole city and his friends would laugh at him and humiliate him.

He would be seen as small. All the pride and praises he had gotten over the years would go down to the drain. He wouldn't be able to laugh with his friends freely for he will be seen as inferior.

Why were all this happening to him?

His life has been turning upside down since the first day he had met Lily if only he had listened to his father's advice and stayed away from her then maybe he wouldn't be caught up in this mess!

Could it really be Dave?

"Ahh!" Eric have out a frustrated groan. Does he really have to go apologize to Dave? What if it wasn't even him who had done all this?

Taking out his phone, he dailed a number. " I want you to look into something for me."

The Brighton's Home.

"Hello," Kay said into the phone.

"Oh on Monday? That will be fine," He said with a smile. "Yes, I'll be there."

Lady Gaga looked up at him while chewing her food. "What's wrong?"

"The Wellington's company just called. They've asked me to come over on Monday so we can talk about the contract," Kay said with a wide smile on his face as he sliced his beef.

"That's really nice. I'm so proud of you son, atleast one of my sons is making me proud."

"You don't have to worry about anything, mother. Not everyone can be useless," Kay saidz staring at Mike who didn't say a word.

"I think it's time I retire," Lady Gaga muttered.

Kay let out a small smirk as he ate his meal. Soon, everything will be his.

Lily glanced at her father who hadn't spoken a word and she knew he was deeply hurt. His own family saw him as nothing but useless and had never given him a chance to prove his worth to them which was taking a toll on him.

She secretly vowed to get married to a man with great dignity and status so she could help elevate her family in the eyes of her grandmother.

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