Kay’s Karma

Wellington's Holdings:

Kay walked into the company's complex, feeling smug. He was definitely sure that Abraham had called him to talk about their project and they will be awarded. This will make his mother value him even more.

After hearing from his mom that she was going to retire soon, he had already begun to feel like a boss.

"Good day Mr Abraham, " Kay greeted with a wide smile as he took a seat.

Abraham looked at him, his eyes narrowing. "Who asked you to sit?"

Dave had specifically asked him not to make Kay comfortable in the company.

Kay frowned at Abraham's rude tone. If not for the status Abraham held, Kay was old enough to be his father. "You called me here to talk about the project."

"Yes I did. But it won't take long so there's no need to sit down."

Kay was utterly confused. It won't take long? Maybe Abraham just wanted him to sign the contract and then leave without discussing the terms but that would seem unprofessional.

"I don't understand what you mean by it won't take long. Are we just going to sign the contract without talking about the terms?" Kay asked furrowing his brows, trying to hide his displeasure about standing for so long.

"I'm sorry Mr Brighton. There will be no reason for us to sign a contract with your company," Abraham replied bluntly.

"What do you mean? What's wrong with the contract?"

"I'm afraid our chairman doesn't like your proposal. He doesn't think it will be beneficial to the company and he sends his regards and hopes to cooperate with you in the future," Abraham let out a small smile.

Kay swallowed hard. He didn't even know what else to do, he had high hopes for this project. This would have made his family's status go much higher but the chairman didn't like his proposal?

Who exactly was he?

"Can I please talk to the chairman? I'm sure I can be able to persuade him," Kay pleaded. If he goes home without getting a positive feedback, his mother will be disappointed in him maybe she won't even give him the position anymore.

"I'm afraid that's not possible. The chairman isn't on seat and I'm the one in charge of collecting proposals like this on his behalf," Abraham replied, shaking his head negatively.

"Please, is there anything you can do?" Kay was disappointed.

"I'm sorry. But this matter is beyond me."

Kay's shoulders dropped and he seemed to have aged even more. Although the proposal wasn't written by him, it was written by Lily. Seeing how the board had praised the proposal, he maliciously took it away from her and took all the credits for it.

If he went home empty handed, he will be letting the board down but an idea came to his mind. He wasn't going to be only one going down!

Kay walked out of Abraham's office and slammed the door shut.

Abraham shook his head and punched in some numbers into the desk telephone. "I have done as you have requested."

"Good!" Came the reply.

Dave put down his phone into his pocket as he walked into the company. He was the one who had asked Abraham to reject the proposal not because the proposal wasn't good enough but because he knew how Kay had gotten it.

Lily was the one who had originally written out the proposal but Kay took it away from her and presented it to the board. He was using this opportunity to teach Kay and his family a lesson.

He came towards the elevator and an angry looking Kay dashed out. Their eyes met.

"Dave, what are you doing here?" Kay asked with disdain in his voice. With his ordeal, he had seemed to forget that Dave was actually working here.

"I work here," Dave replied indifferently.

"It's you right? It was you who made the chairman decline our proposal, isn't it?"

Dave raised a brow. " I don't understand what you're talking about. I'm just a common employee here and besides none of us has seen the chairman only Mr Abraham has such rights."

"Hmph," Kay grunted. He figured out that Dave was telling the truth. He was a good-for-nothing anyways, the chairman won't be interested in someone like him.

"You must have had some luck to have ended up here. Who knows who you have slept with that decided to put in some words for you after a good-for-nothing is always a good-for-nothing. Nothing good can come out of you," Kay spat out and walked away.

Dave's face darkened as he stared at Kay.

Kay sat down in his car, wondering how he would face his mother. She will be so disappointed with him but with his plan, she won't be angry with him that much. Lily would be blamed for everything after all she was the one who wrote the proposal.

"Dad is home!" Diana chimed, walking to him happily. On seeing Kay's face, she was confused.

Wasn't he supposed to be happy? Why was he looking gloomy?

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