The Greywing Chronicles

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The Greywing Chronicles

By: AyeshaM Updated just nowFantasy

Language: English

Chapters: 11 views: 75

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Luna Fireheart, a half fallen angel is living a life of a nobody in the angelic realm of Luminara. Hated by her people because of her lineage, Luna is hopeless. Until, one day, she decides to prove her loyalty to her people by setting off for an adventure to the land of pure evil, Darkland. With the help of few loyal companions and facing the dangers on the way, she reaches the Darkland. But will she be able to convince the dark lord and take back the stolen angelic artifact?

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11 chapters
Chapter O1
Lifeland, the only universe with life comprising of Eight realms.. it was a home to Angels, Elves, Humans, Animals, Demons, Wizards and werewolves, each living in between their respective boundaries and sharing a history. When the Angels fell, a new realm was found, The Realm of Fallen Angels. Apart from Lifeland, two other universes, Darkland and Mistland existed too. Darkland was the universe of pure evil and sin. It was governed by The Dark King who was neither living nor dead and Mistland was the universe of the dead from Lifeland. Angelic Realm of Luminara had very good relations with all the other realms except The Fallen Angels Realm of Abyssia and Demonic Realm of Infernia. The Elven realm was friends with every realm and was closest to Luminara. It was called Eldoria. The seven realms hated the Fallen Angels and none of them ever entered Abyssia. The Fallen Angels were allowed to enter Darkland because, somehow, they were a part of it. They were sinful and disloyal. Onc
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Chapter 02
The Celestium Prism was a sacred artifact of immense spiritual significance to the angels. It was said to contain a fragment of the very essence of Luminara, embodying the purest form of light and goodness. This prism was not only a symbol of angelic power and purity but also played a crucial role in various angelic rituals and ceremonies. It was believed to enhance the connection between angels and the heaven, allowing them to channel greater divine power and wisdom.For the dark forces of Darkland, the Celestium Prism held a different allure. The prism, with its concentrated purity and light, was a potent source of energy that could be corrupted for dark purposes. In the hands of the dark forces, the prism's light could be inverted, transforming it into a tool for weakening the barriers between realms, enhancing dark magic, or even corrupting the essence of light-based beings. Its potential for creating powerful dark artifacts or spells made it a highly coveted object in Darkland an
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Chapter 03
The next day, James dragged Luna recklessly towards the White Castle, drawing the attention of everyone around him. "You traitor, this time you're not gonna get away". He gritted his teeth in anger. "What did she do now?". The Angels talked to each other, spectating."Lemme go!". Luna protested but James' grip was so tight that it won't budge. At the commotion, the four angels came out of the Castle and stood on the top of the stairs. "Why are you shouting, James?". Gabriel asked.A large crowd of Angels was gathered now around James and Luna. "I saw her coming back from Abyssia with my own eyes even though we told her not to yesterday". James told.People gasped in surprise. "LUNA? IS THAT TRUE?". Gabriel thundered."Gabriel, I can explain it all". Luna cried. "No, not this time, Luna.. we gave you a hundred chances but you're just as stubborn as your father". He shook his head and came down. Gabriel gripped Luna's neck tightly. She yelped in pain. "YOU. ARE. EXILED". He anno
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Chapter 04
The next morning, Luna woke up by some noise from outside in the street. She got up and realized that it was the most comfortable sleep she had in years. The bed was very cozy and it felt like home. She smiled at the realization and got up to see what's going on outside. She threw the curtains open and saw all the fallen angels, working on the streets. They had decorated the streets in the most elegant and unique way possible. Theodore was roaming on the streets throwing orders. The carriages and carts delivered food and other stuff to the angels working in a distance. A gentle knock pulled Luna out of her thoughts. She turned around. "Come in". She permitted. The door opened, revealing her father's smiling face. "Good Morning". "Good Morning". Luna smiled back. Salvador entered the room. "You might be wondering what is all this hustle in the city...". "Yeah". She nodded. "Well, The Governor permitted to hold a feast to celebrate your arrival". He told. Luna looked back in th
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Chapter 05
As Luna made her way towards the passage leading to Eldoria, apprehension gripped her. The darkness of the passage loomed before her, an ominous gateway to the unknown. Pausing to ensure she was alone, Luna steadied her breathing, attempting to quell the rising fear within her."All right, Luna... it won't hurt that much. How painful can it be?". She murmured, her voice a whisper of reassurance to herself. Summoning her courage, she spoke words of resilience, determined to conquer her trepidation. "Let fear be the wind beneath my wings, and I shall soar above it, undefeated". She mumbled, her resolve firm as she stepped into the passage.In an instant, Luna was transported to the Elven Realm of Eldoria. Like everyone had told her the consequences of not having a Realmwalker, the abrupt transition had left her sprawling on the ground, her body pulsing with pain as if thousands of needles had pierced her flesh, draining her energy. Gasping for breath, Luna collapsed to her knees, overco
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Chapter 06
Luna was now in the medical wing of the palace. The doctor came out after checking her and bowed politely in front of the King and Elion. "Your Majesty". He said."What happened to her?". Thalion asked. The doctor looked up. "Our guest passed out because of the impact of passing the passage". Elion frowned. "How's that possible? We do that all the time". "We do it without any problems because we have Realmwalkers, your highness. Luna Fireheart is a half-fallen angel. She does not possess a Realmwalker". The doctor told."What!?". Elion was surprised. "I didn't knew that! Why is that so?". "Fallen Angels, when they turn away from God, are deprived off their Realmwalkers which they had as angels so they can't leave Abyssia. She's the daughter of a fallen angel so she is not given a Realmwalker by God". The doctor explained. "That's absurd!". Elion shook his head. "We can't question God's rules". The doctor replied. "The Quanta Passages destroy a person who tires to trespass it wi
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Chapter 07
The streets were overflowing with elves grinning from ear to ear as they prepared for the celebration. "The fragrance you smell is from a flower named Luminebloom. It blooms once a year and holds significance both medically and socially. My great-great-grandfather was healed from a fatal Felgroth bite by drinking its extract. We celebrate its blooming every year by decorating the streets and having a feast at night". Prince Elion explained to Luna."That's fascinating". Luna nodded as they strolled through the vibrant streets. "I'm honored to be a part of it"."Did you tell your father before coming here?". Elion inquired."No". Luna shook her head, concealing the fact about the scroll and her father's directive to run away."Wouldn't he be curious?". Elion pressed gently."I couldn't risk him revealing my quest. No matter how kind he is, he's still a fallen angel". Luna confessed."You're loyal".Elion remarked with a smile."At least someone believes me". She replied."Of course, I
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Chapter 08
Luna was awakened by the sound of birds chirping outside, in her balcony. She got up and rubbed her eyes. Just as she stood, the door opened after a gentle knock."You're awake, Miss Fireheart!". Daisy appeared from behind the door. "Good Morning". "Good Morning, Daisy". Luna smiled and tried to comb her hair with her fingers. "I wanted to let you know that the breakfast is ready, you should come and have it then we'll get you ready". She said. "Okay, let me wash my face". Luna said. "I'll be outside". Daisy responded with a grin and exited. ×××××××Daisy lead Luna to the meal room of the palace. She looked around, examining the walls and decor of the palace. An elf stood outside, mumbling something, looking up. As if he was casting a spell. "What is he doing?". Luna asked."He is appointed to cast away any kind of evil that surrounds the palace and the realm". Daisy told. "Wow, that's amazing". Luna commented and continued following Daisy. In the meal room, Luna had her brea
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Chapter 09
Elion had trained Luna to be a formidable fighter, and in just an elven month—equivalent to two lunar months—she had learned a great deal. Now, the time had come for her to continue her journey. As she meticulously packed her belongings, she tucked her sword and scroll under her robe. Just then, King Thalion entered the chamber, his hands clasped behind his back. Luna turned, surprised to see him."Your Majesty, is everything alright?". She asked."I came to bid you farewell on your journey". He replied with a warm smile. "There is a great responsibility on your shoulders, and I wish you the best of luck in fulfilling it"."Thank you so much, Your Majesty". Luna responded with a polite smile. "And thank you for being so hospitable and taking such good care of me during my stay"."It is our duty and our pleasure, my dear". King Thalion said kindly. "I'll leave you now to finish your packing". "Thank you". Luna nodded. With that, King Thalion turned and left the chamber, allowing Luna
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Chapter 10
Luna stayed there, unconscious and the dead bodies of the Felgroths lied around her. A horse rider, who had seen her fight the Felgroth from a distance, came out of the shadows. He was dressed in a black cape clock, his face was hidden. One can only see his blue eyes. He looked around and ran his horse towards Luna. Dismounting, he shoved the dead bodies of the Felgroths away with his foot and made his way towards Luna. He took a detailed look at her beautiful, blood stained face. He looked at her gray clothes and hair and the sword that lied a few inches away. His eyes popped out when he realized that wasn't an ordinary sword. "Defender?". He said in his husky voice. Running to grab it, he was flabbergasted to know why she was gray. "Salvador Fireheart.. my name's Salvador Fireheart, son of Alastor Fireheart". He recalled someone's words. "You have to be her daughter, lady. I'm helping you for that sake". He said and lifted Luna up. ×××××××The rider carefully placed her on the hor
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